Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z. [3.25]

"Well you see him, exile, sheer off not from God."

First idea of this build was “born” in patch 0.10.5, when “Pillar of the Caged God” can be added in the game.

English is not a native language for the creator of this guide. Sorry for any possible mistakes (or misunderstandings). So if you can offer any improvements ‒ please, write it in the comments.


<--15.08.2024--> Build with number "1" is updated
Changed description of the build
Improved support of the feature "Loadout" for Path of Building (v.2.44.0. and higher)

<--26.07.2024--> Builds with numbers "1" and "3" are updated to 3.25
Updated description for builds numbers "1" and "3"
Added support of the feature "Loadout" for Path of Building (v.2.44.0. and higher)
("Pillar of the Forged God" (#1) build only)

<--29.03.2024--> Builds with numbers "1" and "3" are updated to 3.24

<--08.01.2024--> Finishing update to of statuses of builds ("Chapter 2")
Re-added "Chapter 3"

<--25.12.2023--> Small update to clarify statuses of builds

<--05.12.2023--> Improved the quality of text "Chapter 1"
The section "News" removed
The section "Q&A" updated

<--25.09.2023--> Updated the sub-section "Trials" of section "Y2023" ("Chapter 1").
Updated link to the Maxed version of Builds 1 and 3 ("Chapter 2")
Added link to Maxed version of Build 2 ("Chapter 2")

<--04.05.2023--> Updated the sub-section "Crucible" of section "Y2023" ("Chapter 1").
Added link to Maxed version of Builds 1 and 3 ("Chapter 2")

<--05.04.2023--> Updated the guide to 3.21.

<--19.12.2022--> Updated the guide to 3.20.

<--02.12.2022--> Updated the section "News".

<--31.10.2022--> Released massive update of the guide.
Renamed "Chapter 1" and "Chapter 2"
"Chapter 1" represents 'Pillar...'-builds of the creator of the guide on the actual Challenge League
"Chapter 2" is the compilation of different 'Pillar...'-builds
"Chapter 3" removed

<--13.05.2022--> Changed the general idea of the guide.
Updated the sections "Chapter 1" and "Chapter 2".

<--16.04.2021--> Updated information in the Guide before 3.14 "Ultimatum".

<--28.09.2020--> Improved guide structure before releasing a new big update.

<--18.06.2020--> Updated section "News".

<--07.04.2020--> Updated section "Delirium".
Update section "Q&A" in "Chapter 1".
Update sections "Gems" and "Pantheon" in "Chapter 2".
Update structure of "Chapter 3"

<--29.03.2020--> Added the section "Delirium" in "Chapter 1"

<--19.01.2020--> Update PoB-Link in the section "Metamorph"

<--18.12.2019--> Update PoB-Link in the section "Metamorph"

<--18.12.2019--> Added section "Metamorph" in "Chapter 1"
PoB-Links from 3.8 don't change, but they have full compatibility with Passive Tree 3.9

<--09.10.2019--> Update all PoB-Links in "Chapter 2" (section "Passives")
(include update 'Gearing'-links for Blight Challenge League).
Added link on archive with 'xml'-files in "Chapter 1"

<--07.10.2019--> Update all PoB-Links
(without update 'Gearing'-links for Blight Challenge League)

<--06.10.2019--> Improved the quality of text "Chapter 2" and "Chapter 3"

<--09.09.2019--> Added the section "Craft" in "Chapter 3"

<--05.09.2019--> Added the section "Blight" in "Chapter 1".
Update text in "Chapter 2" (section "Gems", "Passives")

<--04.09.2019--> Update text in "Chapter 1" (section "News").

<--26.08.2019--> Update text in "Chapter 1" (section "News").

<--21.08.2019--> Update text in "Chapter 1" (section "News").

<--13.08.2019--> Added section "Q&A" in "Chapter 1".

<--01.08.2019--> Update text in "Chapter 2" (section "Gems").
Update text in "Chapter 1" (section "News")

<--30.07.2019--> Update text in "Chapter 2" (section "Items")

<--28.07.2019--> Added headline text and image in "Chapter 3".
Update PoB-Links in "Chapter 2" (section "Passives").

