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[3.12] Cold Faith - Ice Nova Inquisitor | TooMuch™ sDPS | Hybrid MoM | Fully updated to 3.12

The guide (as of 4nov) is fully updated to 3.12

Hi all!
For the start of 3.9 I've decided to use something with the Ice Nova + Frostbolt combo because I had fun with it in Legion.
Since I basically skipped 3.8 I searched some guides to find out how the Ice Nova meta evolved and Hierophant seemed the to-go ascendancy for it, so I started as a Templar, following Arcinde's Hierophant Guide.
My days as a Hierophant weren't many though...
The AoE was amazing, but Hiero needs to play around enemies' resistances which was something I didn't want to do since I'm super lazy...
So I switched to Inquisitor adapting Arcinde's build to it.

I fiddled with the build a lot trying to min/max it as much as possible (I probably spent 100+ regrets trying things out), but I think that now it's finished, so here's a guide for it.
In the gear section I'll lists budget alternatives to use in the slots while you are piling up the cash for the bis.
I hope that you'll find this guide helpful.

Pros and Cons:
+ Can achieve stupid levels of DPS
+ Can be started with basically just an Enduring Mana Flask
+ Scale extremely well with currency
+ Can do any map mod (for reflect you'll need Sybil's Lament + Yugul)
+ The 3.9 buff to mobs' resistances doesn't affect us
+ 4.7k life, 3.5K es, 1.7k mana unreserved
+ Good layers of defense with MoM, block, Steelskin, Blind and Elusive

± After a certain point you'll need a load of money to improve the build

- Mapping speed not on par with the zoom zoom builds
- You need to press 2 buttons

Quick comparison to Hierophant:
+ More DPS
+ Less buttons to press
- Less AoE
- Less EHP

Basic Info

Main Skill: Ice Nova + Frostbolt
Reason: The combo is super strong by default, but with the right gear it become absolutely broken.

Class/Ascendancy: Templar Inquisitor
Reason: Inquisitors ignore ele res and are immune to ele ailments.

Ehp pool: Hybrid + MoM
Reason: We can get a lot of ES via Doryani's Glorious Vanity and the veiled prefix Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield that can be crafted on body armour.

Defensive Layers: Avoidance
Reason: We don't have too much going on speaking about pure damage mitigation, but we have some avoidance.
We have some block, some dodge (if using Elusive boots), but our biggest defense is being able to freeze basically anything.

Crit vs Ele Overload: Crit
Reason: Damage.

Bandits: Help Alira
Reason: We go crit, so the multi crit damage is good. Mana regen and all res are good too.


The playstyle of the build is very simple:
  • pop your flasks
  • cast Frostbolt
  • spam Ice Nova

Against bosses pre cast Arcanist Brand under them and pop your Vaal Righteous Fire.
Explaining the interaction between Ice Nova and Frostbolt
How much currency is needed to play the build?

The only item that you need to start playing the build is a Mana Flask with the Enduring prefix.
This prefix prevents the mana recovery from the flask from stopping when it reaches full mana, so it will effectively give an insane amount of mana regen for the entire duration of the flask.
This is crucial to be able to spam at ease Ice Nova since it costs a ton of mana to cast.

There's no other mandatory item to make the build works, so you can start from literally nothing and slowly gear up while you are playing.

Be sure, however, to pick up a Pledge of Hands as soon as possible, because it makes the build broken.

In the gear section I've listed what I think are the BiS pieces for the build, in other words the "chase items" to put in every slot, but be assured that you don't need them to start playing the build and even for doing endgame.

As a proof I've made The 22c Project. It's a video in which I spent 22c on gear and then I went doing endgame maps and bosses. I've added a dedicated section to this in the second post of the guide.

In the gear section I've also listed budget alternatives alongside the BiS ones.

Passive Tree

Final Passive tree and progression:
The final 94 tree in PoB format.
This also includes my suggested level progression.

