[Gucci Hobo] Never surrender befor The Surrender

Still sane Exile?
After you followed this guide you will question your sanity and your friends and family will question it even more.
So, you want to play a meme build, as an meme ascendancy and in a meme league? Say no more.
But be warned exile. If you follow this build you will probably not win any prices, but you can finish in the number one spot on your ascendancy ladder. (Because you’re nearly the only one playing this ascendancy).
You still want to know what this guide will be? Alright let’s start with the main skills you’re going to use. Your secondary skill will be Cyclone. Pretty standard I know but the skill that will deals a lot of damage for you will be Reckoning. Recko… what? You might ask. Reckoning is the perfect skill for all of you, which are to lazy to even press one key. With the Gladiator ascendancy you can reach a maximum of 83% block chance (if you get all the right uniques, else it will be around 70-80%). Reckoning triggers every time you block an attack, but with a cooldown of 0,4 sec. And the best part is you don’t even need mana for it.
Alright still reading? Then lets head into the pros and cons.

- Play a skill most of you didn’t even know about
- Want to take a shit in the middle of a fight? Just go for it
- Want to mimic the delve minecart and just stop whenever it stopped?
- Your gear can be shit, but you are still be able to do most of the endgame
- Never worry about the Syndicate backstabbing you
- One of the best PvP builds and the best in PvP build in SFF
- Gucci Hobo viable
- It’s a meme build

- You need a shield (Gucci Gear Farming can take a little bit longer)
- The Surrender is very hard to get
- Can't run phys reflect maps
- It’s a meme build

What is Gucci Hobo?
Gucci Hobo is not a challenge. Gucci Hobo is a passion and a lifestyle.
The rules of Gucci Hobo:
1. Never ever equip an item that isn’t a unique
2. You can equip the weapon you get to start the quest in the Twilight Strand, but as soon as the zombie wakes up drop it.
3. Only unique jewels
4. You can use every flask you want.

A few words before we start:
I’ve never wrote any guide. I’m not even that good at the game. English is not my native language. But I like memes and especially meme builds. This guide won’t be your normal guide, that tells you what gear you need, because it’s a Gucci Hobo guide and even more a story. Every gear that is an upgrade is good. You can start the challenge as a Marauder, because he as an unarmed attack value that goes form 2-8 and has some nice skill tree nodes to spec in that gives melee damage. But I will start as a Duelist, which unarmed attack value is between 2-8. He also has some nice node to upgrade your melee damage.

If you want to read a little story that pops up in my head every time i play this gucci hobo version read the story below:


Act 1
You will start your Gucci Life sleeping at the Twilight Strand like every day, drinking your beer (life flask) and your energy drinks (mana flasks). You look and smell like a hobo.

But today you hear someone or something whispering to you:
The voice: “What are you doing?”
You: “Sleeping, drinking, enjoying my life.”
The voice: “Why wont you fight and become a hero?”
You: “Because I am just one of many. I will never be someone special.”
The voice: “I will tell you a secret. After that you can do whatever you want.”
You: “Alright. Then te…”
The voice: “BUT you can never fight with normal gear. Not even magic or rare gear.”
You: “Fine. I accept.”
The voice: “In the depths of the breach of Uul-Netol there is a shield called THE SURRENDER. Acquire it and you will be one of the special exiles that can save this land. You can even go into the Hall of Grandmaster and slaughter them if you are lucky enough to not encounter that cast when damage take dude in the end. Your first steps will be hard, and you die a lot, but in the end, you are a legend.”
You: “Say no more. I going to rule the Hall of Grandmaster.”
The voice: “And save this land?”
You: “Yeah, yeah. Save this land or whatsoever…”
After that you go to the next dead body you see and search him for gear. You find a sword. It is damaged and its condition is bad. You swing it and seek for a target. A zombie woke up from your noise. The perfect target, you thought. By the time you strike out with your sword you feel pain in your hand and drop the sword immediately. The voice comes back in your head: “I told you, that you can’t use any gear other than unique gear.”
You: “But what is with my beer and my energy drinks?”
The voice: “Alright that’s granted. You can use and drink them even if they are not unique.”
You: “Thank god!”
So, you approach the zombie and punch him in the face. He won’t die as easily as you thought.

