[3.13] The most exquisite CoC | Deals damage 'n stuff | 's pretty okay | ShillShill
Welcome Exile!
![]() Killing Sirus A8 before he can transition phase: ![]() Build Updates regarding Patches:
3.13 Slight Buffs; mostly untouched by the changes. 3.12 Alternative Quality for most of our active skill gems (auras are active skill gems!) give some fringe benefits and a bit of dps. Overall this a buff. Assassins Mark is way better then before against bosses, making it easier for us to critcap against them. (which is where we needed it) Overall a slight damage increase in line with the overall powercreep. 3.11 Switched the ClusterJewel out - otherwise No Changes needed. This is your guide on how to learn to love the Exquisite CoC. ;) Cheekiness aside I think it is important to inform anyone reading this that this is not a leaguestarter. This is not a cheap build. The budget is somewhere between 50-300EX. Please keep that in mind. It also is not a tanky build. I am comfortable with it but you might find it squishy. Check the Videos to know what to expect, as always, but fair warning given. The gear featured in this guide might be even more expensive then that (I haven't exactly checked since I tend to craft a lot of my own gear); though I will try my best to point out the bare minimum requirements of the items so you might adjust to your own budget constraints. TL;DR: This is a Low-Life (thus ES based) Cast-on-Crit character utelizing a crafted shaped exquisite blade. It has somewhere between 7k to 10k ES, about 30-80Mio DPS, Leech, instant ES recovery, Fortify, All Charges (7PC, 5FC, 3EC), Hex Immunity a couple Auras (Including Aspect of the Spider for Hinder on mobs) and Spins-to-Win. This Build can do all types of Endgame content: Sirus A8, Deep Delves, 100% juiced Delirium t17 A8 Maps etc pp. Disclaimer: I am not a big league player - I find playing league and leveling boring and to be a chore. This build had been played by my co-conspiritor YT_HB in a couple of leagues by now. It is definitly league-viable and I will point out league available gear during the guide if an item is legacy. A big shoutout to the people who have found my guides helpful and enjoyable and donated anything from a couple chaos to a headhunter to me in standard, where I mostly reside. Even though this gear doesn't mean much for those peeps since they are not playing standard, it ment a lot to me and enables me to churn out guides and builds. Thank you guys so much! You know who you are! :) Here are some Videos I made to showcase things - I will add more as time goes on. Feel free to request anything you want to see in particular. Without further lamentation lets take a look at how the build performs: Videos:
All recorded Vidoes are deathless: Sirus Awakener of Worlds A8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XnFyfRHqt0 Phase 2 starts at 3:15. Before that it is just the usual Sirus bug-fest. Here is another one, recorded for the gif you see above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58VZCOtQ27c Full Clear Simulacrum (Wave 20 Finished): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLjwFdRZoP8 Drox the Warlord A8: https://youtu.be/FqRXLVz35KY?t=118 Veritania the Redeemer A8: https://youtu.be/Wc9FOXla7Hc?t=78 Baran the Crusader A8: https://youtu.be/ZhFVL2UzH-I?t=56 Al-Hezmin the Hunter A8: https://youtu.be/UmwRpTzfwrg?t=69 Aul Depth 765: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWCwMkzrxWw UberElder A8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4D9nNqCKds T17(!) Summit A8: 100% Delirium Map, Beyond, Sextants, Scarabs, Alva, Sirus Watchstones etc. The works. - currently the propably most difficult and hardest content in the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iVmkUe9kmc (Long Video since I take my time, loot some etc.) I can add more on request. Mechanics: We use Cyclone to trigger spells on crit: For this to work in the best possible way we need 100% Crit Chance, a 100% Chance to hit and around ~12APS, not more then 12.12 APS though. This build achieves that by getting all sorts of charges for crit and attackspeed (PowerCharges and Frenzy) which a trickster generates while channeling - which is something we do via Cyclone. Accuracy we get via the Shaper's Touch unique gloves and running Precision. We trigger two spells that synergise with each other and with crit-builds in general: Purifying Flame (hits two times and creates consecrated ground which increases the critchance on enemies and gives us some regen + can trigger some Watcher's Eye stuff/Bottled Faith) and Wave of Conviction which hits hard, has big coverage and debuffs enemy resistance. Gear: Disclaimer: As always with my Build-Guides do take a look at the PoBs instead of blindly copying items and gem-links from here. I will go over the Build Mechanics and its links as I post the items - I found this to be the better way to go about builds and explain the mechanics then to make a seperate sections that noone really reads - and this way most people can put the mechanics I am talking about into relation to the gear used in this build. As mentioned in the beginning of this guide this gear here is pretty good and/or legacy since this character is in Standard for a while now. However there is as-good or even better gear available in league. I will point out both high-end League Gear as well as a brief explanation on what rolls are essential or might be cheap to get. YT_HB has played this build for the last couple leagues and always was satisfied with it. He might chime in for league specific questions. If you absolutly feel like you have to contact me you can do so ingame @Zirinae or @Catherding Weapon: The exquisite CoC-Blade