Note: on the tree Pain Attunement is corrupted via Glorious Vanity so it's actually Corrupted Blood which grants:
  • 50% of Non-Chaos Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
  • Gain 20% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield


My suggested order is:
1) Sanctuary
2) Pious Path
3) Righteous Providence
4) Inevitable Judgement

General setup
Major God: Soul of Lunaris - super nice for mapping
Minor God: Soul of Garukhan - for the movement speed buff

Uber Elder setup
Major God: Soul of Arakaali - boost life and es regen if stopped taking dot recently
Minor God: Soul of Ralakesh - reduced phys dot taken

Since the Uber arena is filled with dot puddles, Ralakesh helps in mitigate some of this damage and Arakaali boosts the ehp sustain.
This combo was honestly a game changer for me, so if you are having problem in killing Uber Elder try this out.
Cluster Jewels

The build can make good use of some of the new Notables found on Cluster Jewels.
Nothing here is mandatory, but it's honestly too good to pass.
I will list here what are the Large and Medium Clusters that you should use.

Large = Increased Cold/Lightning/Fire/Elemental Damage

there's a fair amount of good notables that can roll on this type of cluster, so I made a list of the ones you should try to get.

Disorienting Display
  • 25% increased Elemental Damage
  • 10% chance to Blind nearby Enemies when you use an Elemental Skill

This notable adds a completely new defense layer so don't even bother buying a Large Cluster without this node.

  • 15% increased Elemental Damage if you've Chilled an Enemy Recently
  • 25% increased Elemental Damage if you've Shocked an Enemy Recently
  • 20% increased Elemental Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently

There are many good damage notables that can roll on large jewel cluster, but since we chill, shock and ignite Sadist takes the crown providing a grand total of 60% increased Elemental Damage.

Prismatic Heart
  • 30% increased Elemental Damage
  • +10% to all Elemental Resistances

It gives damage and helps in capping your ele res. Nice node.

Inspired Oppression
  • 10% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
  • 20% increased Elemental Damage
  • 30% increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you have Frozen an Enemy Recently
  • 30% increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently

A little bit of damage, a little bit of mana regen. Nothing super fancy, but it works and it's cheaper than Sadist, so it's a vlid alternative to it if you are on a budget.
Medium #1 = Increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments

There are no notbale options for this jewel.
You should use this two because they combo with each other and are a massive dps increase.

Cold Conduction
  • Enemies Chilled by your Hits are Shocked
  • Enemies Shocked by your Hits are Chilled

We Chill basically 100% of the time. Now we also Shock 100% of the time :)

  • 10% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Shock a Chilled Enemy
  • 25% increased Cold Damage with Hits against Shocked Enemies
  • 25% increased Lightning Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies

The first mod (10% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Shock a Chilled Enemy) combos with Cold Conduction, making us able to generate Power Charges.
Medium #2 = Pick your poison

You have a fair amount of freedom for the second Medium Cluster.
What you choose depends on your budget, playstyle and personal preference.
These are some of the stronger options:

Option A = Increased Effect of your Curses

This option will net you the biggest damage increase, but it's also the most expensive one.

Master of Fear
  • Enemies you Curse are Intimidated
  • Enemies you Curse are Unnerved

Unnerved is the spell equivalent of Intimidated, in fact Unnerved enemies take 10% increased spell damage.

Wish for Death
  • Curse Skills have 20% increased Skill Effect Duration
  • You have Culling Strike against Cursed Enemies

Culling Strike is a property that causes hits to kill enemies left with 10% of maximum life or less.
Option B = Increased Area Damage

Less damage than the Curse cluster, but cheaper.
there are also more potentially good notable that can roll on one oh these, so you have more room to custom your build

  • 10% increased Area of Effect
  • 10% increased Area Damage
  • +10% to Critical Strike Multiplier

Gives a little bit of diverse stats that we need

Towering Threat
  • 10% increased Area of Effect
  • 8% increased maximum Life

Nothing fancy, but solid

Vast Power
  • 3% increased Area of Effect per Power Charge
  • 20% increased Area Damage

AoE effect and damage

Powerful Assault
  • 20% increased Area Damage
  • Area Skills have 10% chance to Knock Enemies Back on Hit

This is kinda silly, but it can be fun.
Option C = Increased Flask Effect Duration/Increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks

The notable here aren't super strong, but offers nice quality of life bonuses and are dirt cheap.

Spiked Concoction
  • Gain Alchemist's Genius when you use a Flask
  • 5% increased Attack and Cast Speed during any Flask Effect

Alchemist's Genius increases Flask Charges gained and effect of Flasks by 20%, for 4 seconds.
Since we use some powerful flasks this is actually super nice.
The increased Cast Speed is the cherry on top

Special Reserve
  • Regenerate 2% of Life per second during any Flask Effect
  • 20% increased Damage during any Flask Effect

Some damage and life regen. Good option.