<--27.07.2019--> Added headline text and image in "Chapter 2".
Update text and links in "Chapter 2" (section "Passives").
Improve text structures in "Chapter 2" (section "Items")

<--24.07.2019--> Update text in "Chapter 2" (section "Gems", "Pantheon", "Leveling").

<--21.07.2019--> Improve structures of "Chapter 2".
Update text in "Chapter 2". Release "Chapter 3"

<--19.07.2019--> Merge "Chapter 2. Part 1" and "Chapter 2. Part 2" in "Chapter 2"

<--07.07.2019--> Rename "Disclaimer" in "Notice". Improve the quality of text

<--07.06.2019--> Update text in "Chapter 2. Part 1". Release "Chapter 2. Part 2"

<--05.06.2019--> Release "Disclaimer", "Chapter 1" and "Chapter 2. Part 1"

NOTE! Q&A is outdated now. It will update later.

Q: Why you don’t use [Unique Item Name]?
A: In one of the sections Chapter 4 we shall focus in detail on the potentially useful Unique Items. In the current moment notably 2 facts:
- using the Rare Items provides a compromise among maximum combat effectiveness and balance of defensive mechanics;
- using the Rare Items provides more “flexibility” in future build planning.

Q: Why you don’t use Timeless Jewel?
A: At this moment, we are all very suspicious of the mechanics of working and situations about the trading. We use these jewels only in 2 ways now:
- as an instrument to replace passive tree Keystones on a regular basis;
- as an instrument to maximise effectiveness in specific cases of builds.

Q: Why show Amulets at first and (are later) Talismans at second (but they are better)? May be better to show Talismans instead of Amulets?
A: We consider, that approach gives an understanding of the reasons for choosing Items (and reasons, on which Talismans are better). Also, this means avoiding difficulties in case, Talismans are not available (no longer for sale or the budget does not allow it to be sold).
A: Update (07.04.2020). We have some problems with preparing "Chapter 4" for publishing.

Q: Resistance is one of the most important problems of ‘Pillar of the Caged God’-builds, but I don’t really see this in the thread.
A: Chapter 2 sections “Concept” and “Items”.

Q: Why you don’t use Cyclone?
A: Exist many threads of the ‘Pillar of the Caged God’-builds, which used Cyclone and channeling mechanics. The show is set to a different of the combat results. We recognise, that the gem “Cyclone” is a valuable and strong choice for ‘Pillar of the Caged God’, but we would not have considered it necessary to review this conception in the current day.

Q: Why thread don’t have a video?
A: It is a complex problem. We don’t have much more time. And we don’t have time for setting, preparation, footage, and assembly of video. Also, this makes it harder to the actualization of builds — we are going to need to create a video instead of changing PoB-link and text descriptions.

Q: Are you reached 100 level with this build?
A: No. None of us will ever achieve level 100 with any build. Regrettably, we don’t have much more time.
Although, in Challenge League “Incursion” we have reached 95 level with ‘Pillar’-build.

Q: You have other builds (don’t ‘Pillar’)?
A: Yes. But at the current moment, we are publishing only ‘Pillar of Caged God’-builds.

Chapter 1. Examples & experiments of builds

Within each expansion from Original Game we created builds in the same challenge league. In this chapter given most apposite and recent results.
You can download the archive with 'xml'-files of builds using this link, in case PoB-links in the spoilers do not work.


Class/Ascendancy: Marauder/Juggernaut
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/eqhbneCP

Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/KgBArRZR

Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/54c847un


Within the expansion “Synthesis” (3.6.0) we also created ‘Pillar of the Caged God’-build, but it was not completed.

Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/2GircG2k

We are started at "Marauder/Juggernaut" (on ~70 lvl respec points to "Marauder/Berserker").

Class/Ascendancy: Marauder/Berserker
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/VLbUb7Ts

It is a 'Boss-fight'-League and a more reliable Ascendancy-classes use, such as:
- Marauder / Juggernaut;
- Duelist / Champion.

Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/mnt1nbkM


Before using Annoit "Whispers of Doom"
Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/d4SZZp6S

After using Annoit "Whispers of Doom"
Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/iEcGzvGY

Some changes and tweaks (without Annoit "Whispers of Doom")
Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/0kT34Dkx

We consider, that using "Whispers of Doom" was not profitable.
The second curse may have significantly increased DPS, but other Notables (like "Serpent Stance" or "Titanic Impacts") such more cost-effective.

Some experiments with reworked Warcries.

Class/Ascendancy: Marauder/Juggernaut
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/K93F2yND

Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/S2DnyESL


Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/i1D4JFbV


Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/gQJ6U6Xw

Class/Ascendancy: Templar/Inquisitor
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/F1bQ0ngL

Class/Ascendancy: Maroider/Juggernaut
Bandits: Eramir
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/0uHP4UuW

Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/9jfbZ9bP

Class/Ascendancy: Maroider/Juggernaut
Bandits: Eramir
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/NCe3sUiA

Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Slayer
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/t2yth3Yh

Build created for re-checking some mechanics. Conclusions:
* not good enough results of damage from Brutal Charges in comparison with Endurance Charges;
* the "Strength of Blood" Keystone doesn't work with the "Vaal Pact" Keystone because now the "Vaal Pact" Keystone doesn't provide Instant Life Leech; It also may use for a character with solid Life regeneration.
* Ascendancy Notables of Slayer really good, but they are not so useful for build in comparison with (Ascendancy) Notables of Champion; you may use them with the "Forbidden Flash+Flame" combination.


Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Slayer
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/uKXntAic

After some updates, the build has "re-forged" using some tweaks to improve damage and take really good (and really unexpected) results (fully cleared all content and Sanctum without Relics&Boons simultaneously):
* between 3.75 and 7M pDPS with "Boneshatter" and middle-budget gear;
* between 9 and 30M pDPS with "Boneshatter" and high-budget gear:
** Alternate Quality gems (including "Phantasmal Ancestral Protector";
** "Lethal Pride" 15673;
** "Bane of Legends" from "Forbidden Flash+Flame".


Class/Ascendancy: Templar/Inquisitor
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/wufEu5fN


During 3.22, was created a lot of 'Pillar'-build with different active skill gems supported by "Trauma". They have solid DPS and may feel revolutionary. But most of them were wrong because DPS, which shows for those builds, has the incorrect configuration for counting stacks of Trauma.
In most cases (for gems such as, "Glacial Hammer" and/or "Heavy Strike") they have relevant DPS on 60-90 stacks (in comparison with "Boneshatter" and 20-25 Trauma stacks).
I tried to find any video, that can prove a case of sustaining a 60+ stack as a realistic choice, but didn't find any. In that, using "Boneshatter" is preferable now (especially, if you do not have alternative quality gems).

Class/Ascendancy: Marauder/Juggernaut
Bandits: Eramir
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/eBfg5ynQ


The updated version of tree and gear slightly reduces the effective pool against elemental damage, but it improves the score of stable traumas from 15-20 to 30-33 (and significantly increases DPS). Build has two separate options:
1) for Mapping & Sanctum (with more 'burst'-damage);
2) for the Trial of Ancestors (with more survivability).

Class/Ascendancy: Marauder/Juggernaut
Bandits: Eramir
PoB-link: https://pastebin.com/r0BwDW7g


The slightly modified version of build 1 from "Chapter 2", uses TFG-version of "Boneshatter" and some tricks to maximizing pDPS. Helical Ring is an expensive item in this build (approximately 19.5 div) "sponsored by" some lucky drops during the league.

Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pobb.in/NbaFMrnkCcwo



Class/Ascendancy: Duelist/Champion
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pobb.in/9kJWL6npMu_2


Class/Ascendancy: Templar/Inquisitor
Bandits: Alira
PoB-link: https://pobb.in/ntA55IBnO7A_

"Well you see him, exile, shrink not from God."
view-thread/2513898 - [3.23] Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z.
view-thread/2972787 - [3.12] Replica Oro's Sacrifice. Investigation of meme.
Dernière édition par Psijik#1366, le 20 déc. 2024 07:23:41
Dernier bump le 6 août 2023 02:57:53
Chapter 2. Builds compilation

Description of the main concepts and basic principles of 'Pillar of the Caged God'-builds working.

