New Players who might want to play this build: 2handed weapons are currently the worst weapon type in the game. There is no reason to ever use one. You are also using a staff, the worst 2h weapon, with the worst nodes, and the worst node placement on the tree. This is as bad as it gets. If you plan to play this build, or any 2h build for that matter, understand that the tried and true 1 handed weapon + offhand shaper stat stick is 1000x stronger. You are at a disadvantage going 2h. Now that that is out of the way, on to the guide :)
I wanted to make a 2handed build as everybuild I've made for the past several league has scaled the exact the way, 1h + shaper stat stick. 2Handers had been my favorite playstyle since closed beta, but they've fallen off since crit and attacks speed seems to be all that matters nowadays. The introduction of shaper stat sticks was the ultimate nail in the coffin for an already weak/dead playstyle, as Elemental 1h foils dominated the meta even without stat sticks. I decided to do a 2h EQ build. Ofcourse the first thing that pops in your mind is EQ Atziri Disfavor, but I wanted to do someething different. I went through the unique 2handers that could use EQ and that's when I realized that no one has ever really used disintegrator, or staves in general, to make a melee build. Can't blame them as there is no reason to gimp yourself on purpose. So I set out to see if I could make it work. Slayer was the best choice, imo, as I figured his overleech + vaal pact would be able to handle the degen from disintegrator. I will post 2 different sections, 1 for Hegemony staff, and 1 for disintegrator as they are both geared differently, and have 1 or 2 different points in the skill tree. Pros - Fun build to play - Reasonably tanky with overleech + vaal pact + Arakaali pantheon - Can Farm uber lab. Lab traps are a non issue. - Hegemony league starter version is very easy to gear. Cons - You are playing a 2 handed build, and a staff ontop of that - Disintegrator version could take time to assemble if you want to upgrade - Not as fast/strong as 1 handed + shaper offhand builds - Can run a ton of map mods with no problem HOW DOES EARTHQUAKE WORK
There are 2 parts to EQ: The initial hit, and the aftershock. The Aftershock is always released after the initial hit. The thing with EQ is that you don't want to attack too fast or else you'll end up WASTING your dps.
" You want to build your character with just enough attack speed to the point that the aftershock releases very close to initial hit. As a result YOU CANNOT STACK ATTACK SPEED UP THE WAZOO. There is limit. With the EQ helmet enchantment and lvl 20 20% quality Less duration, your aftershock will come out 0.31 seconds after your initial hit. So you want to reach an initial hit attack speed of around 2.95 attacks/second. Which comes down to around 0.33 seconds, allowing a 0.02 time frame for the aftershock to release. YOU SHOULD NOT PASS 2.95 ATTACKS/SEC HOW TO CALCULATE EARTHQUAKE DPS?
In Path of building there is an initial hit dps number. The total dps of EQ is the initial hit (1.00) + Aftershock (1.69).
An aftershock is always 1.69x stronger than the initial hit. So to calculate ur dps, you take ur Path of building Initial hit dps and multiply it by 2.69 " BANDITS
LVL WITH 2H SUNDER UNTIL YOU CAN LINK EARTHQUAKE TO LESS DURATION GEM. Any strong 2hander will suffice. You will have to do The library Quest (siosa) in act 3 to get less duration gem at the start of a league. Earthquake is lvl 28, and less duration can be used at lvl 31. DO NOT attempt to use EQ until you can use Less duration. EQ without less duration does not feel good. The earliest you should start quaking is lvl 31. OR you can continue to use sunder. Its up to you, but don't use EQ until you can use Less duration 20 points 40 points Get Resolute Technique for the time being Get Vaal Pact after Cruel Lab 60 points 80 Points Should be able to use Hegemony at this point or be close to it. Unspec out of Resolute technique 111 points (LVL 90) Get the remaining life nodes and jewel slots. For Hegemony, you don't get the attack speed node at the start duelist node. 111 points (LVL 90) For disintegrator you don't get the extra life node in the Marauder starting area. ITS THE EXACT SAME AS HEGEMONY, just 1 node is different. Duelist attacks speed starting node over the life node in marauder start. PANTHEON
Soul of Arakaali - Captured Arachnoxia
Soul of Gruthkul - Captured Erebik's, light's Bane GEM LINKS
Earthquake - Less Duration - Melee phys - Damage on full life - (Inc Aoe)mapping/(conc effect)bosses - (6L) Ruthless Leap Slam - fortify - faster attacks - blood magic Ancestral Warchief - maim - (that's all you need but if you want anything else then conc effect) Vulnerability - curse on hit - power charge on crit - orb of storms Immortal Call - Cast when dmg taken Blood Rage Frenzy Herald of Ash Hatred Vaal Lightning Trap GEAR ALTERNATIVES
There are only several pieces of gear that u do not change regardless of whether you go hege/disintegrator. At the start of the league gear will be hard to come by, but regardless of the fact, these items are must haves, IMO. - Starkonja with 30% EQ less duration - Corrupted Shaper gloves with "Attacks have x to critical strike chance" - Corrupted Belt of the deceiver with "+ to all resists" - Tempered mind Cobalt Jewel - 20% quality Less Duration Support You want to maximize as much dmg as you can cause Offense is the best defense. Tombfist/stygian belt doesn't give me more dps than shaper's touch and belt of the deciever. This isn't an "Attack as fast as possible build", so i'm more interested in hitting harder than getting up to 10 attacks per second. Tombfist and stygian reign supreme in the current meta (flat dmg + atk speed), yes, but they weren't the best option for this build after my testing. I also planned with disintegrator in mind, and shaper's touch adds a siphon charge. Tombfist does not. Before you get your hand on a corrupted shaper's touch u can use any gloves you want. Such as maligaro's virtuosity or a rare glove. You can use a Sulphur flask in place of Sin's Rebirth. The Best in Slot Chest is a 6L Belly of the Beast. A 5L Belly > 5L rare chest, but a 6L rare chest > 5L Belly. You need to maximize dmg as we don't get the luxury of offhand stat sticks. 6L > 5L MERCILESS LAB BOOT ENCHANTMENT
You want to get the Merciless boot lab enchant "12% increased attack speed if you've killed recently". I ran merc lab a couple times to get this. You don't have to, but its more of a min/max thing. Not needed but it will bring you closer to that initial hit - aftershock attack speed ratio.