Mender's Wellspring
  • 25% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
  • Life Flasks gain 1 Charge every 3 seconds
  • Remove Bleeding when you use a Life Flask

Nice life flask sustain for prolonged fights (not many of those though) and it can make drop the bleed removal mod from your life flask

Peak Vigour
  • 8% increased maximum Life
  • 30% increased Life Recovery from Flasks

Not super interesting, but good enough to be listed.
Option D = No second cluster

If no one of the previous options convinced you, you can skip entirely the second medium cluster and put the points that you saved where you like on the tree.
Not recommended though.

Normal Version


Pledge of Hands gives spell damage and a bunch of mana, but the main reason to use it is Greater Spell Echo which gives more Spell Damage and increased Area of Effect per Repeat (more info on the wiki page).
This makes the Ice Nova + Frostbolt combo utterly broken.


Taryn's Shiver is a super nice budget alternative early in the league. A 6l one can be bought for 10c in the first week of a new league which is bonkers.

Pledge of Hands however has more dps and adds a ton of qol, so it remains the bis for the build.


You want a double influenced chest with those 2 mods:
Spells have #% to Critical Strike Chance from Shaper/Hunter
#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit from Redeemer

The Shaper/Hunter's mod increases the base crit chance of your spells and the Redeemer's one enable Frenzy Charge's generation.

The other mods that you want are the usual ones: life, res

The ideal is to have an open prefix in order to craft Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield on it.


a 6l chest is not needed so you can save a lot of currency by buying a 5l one.
Any chest will do, but a Redeemer chest with #% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit will be the best bang for your buck.


There's a lot of good helmets for the build, but (if you can afford to lose res in this slot) i think that the best option is a Crown of the Inward Eye, cause it's super strong both for dsp and ehp.

#% increased Ice Nova Damage - plain and simple
#% increased Ice Nova Area of Effect - sometimes (like in my case) you can reach the breakpoint to get +1 radius with just the Merciless version of the mod. that will save you several Exalted
Arcanist brand


If you don't know, this is what transfigurations do:

Transfiguration of Soul: Increases and Reductions to Maximum Energy Shield also apply to Spell Damage at 30% of their value
Transfiguration of Body: Increases and Reductions to Maximum Life also apply to Attack Damage at 30% of their value
Transfiguration of Mind: Increases and Reductions to Maximum Mana also apply to Damage at 30% of their value

Transfiguration of Body will do nothing for us, but the other 2 will provide a nice dps boost

As of patch 3.12 Crown of the Inward Eye is dirt cheap.
You can buy one for 5c or less 1 week into the league, so the budget alternative is just to buy one without Enchantment.


Incursion gloves with the hybrid #% to Cold Resistance / #% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies mod costs basically nothing nowadays.

The other mods that you want are the usual ones: life, res and maybe dex/str

Honestly idk


Rare gloves


You want double influenced boots with those 2 mods:
You have Tailwind if you have dealt a Critical Strike Recently from Hunter
#% chance to gain Elusive on Critical Strike from Redeemer

Tailwind grants 10% increased Move, Cast and Attack Speed and Elusive gives Movement Speed and Attack/Spell Dodge

The other mods that you want are the usual ones: life, move speed, res and maybe dex/str

Adds # to # Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently is super good for fights with no adds (Sirus, Conquerors, some Guardians)
Adds # to # Cold Damage if you've been Hit Recently is also nice


Plain and simple boots with high movement speed. Hunter boots with just the Tailwind mod are a good stepping stone


A Stygian Vise Rare Belt with Life, Energy Shield, Mana and Elemental Resistances.
Try to squeeze some Chaos Resistance here.


Give up one or two of the mods (Chaos Res and Energy Shield) and you'll save a lot of money.


The Mark of the Shaper + Elder Ring is still super strong.
You can now also use Imbued Catalysts on your Mark of the Shaper and reach 96% increased Spell Damage

Since the slot with Mark of the Shaper gives no res or attributes we are free to swap it with Sybil's Lament to run reflect maps.