'Pillar of the Caged God'-builds have a lot in common with 'Facebreaker'- or 'Hollow Palm'-builds. Variations can be different, but the main formula is simple:
- Equip “Pillar of the Caged God”;
- Stack Attributes;
- Add some of Attack/Cast Speed and Flat Damage.

Basic Leveling

There are various combinations of gem links for leveling. They depend on the player's personal choice. For example, you can use the following combinations:

In Acts 1-2:
“Ground Slam” + “Added Fire Damage” + “Additional Accuracy” + “Ruthless”

After Act 2:
“Ground Slam” + “Added Fire Damage” + “Chance to Bleed” + “Ruthless”

Tips & Tricks:
- Precision is a good choice to accumulate Accuracy Rating (without “Resolute Technique” Keystone);
- Pick up Accuracy Mastery "+500 to Accuracy Rating; ‒2 to Accuracy Rating per Level" to accumulate Accuracy Rating on the first levels;
- Herald of Ash is a good choice to boost effective damage and widen AoE;
- The main sources of incoming damage are:
** Physical in Acts 1-4;
** Elemental in Acts 5-10;
- Acts 5-6 are the most dangerous ones; They have a lot of incoming Elemental damage, and the character doesn’t have the required resistance (especially in the fight with Innocence).

Leveling Items

There is a simple system of statuses, separated by colours:
Active (updated version, which is fully compatible with the current patch of the game)
Outdated (using all information from the previous patch; it may work, but also may not)
Inactive (very old version, which is very weak OR/AND not compatible with the current patch)

You can download the archive with 'xml'-files of builds using this link, in case PoB-links in the spoilers do not work.

Build 1. Pillar of the Forged God

Status: Active

Short List of Features
- Melee Physical Staff build with Crtis (Wow!)
- Low-Budget Strength stacking (you should stack only 800-1000 STR for comfortable mapping T11-T14)
- Simple leveling & cheap T1-T8 mapping (a Fistful of Chaos')
- uses Cluster Jewels (1 Large (is optional) and 1-2 Medium)
- Transfigurated Gems are optional
- 4.5-6.5k Life ; 35-55k Armour without Flasks (+20-23 stack of Fortify)
- 1.5-3M of pDPS (+1-3M of Impale DPS) with “Boneshatter” & low-budget gear

The main concept is built around creating physical melee build with critical strikes. It was a long journey with uncountable attempts (both of them, successes and failures), but now it is a very flexible and adaptive system for comfortable cleaning of content (excluding T17 Maps and Uber Pinnacle Bosses):
- stack Strength and “Added # to # physical Damage to attacks”;
- boost effective DPS using “Abyssus” and Trauma stacks;
- combine Armour, Fortify and Endurance Charges to negate “Abyssus” and Trauma stacks;
- use Cluster Jewels to sustain crits (strike chance and multiplier) from Warcries.

It is an important remark here ‒ build CAN be capable of killing some Uber Pinnacle Bosses, but it will be very long and annoying fights. As for T17, I have not enough of those maps for tests and have not bought them for it.


NOTE! Each “10 Strength” Node provides a bonus of “18% Increased Physical Damage” (16% from ‘Pillar…’ + 2% from Strength bonus). This is an important fact which is considered at the build planning.

Step 1. Choose a base class
Classes located closer to “red sector” of the passive tree are more profitable (Marauder / Duelist / Templar / Scion). You spend less passive points, roading to Strength, and save Jewel Sockets (instead, use Jewels of conversion attributes like “Efficient Training”).

