[3.5] Ele Thickk - Super Tanky Ele Hit - Uber Elder Deathless -No Xoph's -No Frostferno - Videos Up
First off shout of to PoeDan79 and Martypoe for the inspiration, Marty has a great video guide linked down below -- unforunatley he ripped in HC before he got to anything like shaper or uber elder, and Dan doesn't make guides, so I figured this version of Ele hit deserved to be on the forums.
So what is different to this build then most Elemental Hit/ Chin Sol builds? Well we don't use Xophs! or Frostferno! The reason being is we simply don't need that much damage, we want survivability, we still have more then enough damage, I have spent a tonnnnn of time combing through these forums this season looking for new builds etc, three huge things important to a build for me, can it farm Uber Elder Comfortably? Can it level easily late game to 100 farming any tier maps of your choice? Can it use a headhunter for mapping if I get one? with this build all of these are a tremendous yes!! To me this is the best all around build on the forums. Nothing feels better then slayer overleech, and we get Mirage Archer also, I swear this spell with overleech is so amazing! So strong, sometimes I will be kiting Uber Elder during final 20% and mirage archer will randomly just finish him!? LOL. and when its paired with on demand chin sol Elemental Hit damage, its just busted. -- see deathless uber elder video below -- enjoy the build! ![]() Deathless Uber Elder Video from stream -- Under 3 minutes:
T16 Eradicator Elder Guardian -- So easy for us, but then again, what isn't?
Ez Deathless Shaper Run:
Plans for 3.5 Betrayal League
Plan to start off as arc trapper and swap over once I have enough currency https://pastebin.com/VV9iqKPK
PointBlank on Drillneck (If you can't afford pointblank drillneck just get normal one and take pointblank in tree or get quiver you can afford with pointblank till you can grab a drillneck with pb, taking PB from tree will slowdown map clear but if you are just farming lower maps for currency to create build then it is not a problem) -- 6l chin sol not needed - if you have 5 link just drop mirage archer 6 Link bow from Porcupine Div cards - scour and craft with +2 shrieking essence - to get +1 after that - make sure bow has 1 open suffix and 1 open prefix - cata master craft bow cannot roll attack mods - exalt slam for guaranteed +1 gems for 3 total (be aware that if its a shaped bow the exalt slam is not 100% - i think more like 30% - for one 100% make sure its a normal bow or elder bow) 1st one is super cheap - 2nd one is because I have currency and can, best option is probably something with 40-50 ele dmg - 90+ life - Movespeed - Dex, along those lines, I just felt like crafting this one. since we use Resolute Technique and have wise oak balance Crit and Resist are not really an option which leaves us basically with +life, +ele damage, +attk Speed, +movement speed,+dex, as well as a few other options we look for, pierce as our implicit or if you have the extra money grab a quiver with +1 chain to skills or even more expensive would be rigwalds. Armour:
Single Socket Trails are Fine!
Swap a pair of Kaom's in to boots slot to make Uber Elder even easier! Movement Speed corruption is what we want! Jewelery:
If you can't find a rare ring with fire damage + wed + hp + then just use Call of the Brotherhood -- Still a great choice and I used for very long time - rare ring cost me only around 50c Gem Links:
Elemental Hit - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Mirage Archer - Combustion - Fire Penetration - Damage on Full Life
Cast When Damage Taken - Increased Duration - Immortal Call - Vaal Cold Snap Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks (swap for blood rage on uber elder) Mapping Boots -- Whatever you want, I usually put vaal haste and vaal grace with decoy totem and increased duration A word on yoke - taken from reddit posted by theuberelite
Yoke is better than Xoph's Blood by far if you can get Avatar of Fire and there's plenty of ways to get it, if you hit for say 300k you can shock anything that has 300m hp for 1% inc damage taken and nothing in the game has that much hp, or even close to it. Even assuming a 1% shock, that causes enemies to take more damage because of Yoke of Suffering (enemies take 5% more damage per ailment on them, which works with chill + ignite too) and Elemental Hit's 10% more damage per elemental ailment on the enemy. It's also like what, 12-13x cheaper on SC? Pretty expensive on HC atm though
Use Vaal Cold Snap as a self cast on bosses for frenzy generation. Cold Snap also chills them which causes more damage to happen due to elemental hit modifier + yoke of suffering. Yoke causes enemies to take 5% increased damage per ailment on them, so ignite makes them take 5% more damage, chill+ignite makes them take 10% more damage, chill+ignite+shock makes them take 15%+shock% more damage. Yoke also enables shocking, so a chill+ignite+shock means you have 3 elemental ailments and Elemental Hit does 10% more damage per elemental ailment on them so you get 30% more damage from that as well. Flask:
Normal Flask Setup Matching all Three res for wise oak is crucial for uber elder defense as well as 15% fire Pen!