Rare Rings with life, res and maybe some damage mod. Nothing fancy.


Incursion amulet with the hybrid #% to Cold Resistance / #% of Cold Damage Leeched as Life mod.

The other mods that you want are the usual ones: life, mana, es, res and maybe dex/str

  • 60% increased Global Critical Strike Chance while wielding a Staff
  • +30% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier while wielding a Staff

1x Clear Oil (Free)
1x Amber Oil (Free)
1x Silver Oil (15c)


Give up one or two of the mods and you'll save a lot of money.

If you don't wanna spend 15c for a Silver Oil this is a nice alternative
Path of the Savant:
  • 16% increased Spell Damage
  • +20 to maximum Mana
  • +20 to Intelligence

1x Sepia Oil (Free)
1x Amber Oil (Free)
1x Verdant Oil (0.5c)


Cinderswallow Urn will keep up your EHP mapping and will boost your dps. Keep in mind that you'll need some form of fire damage somewhere in order to ignite (ring or jewels). The best mod is increased Critical Strike Chance during Flask Effect.

Bottled Faith is simply broken.

I use the Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline to go fast while mapping and the Quicksilver Flask of Quickening for bossing.

An Enduring Mana Flask of Warding will make you able to keep up with the super high mana cost of your novas and will negate all the curses mods on maps.

Bubbling/Seething Life Flask of Staunching is the panic button.

I don't normally use it, but in fights in which a Quicksilver Flask is not of much use I swap it out with am Atziri's Promise for free damage.

A Cinderswallow Urn without the increased Critical Strike Chance during Flask Effect mod costs a fraction of one with the mod.
Alternatively you can use a simple Silver Flask.

I used a super basic Diamond Flask until I was able to buy a Bottled Faith.


Doryani's Glorious Vanity enables the Corrupted Soul keystone, which nets a bunch of es. If you are lucky it can corrupt the nodes in the radius in powerful ways.
You should put this in the jewel socket under Pain Attunement.

Corrupted Soul grants:
  • 50% of Non-Chaos Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
  • Gain 20% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield

Intuitive Leap in the socket above the Witch start will give access to a lot of good nodes.

A Watcher's Eye with Zealotry mods.
The good ones are:
  • #% increased Cast Speed while affected by Zealotry
  • #% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground while affected by Zealotry
  • Consecrated Ground you create while affected by Zealotry causes enemies to take #% increased Damage

The other jewels are rare ones with life, crit multi and some other form of damage.

Try to get the Corrupted Blood cannot be infilcted on you corruption on one of those, cause it makes the Sirus fight super easy.

For Cluster Jewels take a look at the dedicated spoiler section under Passive Tree


A Watcher's Eye with just one Zealotry mod cost about 1/10th of one with two mods.

If you search for rare jewels with life and only one damage mod you will save a lot of money.

If you struggle against bosses you can use Frozen Trail and swap GMP for Slower Proj in your Frostbolt setup in order to stack up more novas.

Aul's Uprising Version

If you find a Glorious Vanity that gives Cold Leech on one of its corrupted notables you can drop your Cold Leech amulet and use an Aul's Uprising with the mod Zealotry Reserves no Mana.
This makes you able to use another aura or a combo of heralds/aspect and that's what I did in the end by slotting in Herald of Ice and craftin Aspect of the Spider on my gloves.

Normal Version

On Weapon (6L)
Ice Nova + Spell Echo + Intensify + Controlled Destruction + Hypothermia + Inc AoE/Conc Effect

Use Increased Area of Effect for mapping and swap to Concentrated Effect for bossing.

Frostbolt setup (4L)
Frostbolt + Arcane Surge (9) + Faster Casting + GMP

The 3.12's curse revamp has made impossible to support Assassin's Mark with Curse on Hit (now Hextouch), so we no longer use a 6l Frostbolt.
Pay attention to your Arcane Surge level and make sure that is procced at every cast of Frostbolt.

On Chest (6L) - "The Buff Button"
Arcanist Brand + Assassin's Mark + Sigil of Power + Frost Shield + Cold Snap + Bonechill

No longer having to use a 6l Frostbolt opened up a lot of possibilities, but since I'm lazy af I simply linked Arcanist Brand to a bunch of buffs/debuffs.
In this way against bosses I just need to press 1 additional button instead of 4, because Arcanist Brand takes care of casting the buffs I've linked to it.