Step 2. Choose a “Bandit Lord”
Choose a bandit (Act II quest “A Bandit Lord”) depending on its bonus efficiency (for ‘Pillar…’-character):
- Oak (insignificant)
** few Damage Reduction and Physical damage boost as ~12 Strength

- Alira (good choice)
** Critical Strike Multiplier and Elemental Resistance

- Kratyn (insignificant)
** few Attack Speed and Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments

- Eramir (good choice)
** +2 passive points -> more flexibility in planning

Step 3. Pick up Nodes and Notables
Taking many 2H-Notables is unprofitable because they are ill-placed on the passive tree (you should take a few weak Nodes) and provide bonuses of 10-15 Strength (check NOTE! above). Instead, you can take Nodes of Strength and Elemental Resistance (for more Life/Damage and less Resistance on Items respectively).
You can use the following values, when allocating passives (include Ascendancy, but without Jewels):
- 110-113 points;
- 500-600 Strength;
- 130-160% Increased maximum Life;
- 125-150% Increased Armour (while you using Armour);
- 200-300% Critical Strike Multiplier;
- 25-35% All Elemental Resistance;
- 4-7 Jewel Sockets (minimum 1 Cluster Jewel Socket).

I have prepared a completed build file as “ready to use”. File has following details (please, you need to check a block “Notes” after opened file in PoB):
- gem links;
- pantheon recommendation;
- a short description about playstyle;
- a short description about tips & tricks;
- PoB-trees with planning points (40/70/90) for a different levels;
- PoB-tree with points (111) on level 90 and budget gear;
- build “add-ons” (recommendation and improvements for endgame playing).

https://pobb.in/y6Fu7rZL2AUh (Main build)
https://pobb.in/UzzM7ib0AB77 (Min-Maxed)

Build 2. Pillar of the Caged Brute

Status: Outdated (3.22)

** Pukiz
** Kalan_Bos

Short List of Features
- Melee Physical Build with Staff (Wow!)
- Medium-Budget Strength stacking (required rare items for stacking)
- Simple leveling & cheap early mapping (a Fistful of Chaos')
- uses Cluster Jewels (1 Large and 1-2 Medium)
- Alternate-Quality Gems are required for Endgame (Divergent Boneshatter)
- 4-6k Life; 35-55k Armour without Flasks (+20-23 stack of Fortify; +3-8 Endurance Charges)
- 1.0-2.5M of pDPS (+0.5-1.5M of Impale DPS) with “Boneshatter” with 5 Trauma stacks in budget gear

It is a new option for ‘Pillar…’-builds, which was born after “Precise Technique” Keystone was added in game. Now (last three Challenge Leagues) It is the most popular variation of ‘Pillar…’-builds if you “poe.ninja”. I tried to understand and, possibly, improve the mechanisms of that build.
- stack a lot of Attributes (especially Strength);
- stack a lot of Armour to negating self-damaging from “Boneshatter”;
- use Cluster Jewels for sustaining Strength and Attack Speed.


NOTE! Each “10 Strength” Node provides a bonus of “18% Increased Physical Damage” (16% from ‘Pillar…’ + 2% from Strength bonus). This is an important fact which is considered at the build planning.

Step 1. Choose a base class
Marauder is a best option because “Juggernaut” Ascendancy class provides required Accuracy (for Strength) and defense against incoming and self-damages. Other Ascendancy classes of Marauder also provide useful bonuses (if the character uses “Forbidden Flesh/Flame” Jewels).

Step 2. Choose a “Bandit Lord”
Choose a bandit (Act II quest “A Bandit Lord”) depending on its bonus efficiency (for ‘Pillar…’-character):
- Oak (insignificant)
** few Damage Reduction and Physical damage boost as ~12 Strength

- Alira (good choice)
** Critical Strike Multiplier and Elemental Resistance

- Kratyn (insignificant)
** few Attack Speed and Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments

- Eramir (good choice)
** +2 passive points -> more flexibility in planning

Step 3. Pick up Nodes and Notables
Taking many 2H-Notables is unprofitable because they are ill-placed on the passive tree (you should take a few weak Nodes) and provide bonuses of 10-15 Strength (check NOTE! above). Instead, you can take Nodes of Strength and Elemental Resistance (for more Life/Damage and less Resistance on Items respectively).
You can use the following values, when allocating passives (include Ascendancy, but without Jewels):
- 110-113 points;
- 500-600 Strength;
- 130-160% Increased maximum Life;
- 125-150% Increased Armour;
- 1-4 additional Endurance Charges;
- 25-35% All Elemental Resistance;
- 4-7 Jewel Sockets (minimum 1 Cluster Jewel Socket).