Uber Elder Flask Setup Since we take Kaom's Roots for Uber elder we take another movement speed flask to ensure we always have one up, since that makes us drop our quartz flask we take Forbidden taste which gives us a combination of Quartz and Life flask -- Quartz for those shaper projectiles. Jewels:
-- see pob for rare jewels or just prioritize life --> attack speed --> some sort of ele damage -- I also prefer one abyss with onslaught and one with cannot be hindered
Current Mapping Gear for Speed -- Get up to about %180 movespeed with flask and onslaught buff, you can be creative here because we have so much damage with ele hit, like rigwalds? go for it, want to MF? swap in a biscos/iiq neck, bisco's belt, 1-2 ventors(might prefer to keep pyre for ignite destroy) goldwyrms and sadimas. More clear/damage? drop quartz and swap in Dying Sun.
for standard id take dying sun for hc id take quartz and would keep kaoms on as well as maybe put dmg reduction helm back on and drop evasion flasks for quartz and basalt
Ascendancy : Slayer --> Path of The Duelest --> Pathfinder(Bossing - Flask uptime for Uber elder) or Raider(Mapping) Pantheon:
Pantheon --> Major --> Soul of Arakaali with Arachnoxia (procced off immortal call - crazy regen) Minor --> Soul of Shakari for chaos res or w/e you prefer Bandits
Kill all -- I only have alira because my resist would fall under cap if I changed and too lazy to swap :)
POB: https://pastebin.com/0LxE8bp5 Passive Tree:
How I plan on leveling for Race pre regret orbs and no ele hit jewels (make sure you choose no ele hit jewels skills tree in bottom of POB) https://pastebin.com/uuYDCzQn Calculating DPS in PoB
Make sure you have the following options applied and do the following calculations
weapon swap to chin sol point blank quiver close range (make sure chin sol is your equipped weapon) target ignited target chilled to simulate 1% shock target shocked (can put up or leave off depending on how you feel) Intimidated Leeching Flask Active Frenzy Charges (vaal coldsnap) Always at full life multiply by like 1.4x at least for mirage archer Dps should go up with actual shock values, wise oak, etc GG Gear upgrades -- totally not necessary - killed uber elder deathless many times without anything like this
if you have hh and want to use for mapping just swap out boots for a pair of movespeed/res boots
Hardcore Viable?
Yes! Although I would not recommend ele hit as a league starter due to cost. This build was taken from 2 hardcore characters and is specialized for hardcore!Only thing I would change for hardcore is drop the flame golem and put in vaal coldsnap....golems can trigger mobbs while we have safety shield up and get us killed in HC ;/
A Word on Uber Elder:
If you are dying to uber elder do not get discouraged! No matter the build, Uber elder can still be tough, even with zerhpis flask poet pen vd last season if your flask fell of you died. This build is the strongest I have ever played, but Uber elder can still own you, you need to be smart with your movement, if we get hit by 2 or more shaper projectiles we are usually dead. You can swap to aoe during fight for portals and stay where ever shaper is and just launch aoe to kill portals from there and avoid projectiles from a close distance as it can be easier, but I prefer to stick with chin sol 95% of the fight, insta shredding the null portals etc. One of the trickiest parts of Uber elder is managing shaper projectiles while uber elder is casting his aoe death circle, to manage this simply kite shapers projectiles out of the circle for the first 70-80% of elder circle, then return to the safety of the circle during the remaining part, most of the time by then shaper will have already started blasting his death beam outside of the safety zone and middle will be nice and safe. Make sure you get a corrupted pair of kaom's roots with 10% movement speed, these are an Amazzzzing option for anyone having and trivialize alot of the uber elder fight mechanics with freeze which can be a huge pain. Keep up the practice, as long as your gear is close to mine you will go from bricking keys to deathless runs, get that fancy footwork! Deathless Uber Elder runs with this build are really a great time. :) ... Go get it!
A word on the Hematology Node and our Leech rate from TheUberElite:
Hematophagy cluster is taken for extra max leech rate. With no life recovery rate and Vaal Pact, this build gets 46% regen per second with overleech at max instances of leech (which last upwards of 25 seconds per instance based off ele hit's INSANE damage), Hematophagy takes it to 58%. Arakaali with upgrade and Blood Rage takes it to 69% and 87% respectively when immortal call procs or blood rage ends
Discord Link:
Great Reddit post from TheUberElite theory-crafting this build
Marty PoE Video Guide before he died to random chaos damage crit from abyss in hardcore -- If you have Any questions make sure to watch this guide
Dernière édition par Qrafty#6942, le 16 déc. 2018 20:26:02 Dernier bump le 6 mars 2019 11:06:11
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updated pob to show all proper gems and items, if you had earlier pob version you should reload new one.
Dernière édition par Qrafty#6942, le 16 juil. 2018 16:30:13
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Dernière édition par Qrafty#6942, le 16 juil. 2018 00:14:35
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Thanks for posting the guide. I've been playing this build for a few days now ( but using RT instead of Ele Overload). It needs more exposure! Everyone's mindlessly following Deadeye build.IMO crit version is great damage wise but pretty (typically) glassy bower. This variant ditches unnecessary overkill dps and adds HUGE survivability. Everyone's mindlessly following Deadeye build.
Now, speaking of RT vs Ele Overload...thoughts? you must miss darn near 20% of your shots, no? |
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" I really prefer resolute technique not only because it fits our build path but not having to worry about picking up crit on items is nice also, allows us to just focus on grabbing attack speed which gives us crazy damage, I watch videos from peoples 4 mil shaper dps ele hit builds and I kill stuff just as fast if not faster, probably because they are missing so many shots, idk, but yea I like RT alot. |
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Gotcha. I agree! alright, nothing to change lol
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why not using call of the brotherhood also?
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Isn't the viridian combat focus in the wrong socket ? Also why no call of the brotherhood ?
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Looks like a very solid build!
" " Because it does nothing. Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
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" Why pyre then ? :) |
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