Assassin's Mark - crit chance and crit multi
Sigil of Power - bunch of flat damage
Frost Shield - little bit of defense and a little bit of crit chance
Cold Snap - procs the Bonechill debuff which makes the enemies take increased damage if they are chilled by an ability linked to it.

Cast when Damage Taken setup + Vaal Righteous Fire (4L)
CwDT (20) + Steelskin (20) + Increased Duration + Vaal Righteous Fire (21)

Note that Vaal Righteous Fire is one level higher than CwDT.
If you don't to this your CwDT will proc the normal Righteous Fire (something that totally didn't happened to me while fighting Sirus)

Movement and buffs (2L+2S)
Flame Dash + Second Wind - to zoom zoom around
Zealotry - create Consacrated Ground under enemies which enables some of our damage bonuses as Inquisitors.
Lightning Golem - gives a nice cast speed bonus
Aul's Uprising Version

With the mana reservation of Zealotry gone we have a discrete number of auras/buff to choose to implement in the build, but first of all we have to make room in our sockets.
The one I ended up removing was the Increased Duration in the CwDT/Vaal RF setup.

Now for the new reservation i think you got 2 main options:
The simpler one is to slot in Hatred because it gives a bunch of damage and opens up a lot possible nice bonuses on Watcher's Eye, but I ended up using Herald of Ice and Aspect of the Spider simply because these are my favourite reservation skills in the game and I was super happy to be able to implement them in the build.
Awakened Gems

Ice Nova setup
Controlled DestructionAwakened Controlled Destruction
Direct upgrade.
The Awakened version gains a second quality bonus, Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Cast Speed per 1% quality, which is super nice.
This one should be the first Awakened Support Gem that you'll get.

HypothermiaAwakened Added Cold Damage
From lvl 1 to 4 this Awakened will be inferior to Hypothermia, but at lvl 5 it gains the mod +1 to Level of Supported Cold Skill Gems which makes it better.
The damage increase it's a little less compared to the one gained switching from Controlled Destruction to Awakened Controlled Destruction.

Increased Area of EffectAwakened Increased Area of Effect
Direct upgrade.
It has Supported Skills deal (10-14)% more Area Damage which is nice, but you should use this only for mapping (for bosses you should swap to Conc Effect) and the there's no need for more damage while mapping.
Feel free to skip this one.

Spell EchoAwakened Spell Echo
Direct upgrade.
Awakened Spell Echo has the mod Final Repeat of Supported Skills has (15-19)% chance to deal Double Damage, which you should view as a 15-19% more damage (but for the last Repeat alone).
I think it can be very powerful if you are able to space your novas well, but it costs around 60 Ex in Heist, so... probably not going to use it :D

Frostbolt setup
Greater Multiple ProjectilesAwakened Greater Multiple Projectiles
Direct upgrade.
The Awakened version gains an additional projectile and has its quality bonus (Increased Cast Speed) doubled.
Given its high price it's not worth to use because it adds just a little bit of qol to the build.
Alternate Quality Gems

Ice Nova
Anomalous: 30% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies
Divergent: 10% increased Cast Speed

Both of these are very strong, but a LVL 21 Vaal Ice Nova with one of those is super rare to find and super expensive


Spell Echo
Anomalous: Supported Skills have 10% increased Cast Speed

Better than the default one


Divergent: 20% less Projectile Speed

Less speed = more novas overlaps


Assassin's Mark
Anomalous: Cursed enemies take 4% increased Damage

Free damage boost


Cold Snap
Anomalous: 20% increased Effect of Chill

Makes the debuff from Bonechill stronger


Divergent: Supported Skills have 10% increased Effect of Chill on Enemies

Makes the debuff stronger


My 3.12 character (as of 30oct):

My 3.10 theorycrafted build:

My 3.9 character:


Pre Bottled Faith

Please note that these video were done in a span of two weeks (in which I made a lot of changes/upgrades).
Phoenix and Minotaur is the most recent one, but I didn't have a Bottled Faith yet, so my dps right now is even higher

Sirus AL8
Drox (1.2sec kill)
Shaper & Friends
Phoenix and Minotaur
With Bottled Faith

Purifier standing still
T16 Showcase Double Beyond, Double Boss, Vuln and other silly mod
T16 and Sirus AL8 with Taryn's Shiver


Dernière édition par tufferugli#7301, le 4 nov. 2020 11:49:40
Dernier bump le 16 févr. 2021 10:04:57

What is this?

