Zenith Staff Added weapon effect weirdness

Zenith weapon skin (Staff model) is arguably one of the better weapon skins in the game, however it looks weird when you add a weapon effect to it...only one end gets the mtx effects despite it being a symmetrical weapon.

The attack animation uses both bladed ends of the staff, which is really cool. All the more reason to make is symmetrical with the weapon effects on each end?

Hopefully this is something they can fix.

Thanks for hearing me out.
Dernier bump le 17 mars 2024 11:16:13
Was just going to make a post about this myself.

I have the same problem with most effects - including the ones in the new Core Packs:

As can be seen, many effects are completely broken on this MTX.
Dernière édition par Martial_God, le 23 déc. 2019 13:00:06
any update on this ?


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