[3.4] 2H Static Strike Inquisitor - 1+M Shaper DPS, 6k life, walking simulator

Greetings exile,

New patch is up, new skills are avaliable for us to figure out how to abuse their powers, clear speed meta is again, well ... meta. Many of us was exited about the Static Strike rework and yet almost everybody is wasting its potential with garbage like Mjölner and Arc with above average clear and zero single target damage. Here is my version, let me introduce to you ... The melee even better Blade Vortex running simulator, great for clear, great for boss killing.

Pros & Cons

- very good clear speed
- lots of single traget DPS (1.2M Shaper DPS)
- 6k+ life
- above average defences
- easy leveling
- end game gear is cheap

- can't do Ele reflect maps
- have to swap amulet and one gem for tough bosses

Mechanics & Damage & Voidforge PoB calculation

After performing a melee hit with Static Strike (SS), a buff is applied on you which deals damage to max. 6 (at lv 20) surrounding targets. Next hit will add one more stack to the buff (max 3 stacks). Each stacks increases the speed the beam is hitting targets. The beams attack rate is based only on number of statcs, attack speed mod on equip or in tree won't boost it. The beams from the buff can chain and it lasts for 4 seconds. If you are moving, the beam does more damage then when you are stationary. There is "Are you always moving?" chckbox in PoB Config tab.

The biggest issue with Static Strike clearing abilities is low area coverage. There are several ways to deal with this:
1) Chain
We have +1 chain from amulet (Gloomfang).

2) Helmet enchant
Static Strike has +2 maximum Beam Targets. With this enchant and +1 chain we can hit 16 targets per beam strike.

3) Herald of Ice/Ash
Helps with clear. Pick your favorite, Herald of Ash or Herald of Ice.

Our single target damage consists of two sources: melee hit and beam hit. The melee hit can be more boosted with attack speed, the beam hit can't. So it's very important to balance our increases to damage and increases to attack speed, we might end up with big melee DPS but small beam DPS which could mean smaller overall DPS.

In my PoB the numbers are following:
melee hit - 833k DPS
beam 3 stacks - 387k DPS

So if im standing and hitting boss i have 1.2M DPS. Here comes the great part ... if i need to move (dodge etc.) the beam's damage will increase to 581k DPS (since im moving) for the next 4 seconds. So dodging stuff isn't pusnished damage vise as with other skills.

How to calculate Voidforge's DPS in PoB
Krkoa a écrit :
PoB don't recognize:
"Gain 300% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of an Element"

So it doesn't count DPS benefit from that. That's why you have to edit Voidforge in PoB to any other elemental DMG like:
"Gain 300% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage" (or extra Cold/Lightning)

It is random which element it choose so chance is like 1:3
Also if you are not taking any nodes or don't have any special item like "Increased Lightning/Cold/Fire Damage" and you have only "+% Increase elemental damage" then that DPS is basically same for any element which Voidforge choose.


Maps & Delves
Leap in, hit once, proceed to next pack, in 4 seconds hit again.

Hit him as long as you can take his damage, then move (the beam is now hitting him for you with more damage).


Tree lv 89

Next upgrades
Finish Scion Life wheel, Juggernaut. If you want more DPS Butchery, Razor's Edge.

Pick Inquisitor ... shocking ...
Normal lab - Instruments of Virtue
Cruel lab - Righteous Providence
Merci lab - Inevitable Judgement
Uber lab - Augury of Penitence

PoB link

Kill all for 2 passive points.

Gem links

6L Static Strike: Static Strike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Melee Physical Damage - Hypothermia - Increased Critical Strikes - Ruthless | Ancestral Call

We use Ancestrall Call during leveling/maping becouse it allows us to apply 2 buffs of Static Strike beams AND we can do it from some range. Another option is Multistrike, but it lowers the beam damage more then Ancestral Call and since we do clear exclusively with beam, its a bad gem for us.

6L Vaal Ancestral Warchief: Vaal Ancestral Warchief - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Melee Physical Damage - Concentrated Effect - Hypothermia - Ruthless

Use him for low tier bosses and you wont have to swap amulets. 4L is good enough and opens up 2 more sockets for another usefull gems.