To prove that the build can do endgame with pretty much no currency, I've made a video in which I spent 22c on gear and then I went to do endgame maps and bosses.

Here's the video, enjoy :)

The 22c Project
Gear and PoB

If for some reason you want to check out the gear (or something else) I'll leave here a link to the PoB and the gear that I used


Update Log

Update #15 (01 Nov, 2020):
i've revamped the build a bit for 3.12 and the damage is bigger than ever.
i did a sirus that literally did NOTHING in every phase (except for his auto attack).
if there's some interest i can update the guide.
for now here's my current pob:

this is a forum post with the main changes i've made this league: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2773034/page/12#p23656622


Update #14 (25 Mar, 2020):
Made a video to showcase some mapping with delirium
Delirium Mapping Showcase

Made another video with the new Sirus fight (AL5)
AL5 Sirus

3.10 Changes

So, after seeing what 3.10 has to offer I finally settled down to new tree.

this is my theorycrafted 3.10 lvl 95 build

things that changed:
>changed from a "gain power charge on crit" chest to a "gain frenzy charge on hit" one
>added cluster jewels
>dropped the Golem Commander node on tree

I've also updated all the sections that needed it after the 3.10 release.


Update #13 (23 Mar, 2020):
3.10 Final Update:

So, after seeing what 3.10 has to offer I finally settled down to new tree.

this is my theorycrafted 3.10 lvl 95 build

things that changed:
>changed from a "gain power charge on crit" chest to a "gain frenzy charge on hit" one
>added cluster jewels
>dropped the Golem Commander node on tree

I've also updated all the sections that needed it after the 3.10 release.


Update #12 (22 Mar, 2020):
Adjusting to 3.10 - part 4:

after some days without playing i've returned to the game.
i've tried a simulacrum to see how it is and i got gimped hard by the 18 wave boss :(
my character wasn't ready at all (no 6l, no glorious vanity), but it was a nice test.
my metamorph character would've absolutely detroyed the encounter.
the normal monster seems to be far less scary than in maps.
bosses pack a punch tho.


Update #11 (17 Mar, 2020):
Adjusting to 3.10 - part 2:

i've scrapped the knockback idea...
it's nice for keeping melee monsters at bay, but the scariest things in delirium are ranged shit and on kill shit.
honestly i don't understand it. i can't understand how i'm supposed to know what i'm facing and what to expect from this grey foggy mess...
i've adjusted by precasting forstbolt more than before and by continuously being on my feet.
frost bolt > run > nova > run > nova > repeat

i was torn between buying tailwind boots or elusive boots, but in the end i went for the elusive ones.
i made this decision because my dps is not the problem, the problem is avoiding damage.
elusive is a good way to passively do that, because it's impossible to actively avoid (manually dodge) all the shit that delirium throws at you.

the bottom line is: you can't play delirium like the rest of the game.
precast, keep your distance, stay on your feet. there's no easy way around it.
raising dps it's helpful, but don't solves the on kill mechanics, so it's not a long term solution.
delirium can't be facerolled like the rest of the game, you have to adjust your playstyle to it.

keep also in mind that you can tap out from delirium if it gets too dangerous. i've done it a few times because my exp is more important than the shit drops that delirium gives.

this will probably be my last update for 3.10:
i'm not liking this league.
it's not because it's hard and i die a lot (i have 17 deaths at lvl83, i think i died a lot more on metamorph), it's because it's artificially hard.

delirium it's not hard per se, it's hard because the players aren't able to understand what the fuck is happening on the screen.
that's not fun nor challenging.

the build, however, it's basically the same.
the only thing that changed is that now you can drop some of the dps nodes to play around with cluster jewels.


