Weirdest Starter Armageddon Brand Heiro

This is my first build that I've posted and its kinda weird, I'm posting this to ask for suggestions in gearing and gem links. I've done up to tier 5 maps with my 4L potato gear so far, I've tried tier 15 with the same but I kept on dying. I'll try it again with my current gear but I doubt the dps will make it.

Achievements: Uber lab, (died 5 times in total, changed my gear and BOOM I was able to finish it.)


> Quite Tanky (can take Izaro's Jump attack with green fireballs head on and survive with minimal health
> Safe Range Playstyle (The build can play from afar and simply let the brands jump continuously on enemies as the die)
> Good Wave Clear Speed
> Brands propagate by themselves


> Utterly Useless(Deals insanely low damage since I took life and ES nodes, and crit is weird on it)
> Stutters a lot (Upon receiving a lot of damage the character may stutter and lose mana hence you need to run around a bit

Story and Theory Behind

I just wanted to try the new brand skill. It was lacking a lot of things at first. I eventually made the build along the way.
So why heirophant?
I actually wanted to capitalize on the ascendancy nodes Sign of Purpose and Illuminated Devotion. Sign of purpose boosts your brand damage and Illuminated Devotion gives you increased spell damage, increased area of effect, and Spell damage leeched as life during arcane surge and this is on top of the arcane surge bonus.
I know there are a lot of better builds like the elementalist builds, but I'm currently trying a storm brand assassin (I hope it turns out well). Heirophant builds are actually more tanky than elementalist builds and are relatively cheap to build around.


> Is the build tanky?
It currently sits around 4184 life and 4178 Energy Shield with around 127 armor (haha!) and 416evasion rating (more haha!) so its really quite squishy and you need to move a lot to dodge most damage but with the effect fortitude of around 8300+ life bosses and mobs rarely one shot you.

> Is it cheap?
Insanely cheap, I spent around 45c on the armor, 4c on the boots, 2c on the gloves, 3c on the helm, 7c on rings and amulets, 4c on the shield and 3c on the weapon. I crafted the belt.

> Does it deal enough damage?
It takes me around 2 to 3 minutes for every Izaro phase so I think its pretty low as of the moment, I'm finding ways to fix the damage.


What better question is there to ask than "What gear are you using?", so here it is.

Most of my rare gears have 3 very important stats, HEALTH, ES and MANA (Since Sanctuary of though gives you 30% of Mana is added as Extra maximum energy shield.

Its just a good resistance, health,ES and Mana health.

Probably the most important gear this build works on. It has great ES, +1 to socketed fire gems, increased critical strike change, and fire damage conversion. This gear boosts your damage up to 11, not to mention it has an additional increased fire damage. Though you can go for Carcass or a rare armor with good life, ES, Mana and Resistances so that you may free your rings for a Mark of the Shaper (Which gives you more damage).

I took this for the ES, Increased critical strike change and Increased Mana Cost of Skills (The more the Mana cost the easier it is to get arcane surge and this glove somewhat offsets Sanctuary of Thought's mana reduction so I am still able to spend mana and get arcane surge even if I have full ES.

Elder boots that have Spell totem support and Movement Speed helps your mobility and survivability a lot.
The spell totems act as meat-shields while giving slow, ignite and shock on the enemies.
Why does it have to be in an elder boots?
Rune binder reduces your maximum totems hence you get 0 totems, so to be able to summon totems you need the summon spell totem support and multiple totems support to make your maximum number of totems 2.

These are generic mana, resistance, life, and ES rings and amulets. Feel free to adjust them based on your gear. (Will probably craft and elder ring with resistances and use Mark of the Shaper later on this league).

Just another generic belt, adjust based on your need and set up.

ES shields with cast speed and spell damage will help. But you can just go for two wands or sceptres both would be fine.

The weapon, you can look for elemental damage, added damage to spells, fire damage, cast speed, crit multiplier and crit chance. Have atleast 3 of those and you'll probably be fine (I was able to finish uber lab with just a

Skill Gems and links

5L to 6L body Armor
Armageddon Brand + Arcane Surge + Concentrated Effect + Elemental Focus (for a four link gear
+ Controlled Destruction (for a 5 link gear)
+ Combustion (for a 6 link gear, POB said this would give the highest DPS)

4L movement set up
Flame dash/lightning warp + less duration + faster casting.
Though if you can get a 2 red and 1 green link, I highly suggest shield charge + faster attacks + fortify

3L Curse Set Up
Arc + Curse on hit + Flammability, I just put my Brand Recall gem in the 4th socket of this set up in my gloves.

5 Link Totem Set Up
Glacial Cascade + Multiple totems + Elemental Proliferation + Bonechill Support. This is attached to and elder boots with spell totem support.
Why glacial cascade?
Glacial cascade deals cold damage and has a reliable area of effect, when linked to bonechill and elemental proliferation I have around 50+% chance to freeze and chill so it slows the enemies and gives me a larger window to move around.

2 Link Survivability Set Up (It should be 3 link but I can't get 3 reds on my wand)
Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call (Will add molten shell or Temporal Chains Curse if I get the appropriate colors.)

I run herald of ash and clarity but when I reach the later parts of this league I plan on having no mana reserved and going for a clear mind jewel.

A lightning golem just for the kicks.

How has it been so far?

Pretty hard, but we can do Uber lab for sure and tier 5 maps are a breeze.
I currently have 19k tool tip DPS and around 76k PoB DPS. I'll make adjustments as I go forward in this league (help me guys).

Skill Tree

PoB Pastebin

Anyway, that's all I have for this build, please feel free to comment any suggestions on how to strengthen this dude. Good Luck Exiles!
Dernier bump le 15 déc. 2018 02:17:00
I think chasing crit is hurting you. Unless you have great gear, take elemental overload, drop the crit nodes and get a bunch of life and some spell and fire damage nodes. It should make things a bit smoother for you.
NoluK a écrit :
I think chasing crit is hurting you. Unless you have great gear, take elemental overload, drop the crit nodes and get a bunch of life and some spell and fire damage nodes. It should make things a bit smoother for you.

Thanks, I will try that. I have to change a lot from my gear though but I will surely try.


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