Templars on TRT-- Uber Elder Viable Self-Cast Flameblast Build
![]() This build is a homebrew I made in synthesis league. I wanted to make a tanky caster that uses the spell flameblast. I was able to clear all endgame content including uber elder solo. Self cast, the way God intended. Strengths: -clears quickly and safely -has strengths of an energy shield and life build all at once -can facetank all but the most obvious of boss mechanics -blows up whole screen in one spell -immune to ignite shock freeze stuns -likes all map layouts Weaknesses: -has to stop to attack -hates chaos damage -cannot run elemental reflect maps Offenses- 800 000+ single target with no flasks
We use flameblast, a fast casting channeling spell that multiplies its area of effect and damage as it gains stages, up to 10. It offers immense base damage right out the gate but is challenging to use. To harness its power we need to invest in certain stats:
-tankyness- we have to stand still while flameblast builds enough charges, allowing our enemies plenty of time to attack us. -high casting speed + increased area of effect- The more of these we have, the faster flameblast expands, and the faster we clear. -huge mana pool- flameblast casts 10+ times per second, and we aren't taking the boring way out and letting totems do all the work. We also use herald of ash, which makes all enemies we kill explode, dealing extra damage based on the overkill damage. Flameblast does so much overkill damage that it effectively shotguns our damage, killing enemies that cluster with weaker enemies(like elder portals) easily. Enemies on the edge of flameblasts range also help extend its area. We use Doon Cuebiyari+Iron will support to turn strength into damage. Defenses- 11000+ energy shield, 8000+ life+mana
We use tribrid energy shield+life+mana to gain a huge effective hp pool. We gain energy shield from Geofri's sanctuary+shaper's touch while stacking strength, and from the heirophant ascendancy node, Sanctuary of thought. We use mind over matter keystone passive + the hierophant ascendancy node divine guidance to effectively convert mana to life. This three way ehp pool requires several different methods to maintain it. Both mana and energy shield can regen at the same time, but life cannot because of the passive keystone node zealots oath. We can however leech both life and energy shield at the same time. energy shield-regen(1300+), leech (1800+) life-leech(1000+), flasks mana-regen(800+) All 3 can also be replenished on kill from the unique flask cinderswallow urn. flameblast can struggle to leech enough life vs one target, especially when we are taking chaos damage. An easy way to fill your leech to max quickly is to spam small flameblasts instead of going to max stacks. In general be careful vs chaos damage single target bosses like bameth. Watch out for this monster, its lightning thorns attack can kill you. If you see one, take out your cwdt-storm brand-ball lightning set up for that map. ![]() Passive tree - level 96
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.6.3/AAAABAUCAAceB2MI9A18EFgRDxEtEVARlhVQFm8c3CBoIvQk2CcvJ6ko-ikPKo0snDD4MtE22DpYOtg7DTwFPexDyEVHRZ1JG0lPSVFMs08EUEJTNVNSVUtVxlZIV8lboF8qYeJkvWZUZp5o8mobakNsC20Zcg90VXflfA58g3_GgpuFMoVthXuHZYw2jHaPGo_6kFWTJ5RvlS6XLZeVl_SYrZrgn9-hL6IApwinK6dVqUCsmK7_tzG3OLiTvKq86r6KwGbIm8t_y73QH9WB1abYJOGS42Ljaukz6-7sOOxV73zv6_Af8NXxbPKO9Br1-vrS_rM= We stick to the blue part of the tree. The red part of the tree offers little other than pathing through +10 strength nodes, life+ regen nodes, and unyielding stance. We abuse efficient training jewel to reach a high strength stat anyway. Lucidity+arcane swiftness passives allow us to gain full immunity to stuns while clearing with cinderswallow urn up. elemental overload/equilibrium offer a lot of damage, we use fast hitting lightning spells to activate them. kill all bandits ascension: hierophant 1)illuminated devotion-all the life leech we need 2)divine guidance- mana and mind over matter synergy 3)arcane blessing-needed to keep arcane surge up, freeze and shock immune is op-use arcane surge gem till you get this. 4)sanctuary of thought-tons of energy shield and cuts all mana costs. Will prevent you from easily using arcane surge gem, so arcane blessing is a necessary evil Pantheon- use Brine king if you are struggling with stuns, use Arakaali otherwise. Tokuhama as the minor. Gear