Update #10 (17 Mar, 2020):
Adjusting to 3.10:

so... delirium is pretty rough.
i'm still in white maps cause i haven't a lot of time to play, but I fiddled around with the new jewel clusters and i found out some cool interaction.

this is a little bit long so i'll make a spoiler paragraph (which probably will became a full section in the future)

Cluster Jewels

Disorienting Display
25% increased Elemental Damage
10% chance to Blind nearby Enemies when you use an Elemental Skill

This adds a completely new defense layer which is much needed for delirium

Large Jewel Cluster with 12% increased Cold Damage
Large Jewel Cluster with 12% increased Lightning Damage
Large Jewel Cluster with 12% increased Fire Damage
Large Jewel Cluster with 10% increased Elemental Damage


Cold Conduction
Enemies Chilled by your Hits are Shocked
Enemies Shocked by your Hits are Chilled

We Chill basically 100% of the time. Now we also Shock 100% of the time :)

Medium Cluster Jewel with 10% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments


10% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Shock a Chilled Enemy
25% increased Cold Damage with Hits against Shocked Enemies
25% increased Lightning Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies

This is important for the first mod. It combos with Cold Conduction and make us generate power charges.
It's an alternative to the #% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike Crusader mod found on chest.
It's reliable and much more cheaper than that.
Maybe in super late game the chest mod will still be superior, but for now is super good.

Large Jewel Cluster with 12% increased Cold Damage
Large Jewel Cluster with 12% increased Lightning Damage
Medium Cluster Jewel with 10% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments


20% increased Lightning Damage
30% increased Critical Strike Chance
Your Critical Strikes Knock Back Shocked Enemies

We always crit, we always Shock and now we always knockback enemies.
I wanted to try it ro keep delirium mobs far from me and for now i'm liking this.
However I'm still testing this.

Large Jewel Cluster with 12% increased Lightning Damage


I've underlined the jewels that can contain all of this.
basically you need:
a Large Jewel Cluster with 12% increased Lightning Damage for Disorienting Display and Thunderstruck
a Medium Cluster Jewel with 10% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments for Cold Conduction

Stormrider can roll on both

here's a video of low tier map (that's all i got right now) in which you can see those notables in action.
in the video i'm at lvl 78/79, i have a 5l pledge and lvl18 gems (and 52% fire res lol).
Showcasing some of the new notables


Update #9 (15 Mar, 2020):
3.10 Preliminary Update #2:

first things first: the mana flask thing is not major.
feels cluncky sometimes because turns out that (without realizing it) I was used to the queue thing.
easy fix: spam your mana flask more often. done.

the rest of the build is the same, but i'm considering dropping some dps nodes on the tree in order to implement cluster jewels sicne they still gives dps, but also form of qol/defense that we couldn't have before (for example blind).

still learning about those, so i'm not going to write much about those.

right now i'm at lvl 70 and this is my gear:
Delirium day 2

Update #8 (13 Mar, 2020):
3.10 Preliminary Update:

the build seems to be untouched.

mana flasks need to be tested in order to understand whatever the fuck those do now because by only reading the patch notes I can't understand it.

I'm starting 3.10 with this build so I will update the build if I end up making major changes.

the new jewels/notable seems to be worth playing around, but they need testing.

the best one imho is:
Cold Conduction
Enemies Chilled by your Hits are Shocked
Enemies Shocked by your Hits are Chilled


Update #7 (26 Feb, 2020):
so, I've decided to give Taryn's Shiver a try and I was pleasantly surprised because the dps feels pretty much like the one that I have with Pledge of Hands both mapping and bossing.

Given this, I think that it comes down to personal taste, because the two weapons will make you play the build a bit differently.

With the additional repeat of Pledge of Hands your Ice Nova will cover more area per cast, but if you use Taryn's Shiver you can potentially drop Frostbolt altogether while mapping and since your damage will not scale anymore with subsequent repeats you will be less dependant on correct positioning to reach max dps.

However, keep in mind that without Pledge of Hands you will lose a bunch of mana.

Here's a video of some Mapping and Bossing with Taryn's Shvier


Update #6 (21 Feb, 2020):
I've added a video of a T16 map.

