[3.3]Tybbber's "Indiscriminate Fire" Tornado Shot Trapper | Budget Friendly | All content viable
![]() Intro Hey guys, welcome to my "Indiscriminate Fire" guide about Tornado Shot Trapper. The name comes from me getting reminded of a Gundam 00 scene which is the following. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RbUVq0UUP0 I felt like it has the same amount of spam and took the name directly from it. Each throw has 4 traps which send 5(7 with dying sun) projectiles which divide in 5 sub projectiles(3 if you don't have the enchant). Each throw is 100(140 with dying sun) arrows. Those have limits in targetting, we'll talk about them in the mechanics section, but the visual effect certainly is pleasing. I stream at https://www.twitch.tv/tybbber so you can come and see this one or other hopefully interesting builds being played. The whole principle of this build is to abuse the insane flat damages from Warden's Brand with Doomfletch to have even more damages scaling from it. Going traps nullifies to some extent the reduced attack speed. At lower levels, your blink arrow feels really slow, and you can't use Rain of Arrows with this build because the reduced attack speed affects the arm time of the traps. It's the only skill that has this type of effect with the attack speed, even Blast Rain doesn't have it. Blast Rain has a fun viusal effect though because the explosions land before the arrows leave the traps. I was more than surprised to what it has achieved, as it took down Uber Elder with ease. I could see it as an Uber Elder farmer, but not a good league starter one as it still requires a few things. If you know what you do and don't need no explanations, here's the PoB code of my character: https://pastebin.com/BqLmCta5 1 - Videos
T16 Minotaur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mifwzbOKsl8 T16 Phoenix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLsIfb5YSVs T16 Chimera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQM9DA0I4Gw T16 Hydra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziOdbvYBSIk Uber Elder Guardians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bOw4KNSi_U Uber Elder run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHok8M0oAgA Level 82 with bad gear attempt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeqNMK4t_5I 2 - Pros & Cons
Pros: +Cheap to start +Insanely visually pleasing +Scales well into endgame +Only requires 1 6L setup +Uber Elder viable, and potential farmer Cons: -Some upgrades are expensive -Using 2 uniques rings and 1 amulet without life leads to a squichy build -Lack of movement skill 3 - Tree, Ascendancy, Bandits, Pantheon
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.0/AAAABAYDAFb6g_Fbr91GFHWNuWHrZ05CLHpTlPGNv6TCN9QRgbe28NUFLTIYbIzb52VNSn14-WwIZ6CyGSaVQzE2PXsNwuxirNhUvTb4l-Ofdctd8lfYMfohdn7dTipNkiT9G-AOSHTtVUtRR4w2oJ-1SCP2ES851ElRBneYBr6n2sF2b6B5lS4DZf1u6NabJgceEZadqpANh3btP293H1suU4198YptOjIBY6fydSoLE997X3BRhs5_K4nTcFJh4o1-6mLopFMxMHzPekz_R35299Qj_Up31wW1frC0xedU_96zA-sUwTPTb-tjKwoGQHrv I'll update with trees if needed, but it's pretty much fill on the go and there isn't anything particular to rush. Damages from the gear will fill any issue you might have with filling the tree while leveling. Ascendancy
We use Saboteur for this build. The order of which you take nodes doesn't have a real impact on how the build plays. My choice was this one: In normal lab i went with Perfect Crime to rush Chain Reaction as soon as possible. The mod that i was looking for on that was "When your traps trigger, nearby traps also trigger". The other two notables we use are Pyromaniac fpr the huge amount of regen, and Born in the Shadows. Note that Pyromaniac still gives you the regen when your traps duration ends, meaning you can spam them to get regen when in trouble(labs, trial or w/e situation you don't have a life flask available). Born in the Shadows is obviously insanely strong because of the blind. It gives ennemy a 50% chance to miss their attacks, as well as 10% reduced damage taken from the hits you don't dodge. It also allows us to use the Effigon for a 100% hit chance. Bandits
We go for Alira because of the resistances, the critical strike multiplier and some mana regen. Pantheon
We use the Soul of the Brine King as major one, mainly for the reduced effect of chill. I felt like it was needed in the Uber Elder fight to not get stunned with a Shaper Vortex and slow from Elder combo. The anti stun chain mechanic is nice, but fairly overkill with our already high chance to not get hit. For the minor one, we use Soul of Ryslatha to get some nice life flask charges on long fights. The increased recovery on low life is a strong mod as well, so get it when you can. 4 - Gear
My gear at level 88
Mandatory Unique:
Warden's Brand: The whole idea of the build is to abuse that flat damages, so you need 2 of those. The rolls matter of course, but you can start with a good cheap roll and upgrade later on. I bought 2 perfect rolls for 20c each. Doomfletch's Prism: The only interesting part of this bow is the "Gain 100% of Bow Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element". This effectively adds 3 times the value of the flat damages on the warden's Brand, for a total of 45 to 150 elemental damages per ring. This allows us to use elemental scaling as well and get the best of physical and elemental nodes, gems and items. You can start with a regular Doomfletch, but upgrading to his fated version will gives you twice the damages. Drillneck: Lots of physical damages, a free pierce helping he clear by a lot, life and some solid %damages. All around best in slot until you can afford insanely expensive quivers. As far as mandatory uniques go, there are only those three. We could use an abyssus for another insane flat phys damages to attacks, but the build is glass cannon enough with this version. Recommended Uniques:
Loreweave: Loreweave is the new Belly of the Beast. It's the strongest damage chest you can get because of the flat physical damages to attack, as well as the elemental damages roll. Even though it doesn't have a lot of life, the maximum resistances is a lot of Effective Health. Getting a 80% rolls means you take 20% less damages from elemental sources, which are the most dangerous nowadays. The Effigon: Stacking accuracy and getting a decent value is really hard in this build, so we ignore it completely by using The Effigon. It gives us 100% hit chances as long as the ennemy is blinded. This is true for all the ennemies close to you, because of the blind aura, and against bosses because you will blind them on the first throw and keep them blind for the whole fight. Tombfist: This gives us a 10% more damages in the form of Intimidate. Getting 2 sockets for abyssal jewels is really strong as we have a lots of good mods to choose from (See below in the Jewels section). Dying Sun: This gives us 2 projs, mainly good for map clearing. To understand how much damages we gain from using one, please refer to the Mechanics section below. Other Gear Breakdown
Belt: A Stygian Vise is the best you can get, because abyssal jewels work really well in this build. Aim to get triple resistances and as much life as possible, you will need it. Boots: Just like the belt, resistances and life is the way to go. Movement speed shouldn't be ignored, walking is the main way of travelling here. Helmet: Resistance, life. In the ideal case you would get a Tornado shot enchant, but they are pricey. You can get a Starkonja's if you somehow manage to cap your resistances, but i wouldn't recommend even trying. Flasks :
Jewels :
I focused only on using abyssal jewels on this character for multiples reasons. The first one is the access to flat damages to bow and attacks. The second one is a good amount of life if you choose to, and the last one is the ability to pick really strong mods that are often overlooked. The last point is only available to us because we play traps. Using regular jewels is completely possible, but the amount of mods that we are interested in is very low and the resulting DPS isn't good enough. Important to note that we also get more health with a life roll on abyssal jewels than regular ones. We need a murderous eye for the intimidate on the Tombfist. Here's the list of mods that we are looking for: Prefixes: - +# to Maxmimum Life - Adds # to # Physical Damages to Bow Attacks Suffixes: - #% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier - Adds # to # Physical Damages to Attacks - Damages penetrates #% Elemental Resistances if you haven't killed recently - #% Increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Strike recently Those are all the mods that scales our damages. You can also use some movement hit if you haven't been hit recently affix if you feel like so, but i felt like it was too low to make a difference. The reason we can use the "haven't killed recently" and "haven't dealt a critical strike recently" mods is because we are using traps. We are not considered the killer, nor the thing doing the crit, it's the trap. Getting good abyssal jewels is expensive as the physical damage roll is fairly rare. You can start low with some few chaos per piece jewels and work your way up to 1 ex/jewel. What is "nice" about those jewels is that if you look for the best 4 properties you can get, you can't dodge the life roll! You could look for elemental damages to bow if you want to get cheaper jewels, but it's far from optimal. 5 - Gem Links
In order of importance. You can't play it without at least a 4L. It's the only necessary thing for the build. Our main way of dodging slams Random things you can use. Bear trap is nice for burst. Grace is the good for a bit more survivability, but i went with Purity of Lightning because i couldn't cap my resistances. Clarity provides us enough mana regen to sustain the trap throws. 6 - DPS, Mechanics, Why and how it works
As i explained in the Intro, tornado shot with cluster traps and GMP gives us a LOT of projectiles. A typical throw consist of 4 traps, launching 7 tornado shot which divide in 5 sub projectiles for a total of 140 arrows(and the 28 initial tornado shot arrows). This is really good looking on the screen, and allows us to clear really well with just the pierce from Drillneck. In term of single target mechanics, a lot of things changes though. Here's an extract from the wiki:"Secondary projectiles: No target can be hit by more than one secondary arrow from a single explosion." And another extract: "Multiple projectiles: Enemies can be hit by secondary arrows released by different primary arrows." In our case it means that each traps throw 7 tornado shot, which can hit once for the initial arrow, and as many arrows as there is for the subprojectiles. In our case it's 7. We throw 4 traps. Each throw can hit (7+1)x4 so 32 an ennemy in the very best case. Note that the enchant doesn't give more damages in straight numbers. What it gives us is more chance for a subprojectile to hit the main target when it explodes. This makes multiples projectiles a good source of more damages. 7 - Leveling