This is pretty much the centerpiece of this build - a shaped Exquisite Blade with the 'Cast on Crit' shaped mod. It doesn't really matter if the mod is lv 20 or lv 18 - the damage difference is less then 1%. Bench crafted mods needed on the blade are +2 Support Gems and Spelldamage + non-chaos as extra chaos. No, this build does not need the 'hits can't be evaded'-mod. This is not some subpar Mathil copy-paste crap. :P The rest of the mods of the weapon can be whatever - as long as the requirements of the build are met: 100% crit; 100%hit and a bit below 12.12aps. Strong mods to keep an eye out for are (in no particular order): AttackSpeed/Double Damage Fortify with Movementabilities (Cyclone is a movmentability!) Critchance Critmulti Penetration AttackSpeed maxFrenzy Those swords get crafted fairly often - they are somewhat popular among the CoC playerbase. If you want to craft them yourself this is the process:
1. Get an iLevel 85+ shaped Exquisite Blade. 2. Alt-Spam till you hit Cast on Crit and another good mod. 3. Imprint that blue base in the Bestiary 4. Throw a Regal at it. If it hit a good mod; voila - you are done. If not you can add/remove affix/prefix some to maybe save the attempt - if not, restore the blue sword with your imprint. Imprint again. And repeat this step. This is kinda the progression till you imprint: GemLinks: Cyclone Wave of Conviction Purifying Flame Empower For the most damage:Awakened Added Fire or switch this to Physical to Lightning Support to be able to do Phys Reflect Maps at the price of doing a bit less damage. Increased Critical Strikes If you have a lot of crit you might be able to switch that out for Inspiration - depends on gear. Crit roll on the Sword and a Hatred Crit Watchers Eye are what is usually needed. ChestArmor: Shavronne's Wrapping
The mandatory item for playing LowLife Builds.
The Shav's enables us to reserve our lifepool for auras and heralds and by doing so are able to benefit from the keystone 'Pain Attunement'. The Shav's for this build does *not* have to be 6-linked! In fact it does not even require 6 sockets. Keep this in mind when you try to colour the sockets as the add/remove socket method will makes this significantly easier. GemLinks: LeapSlam Faster Attacks Fortify (If you have Fortify on your Blade you do not need that. Good alternatives are EnduranceCharge on Stun support, Culling Strike etc) Withering Step (lv 21 ideally for 7 wither stacks) Arcane Surge (Keep the Arcane Surge on the appropiate gemlevel to trigger it with one cast of Withering Step) The last socket is free to support either one of those skills. Ultimately I decided to use the Increased Duration support once I six-linked - since it benefits both the fortify support on the leapslam and also benefits the wither + arcane surge combo via increased manacost+longer buffs/debuffs. If you run an Aul's instead of an Presence of Chayula you can socket your free aura in this last slot. Boots: Rare Boots:
Nothing special here. ;) Just ES and Movementspeed. Also a good place to pick up some resists if you are lacking. Tailwind is roughly equivalent in this build with Onslaught - those boots might look crazy but are actually not any better then what can be picked up in league. (pricy though either way! Currently league equivalent boots costs about 30ex) As for enchants: The best one in terms of DPS is elemental penetration. Another really good one is movementspeed. Cyclone benefits from it quite a bit. GemLinks: Enlighten (lv4) Herald of Ash Zealotry Hatred Amulet: Presence of Chayula / Aul's Uprising (Wrath or Zealotry)
With catalysts Chayulas gives a crapton of ES. Chaos res is also neat with how chaos damage gets more prevalent in the endgame.
Alternativly if you want to max out damage you can run an Aul's and run Wrath as well. There is a free socket for Wrath in the chest slot. Tranquility is the best annoitment in either case. Helmet: Rare Helmet
Another rare item. Prioritize a high ES roll - at least 300 ES. If you can't afford one with 300ES pick up an 'The Vertex' unique mask. With good rolls and 28% quality it can have 300+ES.
There are extremly good suffixes available to craft with conqueror orbs. +1 max power charges, crit multi etc. Alternativly pick up any stats, resists etc you might be missing. Enchants: 2 good Lab-Enchants exist for this build: 1. Enemies on consecrated Ground created by Purifing Flame take an addtional 9% Damage 2. Wave of Convictions Exposure applies an additional -6% Elemental Resistance The first one is better then the second - but I hit the second one on my third labrun and was too lazy to hunt for the other one since then. GemLinks: Enlighten (lv4) Precision (as high as you can get take it) Blood Magic (Vaal) Discipline Special Note: I crafted the Fenumus/Spider Aura on this item so I can let it run on BloodMagic as well. It fit the best into my specific setup this way. You have to finagle the whole aura reservation out for yourself and your character though - since it depends on character level among other things. You can also craft the Aspect on your boots if you prefer. Gloves: Shaper's Touch
Ideally with a +1 Frenzy corruption.