You punch him a few more times. After he his dead, this time for sure, you see a gem in his hands. You remember yourself, that you could put these into your gear to use its power and cast spells or something. Monster would die easily back in the days if you used them. But then you realize that you can put them in your gear, because you don’t have gear and can equip gear. Now that this has become clear, you’ll be on your way to that town. What was is name? Kitty’s Lookout? Eye Sight? No, you can remember the name. Maybe too much beer. But you know the way, hopefully. Just follow the coast. While you are on your way to town, you see the zombies staring at you. Did that one zombie just say something bad about our beloved mother? And are the other zombies laughing at us? Guess we must teach them a lesson. Just bevor you see the light of the town, you also see an unnormal zombie. This zombie is huge. Wait… It can’t be… That zombie is Hillock. You remember, that to the time you lived with you parents in the town, Hillock was the local Blacksmith. He was friendly, but also known to have a love to beer. One day someone told Hillock, that he was a big whiny baby and should step up and get a wife. Hillock stud up, went belly button to face with that guy and ripped his head of in one go. After that he went now and then on a killing spree until one night some of the strongest man. Killed him with his own sword and buried him at the Twilight Strand. Guess nobody could know, that all the bodies would eventually show up again. You hope that Hillock will just let you pass him, but this was a wish. Mother didn't raise a wimp. Maybe one of the weapons stuck in Hillock could be even a unique one. You approach him and punch him right in the stomach. Hillock looks like he hasn't noticed you yet. He looks down and raises his fist. With your drunken reflexes you manage to dodge the blow. After that you punch him again and again. Hillock also lands a few punches, but you manage to reduce the pain with your beer. After some time, you see Hillock getting really angry. He pulls the sword out of his chest with which he was killed and now begins to strike at you with it. That bastard is a monster. You look at the town for a few seconds and see the villager handing a guy some currency over. “What are they doing? Are they betting on me?” you ask yourself. After nearly an hour of punching that big dude and just stepping behind his back so he can’t hit you, you manage to take him down for good. That bastard didn’t even drop a unique weapon.

Your crowd is cheering. They open the gate and welcome you to Lioneye’s Watch. You knew it was something like that. Tarkleigh, he is one of the villagers, mentions, that he has a reward for you. Excited, as you are you follow him. He says that he wanted to know how you learned to fight like that. But you just start laughing and sipping your beer. You hope that Tarkleigh would give you your desired unique weapon, but no. Tarkleigh shows you for gems.
You ask him: “Are you kidding me? Gems? Do you see any gear on me? Can you tell me where I should put them?”
Tarkleigh: “Um sorry, maybe ask Bestel or Nessa.”
You: “Thanks for nothing Tarkleigh.”
You make you way to Nessa. She’s a good friend of you. Back in Oriath when you were still a duelist you often met her in a bar. Then she stopped showing up. You thought it was you. But now you know it was her. She got sent to Wraeclast bevor you. You also remember the magic tree where you could spend your hard-earned battle points. After fighting Hillock, you got one of these and you can now spend them in the magic tree.

Now we both living in the land of the damned. You look over to Bestel and Tarkleigh. Oh yes baby, even as a Hobo you are more attractive than those two. Maybe Nessa could be my girl. Right as you wanted to ask Nessa to drink some beer with her, she asks you to talk to Bestel, because he has an important quest for you. All right, maybe Nessa will go out with you if you complete the task of Bestel. After speaking to Bestel, wait, captain Bestel, wait, ex captain Bestel, you are asked to get Nessa the medicine chest from Bestels stranded ship. But ex captain Bestel warned you. One of his crew mates is still at the wreck. The medicine chest is from Doctor ‘Shaky Hands’ Opden. Yes, that is the name Bestel used. You don't think it was an accident that the ship sank. Maybe Doctor Shaky Hands wasn’t such a good Doctor. But there is only one way to find it out. You wink at Nessa once more and then make your way to the Coast with your bare hands. As you enter the Coast you see some weird crabs emerge from the sand and start spitting rocks at you. You think this is a bad joke and punch them hard. After you have finished with the strange crabs, you see people running towards you. These people have clubs and drool is coming out of their mouths. That can't be good. Before you can even say anything, you see a fireball coming at you. And in seconds you'll be surrounded by cannibals, all beating you. But you fight back and even win the fight. Sipping a few beers and carry on. After a while you see a cannibal with something green shining out of his head. When you have also defeated this cannibal with your bare fists, a vial with a piece of brain falls out of his head and the body begins to dissolve into a green slime. The earth shakes and a portal open. A man steps out of the portal and has a strange device with him.

