[3.11] Chainbreaker Explosive Arrow Ballistas Hierophant - budget friendly/amazing clear/big dps


This is with pretty nice gear. I crafted everything myself (harvest op)

Basic Idea of the build

Use Hierophants naturally high mana regeneration rate to get infinite rage from the Chainbreaker Timeless jewel keystone.
Use this huge attack speed buff to proc 20 stacks of explosive arrow from 8 totems to create a big dmg explosion, and a big ignite which is then prolif'd for even greater clear.
It's really cheap to get started that can scale well with gear, and a fun unique build which feels really smooth to play.

Explosive arrow and Elemental Equilibrium. When playing Explosive arrow, it is very important you get some cold/lighting damage to attacks somewhere on your gear. No fire damage allowed. The initial hit of EA (the fuse), will only do cold or lightning damage, meaning the enemy has -50% fire resistance when the explosion hits.

Permanant Berserker buff from chainbreaker
Easy 6k+ life pool with 2.5k MoM (medium gear)
8 Totems
Quick totem placement speed (caster totems take longer to place)

3.11 AW8 with barrage support (unethical dps)

3.11 scuffed gear Aw8 kill

Uber Elder kill here

I thought i'd put up a simple guide for this character, incase anyone was interested. It's very versatile, it can run all map mods (ele reflect only kills 1 totem when the arrows explode, so very easy to run, almost not notifiable, no regen is doable with a mana flask)

This build mostly scales the hit of explosive arrow, rather than the ignite. But due to the huge hit, and a little bit of scaling from fire multi, the ignite is still pretty big, and really useful for killing packs

To get started all you need is (without the corrupts is fine too, but they're very cheap at the moment)

You will need a bit of accuracy on your gear or jewels, but not much as we're running a level 21 precision.

This gear setup will get you through the entire game, but if you want to take it further you can craft yourself some upgrades like these

This can be made by spamming Corroded, Jagged, Metallic Fossils into a shaped bow, ilvl83. Then you can scour the suffixs and multimod, but i just left mine as is.

This can be crafted by awakener orbs pretty easily, but will cost about 5/6ex for those mods

Helm Enchants

Explosive arrow has many helm enchants, -30 explosive arrow reduction (prioritize getting this for mapping for mapping, 15% attack speed or 40% increased damage, i prefer attack speed over increased damage, but it doesn't really matter. You do not even really need an enchant.

Gem links

Swap in
when doing anything you need more single target for.

My current gear in Harvest. all gear was self crafted, if you want to know how to make an item, just ask! i dont want to write it up if nobody is interested

How to craft a good 6L bow for cheap kinda (100% chance)

1. Buy an ilvl 50 6L shortbow or ilvl 100 imperial bow (use the porcupine card or imperial legacy card)
2. Essence or alt spam for t1 attackspeed (alt spamming will get 19% as, essence will give 18%
3. Make sure the essence or alt spam gives you something you can target remove with harvest or beasts. You want your bow to have the
Prefixs empty (or things you can remove)
suffixes - attack speed - room for a craft - something you can remove later
4. use Cannot roll attack mods (2ex)
5. Use an exalted orb (double checking that you have three suffixes, so only a prefix can roll, that only prefix being +1)
6. Now you can either just craft +2 to socketed support gems (2ex) or you can multimod (2ex) and craft +2 socketed gems and ele pen
7. Now you can do whatever you like, check the suffixes on poedb and see what you want to try and get with either harvest crafts or just slamming it with an influced orb, i recommend warlords

How to craft some jewelry for the build

1. Buy an ilvl 82+ blue pearl amulet, preferably influenced with warlord or hunter influence.

2. If your blue pearl amulet is warlord, alt spam or chaos spam for +1 fire gems
If it is hunter influenced, alt or chaos spam for +1 dexterity gems

3. Make sure there is no other warlord or hunter mods on your amulet, these are indicated by the tag "Warlord's" or "Hunter's". This is important for using the awakeners orb

4. Buy any amulet with the mod you don't have. So if you rolled +1 dex, buy an amulet with +1 fire etc. Make sure this amulet also has no other influenced mods.

5. Use an awakeners orb on the amulet you bought (not the blue pearl one), and then left-clicking on the blue pearl amulet.

6. This is fuse the two influenced mods together, creating a rare amulet with +1 fire/+1 dex. Ideally you have an open prefix, or something that can be target removed. You want to use augment life then add/remove life harvest crafts to get life on it.

