[ 3.4 ] Kurcohista Smiting Guardian of Purity ( WIP ) ( Budget Friendly )

This is My first time making my own build that actually works and I am trying to do it to the best of my abilities, any advice's/changes are always welcome. I have never progressed as far in POE as I have with this build so I think I did something right. Thx For any advices

Version History

1.2 - added/changed alot of stuff
1.1 - changed thread name to better fit description, current gear, passives and gem setup, future setup


*You are not alone/minions are there to tank aswell
*easy to obtain/budget
*ok dmg
*can do physical reflect maps
*can do elemental reflect with some gem switch

*You cannot facetank/use minions for that
*mana issues sometimes( lookin for solution )
*difficult to run no mana regen maps without changing gems/gear abit
*not a 6k life build without investing into build

How to play

Spam smite like you mean it, get your minions up and then jump like a frog getting that innervate buff and spam more smite(and occasionally die if you are like me), occasionally if u want u can have spare dominating blow to get some buffs so u can farm maps even faster.(Thats how you play on easier maps)

On harder maps start slowly get your minions up and stand behind them, they are your wall and you don't need to directly hit with smite smite has 2ndary attack which will proc even if u hit the ground jump with leap on occasion to get innervate up but don't rush in.Also dominate a minion on occasion aswell.

Current Progression

Atziri - Done
Elder - Done
Chimera Guardian - Done
Current Mine Depth - 239
Being an Idiot and dying flawlessly - Done

Passive Skill Tree & Ascendancy

I feel this is pretty good tree with some minor things we can remove to gain life or dmg your choice. The only thing I am lacking atm from tree is mana and mana is a problem atm as I haven't gotten or crafted a mana leech gear to be fair, we can always try to get mana leech jewel somehow as It currently stands I don't have any and I am out of crafting. If we were to go to 100 we can either go for more life nodes for survivability or lightning dmg increase. With minions we have enough dmg and they are doing their job, I would like to know exact dmg my minions dmg do as it is very difficult to see the exact dmg like this.

Drehist v.3

Drehist v.2

Drehist v.1


In beginning I wanted to play this with hammer and shield so I can RP, all my gear has been aquired by crafting myself or drops, I had to drop Geoffrey legacy as I couldn't aquire navali prophecy on my own and I got pretty good helmet with minion dmg which also increases our dmg aswell, all this can be aquired by you and is farmable. This also removes the need to search for perfect enchant on helmet as 39% dmg to minions is buffing smite dmg aswell.


Its also viable with

Current Gem Setup

Belly of the beast has been pain to color perfectly as it stands my gems are still like this
Smite-> Multistrike / ancestral call->Physical to Lightning->elemental dmg -> physical dmg -> dmg on full life (5 red / 1 blue)


Current dmg with almost all procs it goes from 275k to 310k so its almost perfect average. Keep in Mind Its not accounting for dmg of our minions which means 4 sentinels,lightnin golem and holy relic so you get even more dmg, IF I were to put ancestral warchief in I would get even more dmg

Full 6 link that I would look like to try

Smite->Multistrike / Ancestral Call->Physical to Lightning->Elemental dmg->melee physical -> Concentrated area effect / Lightning penetration / added Lightning

In all honesty I am happy with my current setup but I would like to try with conc effect as I think it would be more stable source of dmg when u arent on full hp, I am also not using ancestrall call atm I am just multistriking as its fast enough with smite its almost like u have ancestrall call since u have main attack and proc around.

Herald Of Purity->Maim->Fortify->Blind

Previusly I was running herald of purity with increased attack speed but now that I have 6 link I started to have major mana problem and increasing avaliable mana from 40 to 71 is helping a little, Also our sentinels are doing a wonderfull job on bosses as blind actually works and decrease to dmg is substaintal, I did Chimera Guardian today for first time in my life and I only died to his 3rd spawn of minions other than that he was really easy

Lightning golem->holy relic->minion dmg / innervate ->minion speed/minion life

I started using Innervate on minions and it did increase their dmg but then I thought ot myself why not use it somewhere else, all in all this 4 link hasnt changed that much In high lvl maps minion life is a must

CWDT->Immortal call->Increased Duration->Conductivity / Punishment

Kinda standard setup for lightning builds for elemental reflect maps we switch out conductivity for punishment and that will buff our minion dmg.Or if u like punishment more run it with that In my opinion DMG increase for this kind of setup with conductivity is insane, with punishment your buff your minions more

Shield charge/leap slam -> faster attacks -> onslaught/full dmg support/ fortify / brutality / blind / innervate.

I am currently using leap slam into faster attacks into innervate myself which is rly nice buff for couple of seconds if u kill an enemy. Other things are viable even blind/fortify if u want to use on it would be pretty good. Basicaly u have 3 options speed,defense and offense. I gain onslaught from flask so I dont really need it anymore. I would use fortify in all honesty as it would decrease dmg taken so you would have more survivability

wrath aura + herald of thunder + dominating blow (basically free slot)

buffing your lightning dmg and u have dominating blow to use on ocassion to speed up your farming or what I do when I run into Elemental reflect I switch out my smite to dominating and phys to lightning to conc effect and I can run them but I still need to be careful as U are on hybrid dmg then but let your minions do the work

Future plans Still not changed

As i droped 1h and shield setup for dual wield my plans are still to go for mjolner + scourge I think the dmg would be insane, also If i could get Inpulsa instead of belly I think the clearance would be pretty good. Gloves and Amulet are still subject to change but atm I dont have any better and they do their job. The belt I am thinking to change too but its too good of a leech atm, I have stygian which would give me 400 more hp almost getting to 6k with energy shield.

I am not sure IF I would have enough slots for all the gems they are everywhere so I might even do some switching around and get some extremely fast weapon for movement and movement shield.
Atm with everything like this I would need atleast 1 to 2 unset rings aswell for auras and heralds, and we would probably have to remove 1 of the gems from herald of Purity.

My Failures on YouTube / More Incoming
Youtube CHannel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Drezul

Long Time Grinder of Grinding Games
Dernière édition par l0rdg4m3r#3053, le 11 oct. 2018 10:43:42
Dernier bump le 11 oct. 2018 10:43:51


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