The man claims his name is Tane Octavius and that he has an opportunity for you. You know that your mother told you not to talk to strangers, but Tane is different. He looks pretty fancy with all his gear. Maybe he can help you acquiring unique gear. So, you listen to him. He tries to convince you to collect more samples and then do an experiment together with him. Curious as you are you want to know what kind of experiment this is and start collecting more samples on your way of the flying fists. While fighting those weird crabs, the cannibals and some zombies you managed to gain another battle point. Also, you found some real crabs which are very easy to beat up.

Wow. You just found a brain sample from one of the weird crabs. You didn’t even though, that they have a brain. A good mood is a good way to sustain the way of the Gucci Hobo. As you progress through the coast you see a woman sitting near a campfire on a hill. That woman doesn’t look like a normal cannibal. She looks more like a cannibal who has just had a fireball explode in his hand and is now trying to compete with the campfire to see who can burn brightest. You approach the woman and hope that she does not want to kill and eat you directly, but you can see in her eyes that her hunger for you is as hot as she is. So, you face the fight. A fight that generations before you have had to fight. The earliest generation had to fight man against fire and in the last years man against hot woman. And now you come. Probably the first man to have to fight a burning hot woman. Oh, Nessa, good thing you're not on fire too.

If you had known that she was capable of fire magic in addition to her fiery appearance, you would have preferred to fight her directly in the sea. But a lot of beer has always helped you not to burn your fingers on such women. Unfortunately, this unique woman had no unique weapon that you could use. After a while, you've almost wiped out the entire population of this coast. Not only did you punch the weird crabs on the endangered species list, but you also collected all the samples for Tane. When you arrive at the waypoint the earth shakes again and Tane comes out of his portal.
Tane: “Oh I see you got all the samples needed to start the experiment?”
You: “Yes, what do I do now?”
Tane: “Just open the machine. There are signs everywhere, where which part goes. You see, up there, you gotta put the brains there.”
You: “And then what happens?”
Tane: “The last exiles closed the machine and then a mix of the monsters that were packed into the machine came out. But all died.”
You: “You mean the monsters, right?”
Tane: “Sure…”
Tane quickly closes the door of the machine and green steam rises. You are just imagining the hot cannibal crossed with the weird crab when the engine opens again, and a black slimy thing comes out. It looks disgusting. This thing changes shape all the time. Sometimes it's the weird crab, but with the size of a wolf, another time it's the hot cannibal, which now only burns and has extended its fire spells. You don't know if you are lying on Twilight Strand again and sleeping it off, or if this is really happening. But one thing you know, you gotta fight this thing. You also remember that all you have is your fists. You look over at Tane with a stare that anyone would understand. However, Tane just stands there, shakes his head and very slowly takes several steps backwards. But a man with the Hall of Grandmasters in front of him doesn't give up that easily. Oh, no, not you. And that's how you use targeted punches to defeat the monster. Tane will come to you after the fight and tell you that you are the first to survive. He also tells you that he saw the monster drop its gear after it died and that he could analyze which organs of which creature could bring which gear. That sounds good to you. Maybe that way you can find out if a created creature drops a unique weapon. You also noticed that you got another battle point after the fight. So, you spend it to make your punches even deadlier. Maybe some day you will be able to kill those weird crabs with one blow. That will teach them to never spit on me again.