I have prepared a completed build file as “ready to use”. File has following details (please, you need to check a block “Notes” after opened file in PoB):
- gem links;
- pantheon recommendation;
- a short description about playstyle;
- a short description about tips & tricks;
- PoB-trees with planning points (40/70/90) for a different levels;
- PoB-tree with points (111) on level 90 and budget gear;
- build “add-ons” (recommendation and improvements for endgame playing).

https://pastebin.com/LykpmJrV = Juggernaut
https://pastebin.com/QuxRzY9J = Juggernaut (Maxed)

Build 3. Pillar of the Judgement Might

Status: Active

** Decranix

Short List of Features
- Melee Elemental Build with Staff (Wow-Wow!)
- Medium-Budget Strength stacking (required “Abyssus”, "Astramentis" and “Shaper’s Touch”)
- Simple leveling & cheap early mapping (a Fistful of Chaos')
- uses Cluster Jewels (1-2 Large and 1-2 Small)
- uses Timeless Jewel (only for conquer Keystone)
- Transfigured Gems are optional
- 4-5.5k Life + 2-3k ES; 25-35k Armour without Flasks (+20-23 stack of Fortify)
- 1.5-4M of eDPS (from the first stage) with “Ice Crash” & medium-budget gear

This is a really interesting concept, which uses expected items for unexpected synergies (please, check above for reference of the original creator).
- stack a lot of Attributes (use “Shaper’s Touch” to maximise effect from Attributes);
- take Armour to negating penalty from “Abyssus”;
- use Cluster Jewels for sustaining Attack Speed and non-Physical Leech.


NOTE! Each “10 Strength” Node provides a bonus of “18% Increased Physical Damage” (16% from ‘Pillar…’ + 2% from Strength bonus). This is an important fact which is considered at the build planning.

Step 1. Choose a base class
Pick up Templar because “Inquisitor” Ascendancy will require two key mechanics (ignore Elemental Resistances and recover Energy Shield).

Step 2. Choose a “Bandit Lord”
Choose a bandit (Act II quest “A Bandit Lord”) depending on its bonus efficiency (for ‘Pillar…’-character):
- Oak (insignificant)
** few Damage Reduction and Physical damage boost as ~12 Strength

- Alira (good choice)
** Critical Strike Multiplier and Elemental Resistance

- Kratyn (insignificant)
** few Attack Speed and Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments

- Eramir (good choice)
** +2 passive points -> more flexibility in planning

Step 3. Pick up Nodes and Notables
Taking many 2H-Notables is unprofitable because they are ill-placed on the passive tree (you should take a few weak Nodes) and provide bonuses of 10-15 Strength (check NOTE above). Instead, you can take Nodes of Attributes and Elemental Resistance / Suppression Chance (for more Life/Damage and less Resistance / Suppression on Items respectively).
You can use the following values, when allocating passives (include Ascendancy, but without Jewels):
- 110-113 points;
- 360-410 Strength;
- 100-170 Dexterity;
- 100-170 Intelligence;
- 100-110% Increased maximum Life;
- 50-80% Increased Armour;
- 250-350% Critical Strike Multiplier;
- 5-9 Jewel Sockets (minimum 1 Cluster Jewel Socket).

I have prepared a completed build file as “ready to use”. File has following details (please, you need to check a block “Notes” after opened file in PoB):
- gem links;
- pantheon recommendation;
- a short description about playstyle;
- a short description about tips & tricks;
- PoB-trees with planning points (40/70/90) for a different levels;
- PoB-tree with points (111) on level 90 and budget gear;
- build “add-ons” (recommendation and improvements for endgame playing).

https://pobb.in/bcD6Tpc_k2Kh (Main build)
https://pobb.in/yQXMgaBXccAj (Min-Maxed)

Build 4. Pillar of the Caged Might

Status: Inactive

** Original Thread
"Well you see him, exile, shrink not from God."
view-thread/2513898 - [3.23] Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z.
view-thread/2972787 - [3.12] Replica Oro's Sacrifice. Investigation of meme.
Dernière édition par Psijik#1366, le 15 août 2024 08:32:27
Chapter 3. Ongoing mechanics

There is a chapter about mechanics in "ongoing" (i.e. league mechanics, when we don't have any developers' decisions about adding these mechanics to the core game). In case, these mechanics will add to the core ‒ information from this chapter will move and be included in the guide-files from "Chapter 2".