Those got nerfed a while ago but we stack neither strength nor mana so the nerf is not a concern for this build. GemLinks: CWDT Immortal Call Lightning or Ice Golem (Depends on what you need - if you lack Crit and Accuracy use the Ice Golem. If you are below 12.12APS but have Crit and Accuracy capped use the Lightning Golem) Vaal RF (Just as a button to press for a big damage boost, not linked up with the other gems) Belt: Rare Stygian Vise
ES, Resists, Attributes. Nothing fancy. Crusader/shaper %ES stuff would be ideal.
The Abyss Jewel is just more ES and resists for me. One can pick up a lot of stuff here though: accuracy, attackspeed, ele-pen, critchance, attributes etc. Rings: Rare Rings
Ring 1:
A shaped ring to fill out our curse slot with Assassin's Mark on hit. Other then that the usual: ES and Attributes. (and resists if you need them) Ring 2: ES and Resists: Nothing special. Also a good place to fill up Attributes. Jewels: Watcher's Eye:
One mandatory Mod:
ES gain per hit while affected by Discipline. The other mods depend a lot on wether or not you are crit-capped and if you run Aul's (and thus Wrath) or not: 1. If you are not critcapped (which might be the case against bosses if you do not have a Bottled Faith flask or are missing crit elsewhere on the build) try to get the crit mod for Hatred; it is the most effective one to get crit. The Zealotry one might also be helpful. 2. If you do run Wrath the following mod is the best one you can pick up by far: "gain %physical Damage as extra Lightning Damage while affected by Wrath" other good offensive mods are: Crit Multi while affected by Precision AttackSpeed while affected by Precision (if you are not yet attackspeed capped) Monster take increased damage on consecrated ground while affected by Zealotry Crits penetrate Elemental Resistance while affected by Zealotry Critchance while affected by Zealotry (if you are not yet crit capped) Rare Jewels: Crit Multi for our Spells, physical damage increases, ES and resists Cluster Jewels: Only one medium cluster jewel with both Master of Fear and Evil Eye; guaranteeing Blind and overall giving us 15% more damage. Old pre 3.11:
Only one medium cluster jewel with both Enduring Focus and Hex-Breaker for big Quality of Life. Unique Jewels: Those got nerfed; you would need the temple uptraded version of the gem nowadays. Or just another rare jewel, really. Unnatural Instinct - really good in the jewel spot close to the Scion. Flasks:
Atziris Promise -> for more damage The Wise Oak -> for more damage and defense. Make sure your resists are balanced. Otherwise run a Taste of Hate. Bottled Faith -> for more damage Sin's Rebirth -> for more damage (and blind) A Quicksilver Flask with Freeze Immunity Bandits: Kill All. Though Alira fits really well into the build. But with Cluster Jewels getting more Talent Points just seems better ultimately. Pantheon: Lunaris and Shakari You can switch it up however you want though. POB:
Current 3.13: https://pastebin.com/gH6ntBpF with gear from the guide https://pastebin.com/YgmHMxJg with gear available in league/with Harvest back Pre 3.13:
Pre 3.11:
Max DPS Version with Aul's:
https://pastebin.com/ZKy3ppJj My preferred Version with Presence of Chayula: https://pastebin.com/TJbbqz5y Dernière édition par Cyrix1337#4098, le 2 févr. 2021 04:41:11 Dernier bump le 27 avr. 2021 08:52:49
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Wow, you finally posted a guide for this baby. Thanks for letting me give it a try the last few leagues. It deals so much damage and is so smooth to play. It's such a fun build and I had been trying to build it every league except this current one.
I haven't had a chance to play it this league but I do have some older videos from past leagues: Playlist |
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Added some more Videos.
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How do your items have so many implicits? ~360ES helm is about as high as we get in League right now.
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" That is legacy gear. 350+ES is absolutly valid and good enough, mind you! In league you can get more offensive stuff on the helmet compared to mine - but you can craft crusader stuff on rings and belts to get more %-ES rolls to make up for it. This is very high-end gear though, yes. Then again this build works just fine with about 7k-8k ES (compared to the 9.5k I have). You will likely have to invest a lot of currency (200ex ~ or more) to build something that performs like my character. Doable in League; but I don't want to misslead anyone about this character. |
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" Can u open your profile? |
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" I don't like to do that generally spoken. Is there something specific you need to know? |
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Wow, looks like the basic idea could also work as low-budget, ssf, league-starter something. Chieftain or Hiero, probably. I will try :-)
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" Sounds good! Gearing process will take at most an hour or so. Basically done with the game once you hit mudflats. :-))) |
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" Naa, there are some level limits on your gems... after farming Oni-Goroshi, just jump in at level 16 :-) |
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