After you have recovered a little you look out for the island on which the ship from Bestel will be waiting. He said it is named the Tidal Island. As you search the island for the ship, you will repeatedly see individual parts of the ship, but also skeletons of large animals and impaled corpses. When you have searched almost half of the island you see an older man. He looks like a cannibal. But something is different. You have a similar feeling to the hot cannibal. No, not that this fine gentleman is handsome. It's that in a few seconds something bad will happen, but you're used to that. The cannibal also looks like he's hypothermic. Maybe the hot cannibal gave him the cold shoulder and he couldn't take it. You first ask quite nicely and calmly, but still with blood of the other cannibals on your fists, for his name. He also answers quite calmly and tells you that his name is Hailrake. You also ask him about the medicine chest, but he just says that he won't let you have it because he found it. You know that your desire for Nessa is greater than any pain and that is why you need this chest. And maybe you also took a little pleasure in beating up cannibals. After a short fight you have defeated Hailrake and you can take the medicine chest. Nessa is sure to fall in love with you. You can already see the future with her before you. How you sit at home with the shiny equipment and she looks after the all your little duelists. Just as it starts to get even more beautiful you are spat on by a weird crab. Damn them. You will also find a scroll at Hailrake, but you do not know exactly what it means. You open the scroll and suddenly a portal opens. When you enter it, you come out directly in Lioneye’s Watch.

You proudly give Nessa the medicine chest. Nessa says thank you and you think maybe she winked at you. Best day of your life. But Tarkleigh waves his arms that you should come to him. Reluctantly you go to Tarkleigh and he tells you about a most challenging task. He tells you that into the Fetid Pool, which you can only reach via the Mud Flats, something or someone should be there. Dead animals shall be brought back to life there. Usually this only happens with cannibals, so someone must be behind it. You ask Tarkleigh why he doesn't do it himself if it's so important. Tarkleigh answers you with simple words, but they make you leave immediately: "Nessa liked this place so much". Say no more Tarkleigh. Good thing you activated the waypoint at the end of the coast, so you don't have to walk there again. On entering the Mud Flats you see some strange chickens rushing towards you. One of them is really big and something shiny sticks out of his mouth. You start running and throwing punches at that big strange chicken. After you killed it appears Tane and asks you again to put some organs into the machine. He also tells you that he analyzed the organ of the strange chicken and that you have a chance of getting a unique item. You quickly put the organs into the machine and start it. After a long fight you search the loot and you find something sparkling. An amulet. The voice comes back to your head.
The voice: "You did it. The beginning is done. Now you can summon your true strength and..."
The voice goes silent for a moment. Then it continues: "You found an amulet?"
You: "Yes, my first unique item!"
The voice: "Too bad. You can't do much with an amulet. Try to find more uniques, and we'll talk again."
So, you set off on your quest and continue to make your way through the area in search of unique items.

Alright now to the real guide:
Leveling to maps:

Start of to kill Hillock.
Clear the Coast and fight you first Metamorph. DON’T FORGET TO PRAY TO RNGESUS!!!
If you haven't found unique then prepare for a long time.
You can now either go directly to the mud flats or complete Nessas quest first.
Collect all stones in the mud flats and open the entrance to Submerged Passage.
Enter it and get the waypoint.
Go back to the mud flats and look for oozeback bloom.
When you find him, beat him to death.
See if his organ brings a unique.
If so then collect more organs and spawn the metamorph at the entrance to the Submerge Passage.
If you die, you'll go right back to the metamorph.
You can also just clean the mud flats for the organs, because normal organs can also contain uniques.
Or you can clear the Coast.
It depends on you what you prefer.
Don’t forget to level up your health flasks.
If you haven't found a unique by level 8 you can start to fulfill Tarkleighs quest and kill the Dweller of the Deep.
Kill his adds first and then attack him.
When you have killed him go to Tarkleigh and get your skill point.
Then go on to The Ledge and clean it up.
Enter the Climb and free Navali, to give her silver coins for prophecies.
Go on to the Prison and get the checkpoint.
Now you can farm the Climb starting from the Prison.
Farm until you got a unique with sockets.
After that its on you if you want to farm some more or continue.
If you feel like the time is right advance to act 2.
In act 2 you will meet Einhar.
Complete his quest, so you can enter the Menagerie.
Beast are a good way to get easy uniques.
Farm beasts and metamorphs till you get a unique shield.
Go back to Nessa and purchase Reckoning and socket it into your gear.
At first it seems like it won’t do much damage, but you will see it later.
Grab Melee Physical Support and Herald of Purity as your reward for finishing Sharp and Curel or The Root of the Problem from Yeena.
Support Reckoning with Melee Physical Support and activate Herald of Purity.
Help Alira for the resistance bonus.
Go to act 3 and grab Cyclone after finishing the quest Sever the Right Hand.
Now spin to win and support your Cyclone with Melee Physical Support.
Also grab Pulverize Support after finishing A Fixture of Fate for both Cyclone and Reckoning.
If you have enough socket you can also go back to Nessa and grab Riposte and support it with the same supports.
After that just play to act 4 and grab Brutality Support after finishing The Eternal Nightmare.
Socket it to all of your skills like Cyclone, Reckoning and Riposte.
Now play to the game like you normally would and check every unique if it is an upgrade.