Acquire endgame gear in this order:
1)rare rings, amulet, boots, shield, helmet, belt. With strength, resists, mana life. efficient training jewels. 2)shaper's touch, 5 link geofri's sanctuary, doon cuebiyari. 3)cinderswallow urn 4)astramentis and alberon's warpath when you can get enough resists on your other item slots. 5)6 link geofri's sanctuary 6)watchers eye 7)upgrade rares, get corrupted uniques, more expensive watchers eye. Cheap item with excellent stats. Can give 150+ increased damage from strength. All rolls are important, try to invest in a perfect one if you can. A cast speed implicit from corruption can give a damage boost, make sure you aren't giving up too much other stats though. Gives lots of flat energy shield. Also saves us a passive node for zealots oath. 6 link can be expensive but offers a big damage boost, make it a priority to save for one. Gives hundreds of %increased energy shield with enough strength, allowing us to take only the best energy shield nodes on the tree. Also turns strength into mana. These are very cheap, so its easy to get a good corruption- I recommend enfeeble/elemental weakness curse on hit or +cast speed. Gives high strength- A % strength corruption is good as long as you don't give up to much flat strength on the explicit stat. Highest strength of any boot item. Make sure they have an 18% strength roll. They are so cheap that its easy to get a good enchant/corruption. The life/mana regen lab enchant is best, but any good corrupt can work too. 1)elemental resists up to 75% 2)strength 3)mana+life 4)flat energy shield For your rare items , remember es bases cant roll strength, and pure armour bases cant roll es or mana. You can add es or mana to an armour base, but the strength roll from crafting bench sucks, so no es bases. Ideally we use hybrid armour/es bases or armour bases if we have to. Get %strength implicits from the synthesizer or corruption if you can. Flasks
Life flasks to stay alive, make sure at least one is an instant divine flask. At least one must have "removes bleeding on use". "Removes poison on use" is nice too. We are immune to freeze due to our ascendancy so don't worry about that. If you are having trouble sustaining mana, you can use hybrid flasks instead of life flasks. To get from point A to point B Absolute best damage flask for the build. We use ignite and love cast + move speed from onslaught. Life+es+mana on kill is overpowered, very difficult for damage to stick to us while clearing. I chose the "avoid being stunned" craft on it because getting stunned while channeling flameblast can be rage inducing while clearing. In all we have over 100% chance to avoid stuns while channeling with this flask up. Fill the rest of your flask slots with utility/ damage flasks. Vessel of vinktar is a great damage flask for us because we cant be shocked. Defensive flasks can save your life vs the appropriate boss. Use "removes curses on use" flasks to get through permacurse maps. Gems
Main Damage link: Vaal flameblast is basically 3 flame blasts in a row for free on a short cooldown. Level 21 flameblast is a big damage boost over 20, get both of them as soon as you can. Support priority is infused channeling>controlled destruction>increased area of effect>elemental focus>iron will use this over increased area of effect support vs tough single target bosses, like elder, guardians, shaper, atziri. use level 1 arcane surge until you get arcane blessing while leveling. Cast when damage taken set up#1 Casts Molten shell for free when you take damage,Giving you armour and life/es leech. Socket this in Doon Cuebiyari for a free iron will link. You can either put a 4th link on molten shell or a lightning/stone golem. Be warned about stone golem though, his taunt can be more annoying than helpful when you want a boss to hit you. Level these gems all to 20. Cast when damage taken set up #2 Leave this cwdt gem at level 1 so it goes off as often as possible. Make sure all the gems it supports do not go above "requires level 38", otherwise they wont work. Immortal call gives free damage immunity for less than a second, very useful vs things like multiple projectile monsters shooting you all at once or porcupines. We use 2 fast hitting lightning spells here- they barely do any damage, but are useful to