[3.10] Build was killed
Build is outdated. A core interaction (Rippling thoughts + archmage) has been ninja nerfed.
Bit of a background. Uberjager here, I used to theorycraft and do builds for this game and Diablo 3 early 2010+. However, I'm no longer a college student with a crapton of time to grind the endgame (as I was 7 years ago). My goal nowadays is to come up with the cheapest build possible to clear all content with minimal investment. I'm doing this build for all the casuals out there and I plan to do so every league. This is for all the working adults/dads over 30 that can't afford to dump too much time into POE but still want to clear stuff to the endgame. With this build you're going to hit hard with relatively cheap gear and still be able to tank through quite a few endgame EHP checks (A8 Sirius beams for example) This build was just an experimentation of different stuff I tested ingame and the various synergies that I discovered/learned. Disclaimers:
I don't know my shaper dps because I don't know how to simulate it on POB. If anyone could do that, that'd be great.
I don't exactly know how to calculate EHP as well. But it has 3800 energy shield, 3000 HP with 48% MOM and 8200 Mana with 75% block/spellblock with capped res and 71% physical reduction with flasks up. Depending on market supply/demand goes in the game this build may or may not be expensive by the time you decide to build it. But for now it seems to be still pretty inexpensive. VIDEOS
Just did A8 Baran + Sirius cuz I realized I had them queued (Died twice on sirius cuz I'm bad), brief build explanation is at the very end of the video after Sirius kill:
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/599116125 Second A8 Baran + Sirius: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/601255477 20 Simulacrum: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/601700957 Did 2 sets of Uber Elder Not deathless cuz I've never done this fight before and I went in blind. Also I'm dumb and stood in pretty potent shit. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/601808679 POB
What the build can do (so far):
1. Sirius A8 deathless. But I'm bad at this game and it's my first time playing so I've done him deathless only twice and died by doing stupid shit subsequently. I can tank his DIE beams and I've gotten so lazy that I sometimes just stand there to avoid the other ground effect bullshit to just wait out the phase. I've done at least 8 A8 Sirius kills so far. 2. T16 Elder/Shaper maps at max delirium. 3. 20 Simulacrum with both Kosis and the fat dude on the 20th wave. (I can't remember his name) 4. Elder/Shaper deathless. 5. Uber Elder. You can probably do this deathless. 6. All T16 maps are comfortable with all mods except for ele reflect.(fuck Vaal temple tho) 7. Fly across maps with both Dash + Shield charge leading to pretty impressive clear times. 8. Tank all the shit that one shot most other players. Shaper slams, elder balls, Sirius lasers. Make mistakes, don't get punished. 9. Catarina, deathless. Done this multiple times. 10. Do all 36 challenges to get your free cosmetics (just did this btw) 11. Killing conquerors in Delirium fog. Done this to Baran so far, trying to get VODs of the rest. 12. Pushing Delve depths now. Will update this when I hit the limit of what I can do with the build. Why the build is cheap/What to buy:
Disclaimer: These are the price of items at the point I got them. If you're having difficulty procuring them at these prices do let me know and I can try to help you think of substitutes. Even better, PM me ingame if you need help with making the build I've given away 24 ex of gear so far and if you're earnestly trying this build and need help with items I can help you out.