I link my gear that i used at the end in the league. It is not perfect but you can run red maps.


You're desperate to get Facebreaker because thats where your damage comes from.Try to get lucky and have the more physical damage mod over 700%.


You definitly want the Anvil as your amulet, because you get +3 max block, life and mana gain on block and chance to block.


This is your goal. You want this shield, because it grants you level 30 reckoning, a huge amount of armour and also life on block.
To get this shield you need to defeat Uul-Netol and get his blessing and the unique shield The Anticipation. If you have both use the blessing on the shield and you got your fancy nice shield.

Other good shields that i used:

Global phy, all res, chance to block

All res, curse feflection, chance to block

Flat phys, fire res, curse on block

It depends on your needs. If you need resistances or attributs then grab that ring. If not use the rings that give you more damage.

This would be a pretty good ring. It has flat phys, increased Phys, global inceased phy and armour. But you can only get it from Synthesis unique maps which is a bit tricky in SSF.

Lots of flat phys

I used this ring with herald of purity for more flat phys damage


The Abyssus is really good for damage. But you take increased damage.
If you die often then switch it out for another helmet.

This is the Helmet i used. It has good flat phys and increased melee damage.


This is the best belt in place i think. You get strength, increased global phys and a lot of all res with 200 strength. You easily get that.


I used this boots because od the all res


I used this body, because it was my only 6 link, but also because it has all res on it

You can use nearly everything you like in those slots. Just have fun.


Level 20:

Level 40:

Level 60:

Level 80:

Full tree:


As your first Ascendancy go Painforged.
This gives you 40% damage if you didnt took damage
It doubles the damage of your counterattacks like Reckoning or Ripost
and you get +8% block chance if youve been hit recently

Next go to Versatile Combatant.
This is a huge defensive and offensive bonus.
Your chance to block spelldamage (which is 0) is now equal to your chance to block attack. This triggers your block more and you deal more damage.

After that go to Violent Retaliation.
You get +4% max block chance.
8% increased phys damage for every time you blocked something in the past 10 seconds
80% increased phys damage if you blocked an unique enemy.
And everytime you block something in the last 10 sec. you get +1% to your block chance

The Last Ascendancy is Arena Challenger
you can get up to 20% attack and movement speed.
You need the Blood and Sand aura.
While mapping use the sand aura, because every time you kill an enemy you get one Challenger Charge up to 10.
While bossing use blood aura, because every time you hit a rare or unique enemy you get a Challenger Charge.

Gem links:


Reckoning setup with The Surrender/and without:

Reckoning(30/20) --> Brutality --> Melee Physical Damage --> Pulverise


Cyclone --> Brutality --> Meele Physical --> Fortify --> Impale --> Pulverise

Shield charge:

Shield charge --> Faster Attacks


Blood and Sand --> Herald of Purity

If you can afford it with your mana use Pride too.

Just have fun playing as a gucci hobo.
Dernière édition par HardWithStyle112#2789, le 14 févr. 2020 15:28:05
Dernier bump le 14 févr. 2020 15:15:23


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