Work in Progress (WiP)

Mixed useful Charm mods

Critical Strikes have Culling Strike
#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
Adds # to # Physical Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently
Warcries grant # Rage per 5 Power if you have less than 25 Rage
Banner Skills have no Reservation
Gain Adrenaline for 4 seconds when you reach Low Life
Impales you inflict last 1 additional Hit
#% increased Strength
#% increased Accuracy Rating if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds
#% increased Effect of your Marks
Hits ignore Enemy Monster Physical Damage Reduction if you've Blocked in the past 20 seconds
Every 4 seconds, Regenerate #% of Life over one second
Nearby Enemies cannot gain Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charges
#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Consecrated Ground you create applies #% increased Damage taken to Enemies
#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you are Hit
Movement Speed cannot be modified to below base value
#% increased Effect of Onslaught on you
Gain #% increased Attack Speed for 20 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Culling Strike

#% of Leech is Instant
Cannot be Stunned while you have at least 25 Rage
Melee Hits have #% chance to Fortify
#% Chance to Block Attack Damage
If you've Attacked Recently, you and nearby Allies have +#% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Every 4 seconds, remove Curses and Elemental Ailments from you
#% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you
#% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 seconds
+# to Strength and Intelligence
#% of Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits
#% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge
#% increased Life Regeneration rate
You and nearby Allies have +#% to Elemental Resistances
Nearby Enemies are Chilled
Flasks gain a Charge every 3 seconds
Removes Bleeding when you use a Flask
Recover #% of Life when you use a Flask
Cannot take Reflected Physical/Elemental Damage


You cannot use Runecrafting of the unique items (exclude "Serle's Masterwork").
Sorry, but there is no valuable information here.
"Well you see him, exile, shrink not from God."
view-thread/2513898 - [3.23] Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z.
view-thread/2972787 - [3.12] Replica Oro's Sacrifice. Investigation of meme.
Dernière édition par Psijik#1366, le 15 août 2024 08:03:07
"Well you see him, exile, shrink not from God."
view-thread/2513898 - [3.23] Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z.
view-thread/2972787 - [3.12] Replica Oro's Sacrifice. Investigation of meme.
"Well you see him, exile, shrink not from God."
view-thread/2513898 - [3.23] Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z.
view-thread/2972787 - [3.12] Replica Oro's Sacrifice. Investigation of meme.
"Well you see him, exile, shrink not from God."
view-thread/2513898 - [3.23] Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z.
view-thread/2972787 - [3.12] Replica Oro's Sacrifice. Investigation of meme.
"Well you see him, exile, shrink not from God."
view-thread/2513898 - [3.23] Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z.
view-thread/2972787 - [3.12] Replica Oro's Sacrifice. Investigation of meme.
"Well you see him, exile, shrink not from God."
view-thread/2513898 - [3.23] Pillar of the Caged God. From A to Z.
view-thread/2972787 - [3.12] Replica Oro's Sacrifice. Investigation of meme.
I don't understand your English...
There are some excellent crafting tips in here regarding pillar. But There are some catastrophic flaws to this work in progress pillar plan. The pillar uses a decent amount of uniques that come with no resists. To compound that, you pick an ascendency which has no resists built (perfectly fine in itself)... but then every single item you suggest including every jewl is added flat.. and str... do you know what that will do on a character that is already starved for survivability and probably wearing an abyssus (for more phys damage incoming ) to boot?

I would like to point out reworking your suggestions and factoring in how to build resists into a pillar build because it is a fundamental problem to these characters.


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