[3.5] Bashtart's CONSECRATED PATH Inquisitor - budget friendly, fast and high dps! Kill'em first!
![]() Hi guys, this my league starter for Delve league which is based around Inquisitor ascendancy and Consecrated Path. If you prefer you also can play this build with Static Strike or Smite. More or less there will be one build with three different main damage skills and setups. If you don't like one... just take another :) Video: How to create & improve builds with Path of Building: https://youtu.be/Spw7tfVAAto 3.5: I played this build in 3.4 as league starter and it was super fun for me.... after the stat stick nerf there are two possibilities either dual wield with a doryani‘s in die offhand or go for a terminus est and later a voidforge. Terminus est should be easy to get early on. Last Updates: 29.09.2018: added my latest version of gear and skill tree Progress: I reached level 94, killed Shaper and his Guardians and most other end game. I delved near to a depth of 300. Videos: Static Strike Inquisitor Consecrated Path Inquisitor low level & budget gear Consecrated Path Inquisitor lvl 91 & endgame gear Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/emjRUYJP So I made the PoB file a bit more realistic and I decided to go with Acrobatics for more defence. Please be aware in the file there is a dual-wielding & two-handed setup (gear & skill tree) Pro's & Con's: + very high clear & movement speed + high dps + budget friendly (10-15 chaos budget gear can farm up to T12) + fun playstyle (do you know Master Yi of league of legends?) + scales really good with higher investment + good survivability - cannot face-tank everything - cannot do elemental reflect maps Gear & Skills: My Gear with level 94: (Please notice until you get a really good offhand stat stick I would recommend to stay with a good rolled Terminus Est because it is really cheap and strong.)
Budget Gear for about 10-15Chaos (I could do maps up to T12 with it
Gear in Detail
Weapons: Two-Handed: > Oni-Goroshi: very strong sword for this build. > Terminus Est: very strong and budget friendly weapon viable for endgame > Voidforge: is a bit more expensive than Terminus Est but while give you also more dps. Dual-wielding: (works only with Smite and Consecrated Path) > Mainhand: High physical damage sword with high attack speed and base crit chance. A unique options is for example Ahn's Might which normally is also very budget friendly > Ahn's Might: strong cheap weapons for this build. > Offhand: A Doryani's Catalyst is a very good option. Body Armour: > Loreweave: a very good and viable option for all three skills. > Inpulsa's Broken Heart: a viable option for Static Strike. > A Rare chest: with high life and resistances. Gloves: > Hrimsorrow or Hrimburn: to convert the remaining physical damage to elemental damage Amulett: > Bloodgrip: is very good and budget friendly option > A rare amulett: with life, global crit chance and multiplier, and other good things :) Rare gear: (Helmet, Boots, Rings, Belt) On rare gear look for: > life > resistances > life /mana sustain (on hit, leech, regeneration,...) > evasion / armour > attack speed > crit chance & multiplier > physical damage to attacks On the boots try to get at least 25% movement speed and if you can afford it a stygian belt is best in slot.