1. Your Rippling Thoughts weapon is 2 c, it will cost you a couple of chromatics to get it to 3B, please refer to https://siveran.github.io/calc.html. 2. Your Aegis Aurora shield is 2 c 3. Your Atziri's Foible amulet is 2 c (until you pay for annoints, and even then Mind Drinkers is cheap) 4. Your Indigon helmet is 10c (until you decide to get the enchant version without running lab) 5. Your chest is 30c max if you're going with the recommended setup of Skin of the Lords, but you can sub this out for any defensive heavy chest that's 4-5 linked, I've tested sporeguard and it's an amazing addition because of mana annoints and fungal ground but it'll set you back 60c for a 3L+3L (you don't need a 6L) 6. Your gloves just need defensive stats and an ele weakness corrupt. Or you could forgo the ele weakness corrupt and annoint a Breathstealer for a dreamer/mind drinkers for even more mana. 7. No expensive rings, you're running 2x essence worms, but you can always drop one out for a defensive stat ring. If you want to spend a little more try to get an unset ring with conductivity on hit. 8. All your flasks are cheap. None of that Cinderswallow expensive shit. 9. You're not running a single cluster jewel. Sell them off or save them for your more expensive build. 10. Only thing that's expensive is the lethal pride jewel and a blue nightmare (if you can afford it). The pride jewel is required. The blue nightmare is not. 11. The only Watcher's Eye mod you really need is + Armor with Determination. Other mods are luxury. Synergies:
1. Indigon ramping up skill cost/spell damage means you can skimp on additive damage sources on your gear/passives and just stack defenses. It also means you can ignore 6-L skills if you're relying on Arcane cloak to run a 4 second cycle for mana spend. This allows you to run two damaging skills, namely 4-L Vaal Blade Vortex and 4-L Armageddon brand and a secret third damaging skill I will go into detail later. 2. Without needing a 6-L as well as not having to ramp up damage with fevered minds you can use Sanctuary of thought which is a significant AOE boost as well as a huge EHP bonus (20% mana to ES). 3. With the ES buffer from Sanctuary you can rely on "Recover/Replenish on block" mechanics along with capped block with Rumi's + Lethal Pride Kiloava to be very tanky/ not rely too much on regen allowing you to run no regen maps. I find Aegis Aurora to be the best for this mainly because stacking armor + Skin global defenses really gives you a crapton of physical damage reduction. 4. Indigon's recover health with mana potion use synergises very nicely to deal with chaos damage, damage that goes through your energy shield buffer. It also means you don't have to run health potions and you can double dip your recovery with 40% mind over matter (50% if you have a watcher's eye). 5. Armageddon brand has the potential to shotgun. But only if you have the area of effect for it. Luckily with Sanctuary you have 100% more AOE so... interpret that however you will. This is also the reason why Storm brand is not used unless its <wave 15 on simul or T1-13 maps, because storm brand has better area clear but crappier damage. (no shotgun) 6. Skin of the Lord's global defenses is really nice because it adds 100% global defenses which allows you to increase the ES from Sanctuary as well as the amazing stats off Aegis Aurora. It also has potentially phase acrobatics/unwavering which are both very nice for this build. You also have the opportunity and flexibility to run something like sporeguard (more annoints = more mana) which basically gives you a cheap explody chest option and more chaos res (testing it now on my char) 7. 12% Cooldown recovery on belt, 12+% on boots and second wind allows for decent cooldown on Arcane Cloak, slot on a less duration support and you get to cycle it every 4 seconds to keep the indigon buff to your skills up with minimal downtime. 8. This is the secret sauce of the build. This 2C weapon basically gives you your third damaging ability and does double the amount of damage a maxed Blade Vortex does for DPS (provided you play it well). Rippling thoughts grants you a damaging Storm Cascade wave spell that scales with socketed support gems, even Archmage + Indigon. It is also the only triggerable spell that scales its mana cost with Indigon allowing you to nuke for pretty decent damage. This coupled with shield charge on faster attacks/culling strike and fortify on hit allows you significant trash clear speeds as well as another damaging ability for bossing along with a free fortify. ![]() Oh and it allows you to summon an invulnerable buddy that casts Arcane surge on you. Footnote: Ask questions if you have any issues understanding how this works and I'll answer as soon as I can. Peace. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzudxtilpQP_CzgbmkYmW4w Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/uberj4ger Dernière édition par Sareth#5930, le 25 août 2020 à 20:28:22 Dernier bump le 4 mai 2020 à 20:04:15
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1. Cheap.