I'm not too happy with it because the video is stuttery (my pc is very old) plus I suck at mapping and I feel that these 2 things don't give justice to the build, but... the video section lacked map showcases, so here we go:
T16 Showcase Double Beyond, Double Boss, Vuln and other silly mod


Update #5 (18 Feb, 2020):
I've finally had the time to put together a budget version of the build.
I've spent 22c for the gear that i bought, so I've called this The 22c Project.
I made this to show that you don't actually need expensive gear to be able to run the endgame with this build.
Here's the video: The 22c Project


Update #4 (17 Feb, 2020):
I've added my suggested Passive Skill Tree progression in the Passive Tree & Pantheon section.
I've also expanded the Gem Links section by giving a brief explanation of the various link setups and I've added a section about Awakened gems


Update #3 (17 Feb, 2020):
I've added a video which explains the interaction between Ice Nova, Frostbolt, Spell Echo and Pledge of Hands, I hope it helps.
Explaining the interaction between Ice Nova and Frostbolt


Update #2 (16 Feb, 2020):
Since I get that that the build can be very expensive, I'm working on a budget version of it with basically no gear and a budget of ~40c.
In this form the build has around 1/6th of my current DPS, which is still a lot if you think that with my gear I do conquerors/guardians in less than a second.
I'll update the guide as soon as I can


Update #1 (15 Feb, 2020):
The first version of the guide is now complete.
Please let me know if I need to expand some section or, in general, if you have some feedback that could help me improve the guide (or the build).

  • Nov 03, 2020 - Preliminary update to 3.12
  • Feb 17, 2020 - Improved Gem Links Section
  • Feb 17, 2020 - Passive Skill Tree Progression added
  • Feb 15, 2020 - Jewels added
  • Feb 15, 2020 - Fixed an error in the PoB
  • Feb 15, 2020 - Flask added
  • Feb 15, 2020 - Guide is online

to do:
  • ???
Dernière édition par tufferugli#7301, le 4 nov. 2020 11:30:39
Looks pretty cool, good job!

But, sorry, I didnt get the playstyle... You cast frostbolt and spamm ice nova, so that novas will be triggered along frostbolt path, works that way? Never played with that skills, so idk if its how its works...

Good job, again. Guardians died fast as f* !!!
tnondillo a écrit :
Looks pretty cool, good job!

But, sorry, I didnt get the playstyle... You cast frostbolt and spamm ice nova, so that novas will be triggered along frostbolt path, works that way? Never played with that skills, so idk if its how its works...

Good job, again. Guardians died fast as f* !!!

uh I thought that by now the interaction between Ice Nova and Frostbolt was well known, but maybe I was wrong...

maybe I'll add section to explain it in depth, but basically if you cast Ice Nova while your Frostbolt proj are out, the nova will be casted on the frostbolt instead of you.

if you have just one frostbolt proj out, the nova will be casted only one time, but if you have two frostbolt proj out the nova will be casted 2 times (further proj will not add more novas).

if you then link spell echo (which adds a repeat to a spell) to ice nova and then cast it on your frostbolt the repeat of spell echo will add 2 novas.

enter pledge of hands, which grants greater spell echo (which adds TWO repeats).
so your ice nova will be casted 4 times x 2 on frostbolts.

8 novas at the price of 1 cast :)
Dernière édition par tufferugli#7301, le 16 févr. 2020 17:43:12
I've made a video to explain the interaction :)

Explaining the interaction between Ice Nova and Frostbolt
Looks awesome- definitely gonna try this build out. This guide is probably one of the best I've seen and straight to the point. Thank you for sharing
Thanks for the great build! Very informative. Build is so fun and strong even while leveling.I've tried to craft armor by myself end i wasn't lucky, so i ended up with this
Is it decent?
WARRRRRRR a écrit :
Looks awesome- definitely gonna try this build out. This guide is probably one of the best I've seen and straight to the point. Thank you for sharing

thank you :)

catmaniac1 a écrit :
Thanks for the great build! Very informative. Build is so fun and strong even while leveling.I've tried to craft armor by myself end i wasn't lucky, so i ended up with this
Is it decent?

that chest seems super fine to me!
however if you plan to do serious endgame bossing I think that a chest with also the crusader mod #% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike is the best way to generate Power Charge against bosses with no adds.

The other ways are putting Power Charge on Critical in your Frostbolt setup (inferior because you'll need to spam Frostbolt and sacrifice a support to make space for Power Charge on Critical) or linking Power Charge on Critical to a fast hitting spell like Storm Brand (very reliable generation, but still inferior because you'll end up with an additional button to press and you'll need to make space in your gear for this 2link setup).
Thanks for your reply :)
catmaniac1 a écrit :
Thanks for your reply :)

You’re welcome!


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