Main Damage setup (Static Strike, Consectrated Path or Smite) Consecrated Path Consecrated Path > Concentrated Effect / Increased Area of Effect > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Elemental Focus / Increased Critical Strikes > Melee Physical Damage > Ruthless (With Conc. Effect & Elemental Focus your single target dps will be the best. Increased Area of Effect & Increased Critical Strikes is good for clear speed and gives some additional survivability because we can freeze the enemies.) Alternativly you can use following two main skills instead of Consecrated Path:
Static Strike
Static Strike > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Elemental Focus > Melee Physical Damage > Ruthless > Chain / Faster Attacks
Smite > Multistrike > Concentrated Effect > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Elemental Focus > Melee Physical Damage Leap Slam Leap Slam > Faster Attacks > Fortify > Culling Strike Vaal Double Strike or Vaal Ancestral Warchief Vaal Double Strike > Melee Physical Damage > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Elemental Focus > Ruthless > Maim Vaal Ancestral Warchief > Conc. Effect > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Melee Physical Damage > Elemental Focus > Ruthless (If you use dual-wielding only use the first four links of the Vaal Double Strike setup.) Cast When Damage Taken CWDT (lvl 1) > Immortal Call (lvl 3) > Enfeeble (lvl 5) Mana Reservation & Utility Herald of Ash + Herald of Purity + Enlighten + Arctic Armour / Clarity Blood Rage Vaal Haste Summon Ice Golem Ancestral Protector Ascendancy Inquisitor 1) Instruments of Virtue 2) Righteous Providence 3) Inevitable Judgement 4) Augury of Penitence or Sancify (You also can go first Rightrous Providence & Inevitable Judgement and then Instruments of Virtue. Please be aware to get the full advantage out of Instruments of Virtue you need to spam a spell like... Blood Rage or Phase Run) Skill Tree Passives level 91 (two-handed) Passives level 94 (dual-wielding) Pantheon & Bandits Pantheon: > Soul of Solaris > Soul of Gruthkul Bandits: Kill them all! Leveling
I will write this will leveling.. so WORK IN PROGRESS: If you feel too weak at some point... grind some levels and gear in some safe area until you are stronger! After that leveling will feel easy again! Level 1 to 27: I used smite to level up to level 12. With level 12 you can use static strike. In early level the "added % damage supports" are really strong and I would link em together with Static strike. Also use an ancestral totem to support you in fights. When you reach act 2 I always rush directly to the Herald's Quest because they will make leveling so much easier... get the Herald's of Ash and Purity. Especially Herald of Purity feels extremly strong early on. Passives with level 27 Level 28 to 61: From this point on I leveled with Consecrated Path... I kinda just don't like the Static Strike playstyle and CP feels much stronger for me and makes really fun! With level 52 buy a terminus est sword... and from this point on leveling should feel really easy. Try to get your skill setups as soon as possible and always try to improve your gear with the found items. Passives with level 61
How do you sustain mana? Mana sustain can really be a problem when your attack speed gets too fast. Easy fix would be to get a slower weapon but we want to have max. attack speed. So the only way is to invest more in mana sustain (mana flask, mana leech nodes like Essence Cap or run clarity instead of Arctic Armour for example). I will update this guide in the next few weeks while progressing in the delve league. Work In Progress!!! Dernière édition par bashtart#2403, le 20 janv. 2019 14:34:13 Dernier bump le 18 mars 2019 16:34:30
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Looks almost the same as my build, I think it should work out. I just have some nodes shifted around, but the basic idea is the same.
Should be really dope to get a Voidforge with this later on too. :) Here's my POB for comparison if anyone is interested: https://pastebin.com/VePQUKi2 I chose some slightly worse skill gems for Static Strike just to make the coloring for Inpula easier (I will feel more comfortable dumping fusings into the inpulsa than the terminus, only reason really) Dernière édition par XenoPOE#1265, le 31 août 2018 11:03:25
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Sweet, I will be using this one aswell bash, Loving your spark build so I will love this for sure =) Keep up the great work man
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Looks good, I'll give your build a try at league start. PoB got just updated!
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I'm assuming terminus for the stable frenzy charge gen to have phase runs? or is it possible to run 1h later + statstick ?
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do you think the melee crit nodes will affect the lightning (pulses/aura) or just the melee portion of the skill?
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" The hits from the aura also count as melee damage, so they are affected by all the same things as the actual melee hit, which makes this seem so fun & reasonable to use and not just a meme build. :) |
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" Hehe yes you are right looks really similiar :) good job! " :) " Well at your own risk :) I have to test a lot and I will change a lot for sure before the balance is perfect! " Yes also for that reason... as far as I know statstick will not work with static strike. |
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What should we be aiming to prioritize for the ascendancies?
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" Hi, added it in the guide! |
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