2. Easily accessible. 3. Easy leveling cuz stormbrand op. 4. Most of your items are uniques. Hence pretty straightforward gearing. 5. You accumulate currency easily as a solo player. 6. No 6-Links required. Making this a very straightforward starting character to build. 7. Your resistances is going to be obtained via jewels. Which means its going to be very very easy to cap your resistance. (if you change the res composition of your armors based on what is cheap, swapping around a different set 5-10c gems with All Res + Dual res + Mana is going to cost you alot less than trying to balance capped res with armor pieces.) Cons:
1. It's the only non-braindead way of playing archmage. Corrected: You're playing a piano baby! 8 activatable skills, sinvecta swaps. 5 potions. Good luck. You also have to manage your mana costs and time your spell usage. 2. Doesn't have super amazing boss damage. 5 min+ Sirius A8. Then again you have builds that cost 10ex doing the same thing so I guess this is fine. 3. Needs more ele pen and suffers fighting anything that takes reduced ele/lightning damage. 4. Not fully perfected. So far very few of us play similar setups so I haven't had the opportunity to bounce ideas around good brains. So the build can get alot better. Gem Links:
Here are the recommended Gem links for this build. 4-L Vaal Blade Vortex (helm or gloves or boots) Supports: Archmage (0%) Unleash Increased Duration 4-L Armageddon Brand (helm or gloves or boots) Supports: Archmage (20%) Controlled destruction Concentrated Effect 4-L Storm Cascade (weapon:Rippling thoughts) Supports: Archmage (20%) Controlled Destruction Concentrated Effect 4-L Arcane Cloak (helm or gloves or boots) Supports: Less duration (20%) Arcane surge Second wind (20%) 3-L Shield charge (body armor or shield) Supports: Faster Attacks or Culling strike (20%) Fortify 3-L Cast on damage taken support (body armor or shield) Supported skills: Wave of Conviction Tempest Shield 3-L Second wind support (body armor or shield) Supported skills: Brand recall Dash Determination (Essence worm) <- Mandatory Aura Wrath/Zealotry (Essence worm) or Level 1 Clarity (Unset ring) <-Optional Auras Your choice of Auras heavily depends on the mods of your Watcher's Eye gem (the cheapest you can find with a bare minimum of +800 armor when you have Determination) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzudxtilpQP_CzgbmkYmW4w Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/uberj4ger Dernière édition par Sareth#5930, le 26 avr. 2020 à 23:27:39
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Common mistakes while playing the build (I make these too dw):
1. Always test your damage output when you alter the mana costs of your skills and when you regear.
I divined up my Indigon yesterday for better rolls and didn't realize that my damage skills was going overcap with mana costs and hence doing 0 damage when certain conditions were met. Spent the entire day wondering why my build sucked till I fixed it by divining down the mana cost of the indigon. 2. If your ES is depleted and your mana is low hit Lavianga's. It will allow you to continue spamming your skills while at the same time replenishing your mana pool so you can soak any incoming nukes. This is at at the cost of damage though as your skill mana costs will drop to 0 meaning archmage does no damage. With this, never spam your spells when you feel a nuke coming. Keep mana pool high and try to get ES up to tank the incoming damage. 3. You're not playing a traditional squishy storm brander. Shield charge into mobs and keep going forward. Face tank mobs and only dodge the really big hits. Only back pedal if you deplete ES and your mana is low. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzudxtilpQP_CzgbmkYmW4w Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/uberj4ger Dernière édition par Sareth#5930, le 5 mai 2020 à 21:02:56
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Hey thanks for the guide. Could you explain a bit more how the skill rotations work?
At the beginning of the map I spam mana flasks and brands? and then I keep using brand recall to stop them from vanishing? When do I use arcane cloak? What is the brand shotgunning? |
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" I figured instead of typing out an answer I'd make a video so it'll be easier to understand. Edit: Hold up recreating video. My Mic died mid video.. -.-" Ok new video up, hope this helps! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/611461561 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzudxtilpQP_CzgbmkYmW4w Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/uberj4ger Dernière édition par Sareth#5930, le 4 mai 2020 à 19:15:34
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Thank you very much for the detailed answer,that was quite helpful.
One last thing, how do you handle bleed and freeze? Just your 80% chance on the boots and general tankiness? These are the two things that generally kill me in early red maps |
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" For normal bleed: Don't run around and you should be fine. Use Dash to reposition. For corrupted blood: Try if possible to get a cheap immunity to corrupted blood jewel because that mechanic is pretty bullshit. If not, replacing the curse immunity flask for bleed immunity works, although that's not really an ideal. For freeze immunity, soul of the brine king should somewhat help that problem. Though a full solution is either 100% freeze avoid on boots (at least 20% on inherent roll and 80% freeze avoidance on crafted roll) or you can use a freeze/chill immunity flask. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzudxtilpQP_CzgbmkYmW4w Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/uberj4ger Dernière édition par Sareth#5930, le 4 mai 2020 à 20:29:47
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