The leveling is a breeze. All you have to do is use any unique bow of your choice until you reach 30 and then equip a Dommfletch as well as 2 warden's brand. You can afford to skip traps until this point cause it's faster. Using a quill rain and then a Storm Butt at level 9 until level 30 is your best bet. Any setup works, but i suggest going with Shrapnel shot and then Rain of Arrows. For the support gem you can slap as many as you get from vendors into a tabula. At level 4 Mirage Archer and Onslaught, level 8 added cold and added lightning. Level 18 you can use Elemental damages with attacks and eventually Faster Attacks. Once you get to level 30, you can swap to our endgame setup. Get a Tornado Shot from the Clarissa at act 3, use Trap, Cluster Traps, LMP(GMP when you get it at lvl 38), Physical attack damages with projectiles and Elemental damages with attacks in a Tabula Rasa. Once you get to level 40, swap to a Doomfletch's Prism if you have one/can afford one. This will carry you up to red map without much trouble. http://poeurl.com/b0Z5 I'll update with trees if needed, but it's pretty much fill on the go and there isn't anything particular to rush. Damages from the gear will fill any issue you might have with filling the tree while leveling. 8 - What to be careful of:
Even though we have multiples layers of mitigation, or rather dodge, with blind, Acrobatics, and the Loreweave, we still have things that we can't deal much against. The vaal construct are one of those, try your best to side step their barrage of chaos/physical spell bullshit. The other notable thing that we can't do nothing against is the Chimera Elder Guardian. The phase where he throws his hammer on the ground can't be dodged in any way, is really fast and has insane AoE. Your best bet is to time your blink arrow well enough that you dodge one, and hope to tank the second hit. I apologize for that, but you will die against him. I haven't found an easy way to deal with him. 9 - FAQ:
I'll update this part with people's questions in the post below. If you have any question or want to discuss item choice or pathing or anything build related just write it here or come ask on the stream https://www.twitch.tv/tybbber Also don't hesitate to post your progression with this build if you try it yourself ! Thanks for reading! Dernière édition par TybbberLol#3989, le 2 août 2018 07:48:51 Dernier bump le 2 août 2018 05:37:18
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Dernière édition par bjornharx#6998, le 2 août 2018 06:03:11
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" That was completely the plan at the beginning. However i capped my res with Purity of Lightning and didn't want to bother respec items as i was just pushing to Uber Elder with it before rerolling. Your call is by far the best thing you can do for sure, but i wanted to make sure i had enough damages to take down the big boy. |
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Tree is broken - can you update?
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" Just updated, thanks. |
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Thoughts on using Steel Rings with T1-2 Added Phys to attacks? Would keep the build more mobile with faster blink arrow and open up resistances and life on rings. POB showing approximately 12% less DPS.
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" If you have good gear you can absolutely go for it. I think damages in it's current state is okay to get slightly downgraded for more defenses. However, take into account that at this point i have good jewels, so most of the damages come from here i think. Warden's Brand is a good early game item, swapping to steel ring with T1 phys and some WeD indeed allow to get more life/resistances. I'll be working on a better version, with less meme items during flashback so we'll see what i can come up with. |
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" I think T1 phys + WED might be close to the same damage, but obviously much more expensive. Still climbing levels right now. Build looks squishy, but doesnt feel it. Enjoying it so far and I have zero jewels, still trying to flesh out tree. |
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" That's the beautiful thing of the build, or maybe just Saboteur. You just don't feel squichy even though the numbers are low. If you happen to find something interesting, please do mention it as I've played the build, but didn't min max anything on it yet. Dernière édition par TybbberLol#3989, le 28 juil. 2018 05:01:57
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Im thinking try your build for flashback event, any recommendation?
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