7. Clean up the suffixes with harvest or with prefixes can't be changed.

8. Craft fire res on the amulet, and then use the augment fire harvest craft, this will give you either fire multi, or fire damage. if you hit fire damage, just augment fire again to get fire multi. Be careful and don't use remove fire, because you might accidentally remove +1 fire gems if your prefixes are not locked.

9. Remove the fire res craft and augment attack, using add/remove attack if you dont land accuracy.

Vermillion Ring
1. Buy an ilvl 81+ Vermillion ring

2. Use a warlods exalted orb on it (or just buy an ilvl 82 vermillion, but atm the orb is cheaper to do)

3. if you hit AoE - great, if not, alt spam until you hit t1 AoE

4. Regal and get a suffix

5. Fill the rest of the suffixes with harvest crafted stuff u can remove later. cold/fire/lighting res etc

6. So ideally you have 1 prefix and 3 suffixes. Now add/remove attack until t1 WED. Do the same for life. Add/remove until you hit t1 life

7. So now you should have 3 prefixes, AoE, life and WED.

8. Remove the suffixes, and then craft fire res

9. Augment Fire x2 to hit either % fire damage or % flammabilty (these are the only mods that can be rolled).

10. Remove fire res and craft whatever you like. Res or accuracy would be nice.

Dernière édition par Yaaaak#2950, le 30 juil. 2020 00:36:39
Dernier bump le 14 janv. 2021 17:37:51
is a good league starter? thinking to try this build for the next league
I'm going to do a few tests, most of the uniques would be pretty easy to get on day 1, but it might be better to do freezing pulse totems and swap over day 2.

Going to also test if it's better to level scaling the ingite, before you can get access to a high level empower.

But ultimately, yes I think it would be a fantastic league starter. Depends what they do to cluster jewels tho...
Giving this a go, crafting the bow is fairly painful though.
Finally hit the prefixes, but no attack speed and full suffixes. SO will have to try and annul at some point I think....
Small tip - don't accidently roll a bow with pierce on it and try and use it...
Wondered why it took my about 5 minutes to kill a boss!

Can you post a vid of general map clear? Id imagine its pretty fast. I was going to do a storm Burst totem build ,saw this, now conflicted :)
Build is mostly going ok, though the delay can be a little dangerous especially now I've swapped away from the reduced delay enchant (Maybe should use for mapping/delving). Have you experimented with using less duration? Might try, or do we always stack all the arrows before the timer runs out anyway?

Single target doesn't seem quite as good as expected either, no white socket so using faster attacks over fire pen. Guess I might just have to be more patient, let them do their thing while I run around.

I am missing a bit of damage off belt and ring (Increased damage on gear pretty important as there isn't a huge amount on the tree) but don't think it will be that impactful

Current gear

I'm not res balanced, and wise oak only works while dying sun is up too. I'll try and fix resists up better so I can use a better belt. I can suffix scour the amulet for resists too, but would rather not spend the ex on that right now.
Still want to either craft a new bow or annull a suffix
Ok, managed to make a spare bow, so I risked the annul on mine and cleared the suffix. Spare is an imperial bow so slightly slower and needs more dex (But has the ele damage implicit). Also need to link it and sort out suffixes.

I've just crafted cheap attack speed on mine for now, need to decide what to craft on multimod, presumably attack speed + double damage. Though could be greedy and tray and metacraft it....

Any suggestions?

Oh, I made this too

Got greedy with last slam (I exalted all res and accuracy) and hit the odd block roll
Dernière édition par Carlovski#7040, le 17 mai 2020 13:49:48
Carlovski a écrit :
Ok, managed to make a spare bow, so I risked the annul on mine and cleared the suffix. Spare is an imperial bow so slightly slower and needs more dex (But has the ele damage implicit). Also need to link it and sort out suffixes.

I've just crafted cheap attack speed on mine for now, need to decide what to craft on multimod, presumably attack speed + double damage. Though could be greedy and tray and metacraft it....

Any suggestions?

Oh, I made this too

Got greedy with last slam (I exalted all res and accuracy) and hit the odd block roll

Yeah double damage + attack speed is the way to go for sure

And yeah, mapping with reduced duration helm enchant feels a lot better. Unless you put in the skill gem somewhere....
Managed to craft it in the end, really was not worth over multimod, but I was stubborn. Proj speed is a junk mod, but not trying again!

Swapping less duration in for ele damage with attacks works ok for mapping. Could buy an enchanted helm, but that means swapping, and the only one listed for devoto's online is 5ex (Though can probably haggle down)

Using devoto's and tweaking some gear has got me to 44% chaos res though, which is nice.


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