activate elemental overload and elemental equilibrium. Elemental equilibrium only tracks the last hit you did, so these spells ensure that enemies always are weak to fire damage when you hit them with flameblast. Cast when damage taken set up #3 Leave this cwdt at level 1 as well. you can put any curse you like here, I prefer flammability, but enfeeble or warlords mark are good too. Wave of conviction lowers enemy resistance on hit, and lowers it even further if it ignites due to combustion (cinderswallow urn likes ignite too). It does ruin elemental equilibrium, but ball lightning+storm brand will most likely reset that before you hit with molten shell or flameblast. Movement skills: Use phase run to go from point A to point B. To get around, we use quicksilver+cinderswallow flasks and phase run, stop to cast flameblast, rinse repeat. Use increased duration so you can keep it on all the time over long distances. Flame dash is for jumping gaps and escaping bad situations. No links are needed. You can use shield charge or whatever other movement skill you like instead. Aura skills: Feel free to reserve as much mana as you are comfortable with. If you are dying a lot, you may need to leave more mana unreserved. Herald of ash is most important, always use this first. You may have to level up clarity when leveling for the mana regen. if you have good enough mana regen already but have a watchers eye that requires clarity, you can use a level 1 clarity to free up more mana. Zealotry and discipline are great but require a lot of mana reservation, use one of these if you are comfortable with that much mana reserved. Zealotry's consecrated ground appears on top of the boss ball lightning hits, so stand close to get the effect. Vaal discipline is a great cooldown if you use discipline. Use as high level of an enlighten as you can afford. Miscellaneous skills: You might find some of these gems useful -enduring cry is good when you are just starting out and need another source of regen, it will eventually get outscaled -use frost wall to protect shaper when fighting red elder -vaal righteous fire gives a huge damage boost. Use it before you engage a boss so you can quickly regen the lost energy shield back. Use in combination with vaal flameblast to delete any map boss. -link blind to any of our lightning spells to cut all attack damage from enemies by 50% -orb of storms can be used over storm brand or ball lightning with cwdt, or you can cast it manually -cold snap will generate frenzy charges for you while clearing, just put it into a cwdt setup. Jewels
Slot these in by faith and steel, elemental equilibrium, and deep thoughts. These allow us to gain a ton of strength without having to go into the red part of the tree. Get as high of a strength roll as you can. If you can afford corruptions, get "increased area of effect" or "reduced mana reserved" We have a number of good watchers eye mods available to us, some more expensive than others. The absolute best one is Gain % of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity. This mod alone is worth 2000+ energy shield, use a divine orb to get a max roll(18%) if you have to. Some other mods are good enough until you get that one, or can be used in combination if you are lucky or rich. -Damage taken from Mana before Life while affected by Clarity(more Mind over matter effect) -Damage taken gained as Mana over 4 seconds when Hit while affected by Clarity(never run out of mana again) -Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline(hundreds of es per second vs one target, thousands per second while map clearing/delving) -increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline(multiplies your es regen, recharge, and leech) -% of Maximum Energy Shield Regenerated per Second while affected by Discipline(regen) -faster start of Energy Shield Recharge while affected by Discipline(very good vs bosses) -Consecrated Ground you create while affected by Zealotry causes enemies to take increased Damage(more damage vs bosses) -30% increased Maximum total Recovery per second from Energy Shield Leech while affected by Zealotry(leech 13% of max es per second instead of 10%) Leveling
We dont worry about building strength or energy shield until we are high enough level for our required uniques, and stay life based with mind over matter until then.