Other gems:
Blood Rage - Increased Duration
Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call
Leap Slam - Blood Magic - Fortify - Faster Attacks
Blasphemy - Enlighten - Temporal Chains - Herald of Purity
Herald of Ash
Summon Ice Golem


Voidforge - best in slot and currently very cheap.
Terminus Est - use for leveling or if you can't afford Voidforge.

Rare helmet - look for Intelligence for gem requirements, life and resiists. And SS enchant!
Abyssus - more damage.

Body Armour
Loreweave - best DPS upgrade and great defence stats (max. resistances).
Belly of the Beast - more life.

Tombfist - intimidate and abyssal jewel sockets.

Rare boots - look for 30% movement speed, life and resistances.

Rare amulet - flap phys to attacks, crit multi, life, stats, resists if struggeling.
Gloomfang - must have for clear, that +1 chain is gold.

Two Rate rings - with life, flap phys to attacks, resistas, accuracy.

Rare Rustic Sash or Stygian Vise - life, resists, elemental damage with attacks.

crit multi (global, two hand, elemental skills, melee skills)
phys damage
attack speed

Abyssal Jewels
flap life
phys damage

Lion's Roar
Diamond Flask
Basalt Flask
Quicksilver Flask
Blood of the Karui


Pick all nodes in Templar area and then head to Ranger side of the tree and pick up Fatal Blade and Acrobatics. Then go to Marauder life nodes and Blade Master on the left side.

Any Two hand uniq weapon, if you have only axes, dont take the swords nodes in tree until you can equip Terminus Est, it will carry you until you can equip Voidforge.

Pantheons and Map modes

Soul of The Brine King with idealy all upgrades.
Pick minor power of your liking.

Map mods
We can't do Elemental reflection maps. Otherwise its all good man.


Static Strike has +2 maximum Beam Targets - must have for clearing.

Nothing worth mentioning.

2% life regen if hit recently.
16% attack speed if killed recently.
10% movement speed if haven't been hit recently.
120% critical strike chance if haven't crit recently.


Unfortunately im already done with this character and haven't record any videos. Sorry.
I killed T15 red Elder, all Shaper's guardians and Shaper himself. Deathless.

That's it. No slow Mjölner, no lame Arc, no weak Touch of Anguish claws just pure old fashion brutal two-handed weapon action. Hits so hard they'll rattle theirs ancestors 8-)

See you next time, delvers.

Other build guides of mine
Dernière édition par blekota#3860, le 14 sept. 2018 04:44:48
Dernier bump le 13 nov. 2018 18:24:43
Is this voidforge legacy or something? The one's I find grant that 300% of weapon phys damage as extra damage of an element, not lightning damage exclusively
Big_Ben87 a écrit :
Is this voidforge legacy or something? The one's I find grant that 300% of weapon phys damage as extra damage of an element, not lightning damage exclusively

PoB don't recognize:
"Gain 300% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of an Element"

So it doesn't count DPS benefit from that. That's why you have to edit Voidforge in PoB to any other elemental DMG like:
"Gain 300% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage" (or extra Cold/Lightning)

It is random which element it choose so chance is like 1:3
Also if you are not taking any nodes or don't have any special item like "Increased Lightning/Cold/Fire Damage" and you have only "+% Increase elemental damage" then that DPS is basically same for any element which Voidforge choose.
Hey, Nice guide!

I want to play a static strike char and have a qustion for you.

Is multistrike repeating the Beams of static strike to, or just the attack itself ?

MS aply just to main melee attack. Bad thing about MS is that you have to run into or right next to a pack of monsters, then and its the good thing, you'll gain 3 charges. If you, in hurry, wont click on enemy, MS will automaticly attack 2 other nearby ones and give you just 2 charges. Last downside is that it cuts your beam damage very much .... You dont even want MS for your single target setup becouse the final DPS (melee + beam) is lower then with anything else (melee phys atc).

I found Ancestral Call much better. It takes much lesser bit of you beam damage, makes your melee hits basicly ranged, so you dont have to run all the way into pack. Playstyle with AC was much smoother then MS.
Is VoidForge's random element can apply chill all the time for Hypothermia?
Dernière édition par OrKToS#1543, le 24 sept. 2018 15:28:19
the skill tree doesn't load for me, can you put updated version? thx


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