Use any spell you like until you can use flameblast at 28. I personally used fireball till 12, then firestorm. If this is your league starter, sell a blue rarity wand/sceptre+ an orb of alteration+ a ruby ring to a vendor for a weapon that gives +1 level to socketed fire spells(flameblast gains 10-20% damage per level). Sell a red gem+iron ring if you cant find a ruby ring. If you have some money to spend, consider buying items such as tabula rasa, goldrim, wanderlust, praxis, Axiom Perpetuum, the dark seer. While leveling you may struggle to keep up with flamebasts high mana cost. You can: -use mana/hybrid flasks -warlords mark+cwdt/blasphemy -clarity -take more mana/mana regen nodes And remember to only use as big of a flameblast as you need to. Do not take elemental overload/equilibrium unless you have cwdt or are willing to self cast orb of storms/storm brand. Gem link priority is infused channeling>controlled destruction>elemental focus>increased area of effect>iron will. use arcane surge support until you get the arcane blessing ascendancy. You can use a high level one with flameblast,where it takes priority just under infused channeling, or a low level one with self cast orb of storms/storm brand. Use combustion support in your main link instead of elemental focus until you get cwdt+wave of conviction. Passives- in general, if you are dying take more life+mana nodes, get more resists on gear, and unreserve more mana. If you are clearing too slow take more area of effect and cast speed nodes. Feel free to change the order however you like. 25 points we take some efficient nodes on the way to mind over matter https://poeplanner.com/ABAAADkAEAUAABlPBEPIW6CnVXwOaPLwH6IArv_VpoKbn9_vfDwFwGZFRzLR6-6FMpctSU-8qprgRZ1TUgAAAAAA 49 points path towards heart of flame https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAGkAEAUAADFPBEPIW6CnVXwOaPLwH6IArv_VpoKbn9_vfDwFwGZFRzLR6-6FMpctSU-8qprgRZ1TUnyDES0snG0ZCPRqQ7zql_SXlUyzBAeD21XGOljr5F8qrJjxbDbYSRsqjexVEFiHZQAAAAAA 69 points take ee, eo, channeling nodes https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAJEAEAUAAEVPBEPIW6CnVXwOaPLwH6IArv_VpoKbn9_vfDwFwGZFRzLR6-6FMpctSU-8qprgRZ1TUnyDES0snG0ZCPRqQ7zql_SXlUyzBAeD21XGOljr5F8qrJjxbDbYSRsqjexVpwjYJFZIHNy4kyj6mK2PRh0U-tLhksib9BopDyL0bAvLfyBo8o6FbdWBJNgAAAAAAA== 91 points fill out more life mana damage https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAL0AEAUAAFtPBEPIW6CnVXwOaPLwH6IArv_VpoKbn9_vfDwFwGZFRzLR6-6FMpctSU-8qprgRZ1TUnyDES0snG0ZCPRqQ7zql_SXlUyzBAeD21XGOljr5F8qrJjxbDbYSRsqjexVpwjYJFZIHNy4kyj6mK2PRh0U-tLhksib9BopDyL0bAvLfyBo8o6TJ1M1UEKMNgdjy71VS2Hif8YRlgcelS7w1UlRj_rjYvX6tzgQWIdlFm_jaoVt1YEk2AAAAAAA 119 points now that we are ready to get our strength scaling uniques, we move around some points to take advantage of efficient training jewels. We also begin to take energy shield nodes. https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAPUAEAUAAHdPBEPIW6CnVXwOaPLwH6IArv_VpoKbn9_vfDwFwGZFRzLR6-6FMpctSU-8qprgRZ1TUnyDES0snG0ZCPRqQ7zql_SXlUyzVcY6WF8qrJjxbDbYSRsqjexVpwjYJFZIHNy4kyj6mK360uGSyJv0GikPIvRsC8t_IGjyjpMnUzVQQow2B2PLvVVLYeJ_xhGWBx6VLvDVSVGP-uNi9fq3OBBYh2UWb-NqvoqhL48aMPg62CcvkFXsOIV7ZlSUb3IPZp535VfJDXz-s2obEVCnK2S9PezpM4Vt1YEk2LcxjHbQH-_rOw0RD3RVqUAnqRVQAAAAAAA= Dernière édition par lildudespider3#3988, le 3 mai 2019 15:57:01 Dernier bump le 7 juin 2019 10:08:43
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new patch, how did we fare?
passive tree -witch es nodes got nerfed hard, but that's fine, we don't use them. -new % strength node got added in the marauder area, probably worth it to go down there now -Some other nodes got moved around without much effect on us- we just take insightfulness and move a few points around singular focus gems -idk how the new molten shell or immortal call work, well have to see. -shield charge got a large buff, might be more appealing as a movement skill -infused channeling lost its physical damage reduction while channeling- big nerf to us items -reworked sorrow of the divine looks cool- allows us to heal es with life flasks- great for a hybrid like us -loss of synthesized % strength gear hurts big time The biggest losses are sythesized gear and infused channeling. We got no buffs to compensate other than the new juicy strength node. Overall we are weaker than before. Dernière édition par lildudespider3#3988, le 7 juin 2019 10:10:11
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