******HEGEMONY'S ERA****** Hegemony Gear - 1.47mil shaper dps, 6.2k life at lvl 90 https://pastebin.com/XRFcUNj6 You do not need shaped/elder items for hegemony. I just posted what I had, as I had primarily shaped/elder gear cause I wanted to switch to disintegrator. Any normal gear will suffice Priority: LIFE - RESISTS Life and resists come first. You should easily break 6.1k life at lvl 90 with hegemony. If you don't then you need to get better gear. Nothing should come before life and resists.
Hegemony is much faster than disintegrator so the jewels are different. Attack speed on jewels is not what you want. For jewels, search for
- %increased maximum life - Crit multi with two handed weapons - Melee crit multi - Global crit multi - Increased area damage - increased global physical dmg - Increased physical dmg with staves - increasd physical dmg with two handed weapons - Increased melee damage
******DISINTEGRATOR****** Disintegrator gear - 2.3mil shaper dps, 6k life with mark of the elder, 6.1k without at lvl 90. https://pastebin.com/gQn0mej0 You want to utilize shaped/elder items for disintegrator. For each shaper/elder item you get a siphoning charge, which gives you: - Flat added physical damage per siphoning charge - 4% of non chaos damage as extra chaos damage per siphoning charge - 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction from Hits per Siphoning Charge - 0.2% of Damage Leeched as Life per Siphoning Charge - You take 150 Physical Damage per Second per Siphoning Charge if you've used a Skill Recently Priority: LIFE - RESISTS Life and resists come first. You should be at 6k life minimum at lvl 90 with hegemony. If you don't then you need to get better gear. Nothing should come before life and resists. IMO, you want a minimum of 4 shaper/elder items. The staff itself counts as 1 so you only need 3/4 more. Mark of the elder is not a must have, but its a nice dps boost IF you can use it. You deal 0 dmg when you are dead. Life and resist take priority. You want a corrupted shaper's touch. So, counting the staff, you get 2 siphoning charges. Which leaves the 2 ring slots, your amulet, and your boots as the remaining slot to use 2/3 more shaper/elder items. Gearing for this is harder than hegemony's. If you can only use 2-3 shaper/elder items, its fine. Only push for 4-5 if you can. You should not have less than 6k life by lvl 90. For this guide I made use of 5 siphoning charges. My staff, my gloves, my 2 rings, and my boots.
Disintegrator is much slower than Hegemony so the jewels are different. Attack speed on jewels is what you want. For jewels, search for
- %increased maximum life - Crit multi with two handed weapons - Melee crit multi - Global crit multi - Increased attack speed with staves - increased attack speed with two handed weapons Increased attack speed with staves has the highest attack speed roll, so that is better than atk speed with 2handed weapons, but both are fine.
Your damage comes from siphoning charges, so when doing endgame content, make sure you enter the boss room with max siphon charges. I do this by leap slamming around, assuming I don't have max charges before encountering the boss.
I show map mods at the start of the vid and at the end. I hop around at the start of every vid so I can generate siphon charges for disintegrator. LUL its not just random leap slamming for the sake of it :P Runs were sloppy, but whatever Forge of the Phoenix Maze of the Minotaur Lair of the Hydra Pit of the Chimera Shaper's Realm Dernière édition par SoujiroSeta#2390, le 1 août 2018 15:11:56 Dernier bump le 24 juil. 2018 14:13:27
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Build guide complete. If you have any questions or notice any mistakes please inform me. Hope you enjoy :)
Dernière édition par SoujiroSeta#2390, le 17 juil. 2018 17:01:26
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Hey nice hege build, ive been doing something similar for a while now on std. Same premise except i use vaal ground slam for a big bang every now and then and cyclone to clear.
Fun build. I supplement the ground slam with 2x vaal sentencing 1x sac harvest and a chill of corruption. Lets you clear maps with VGS if you choose to or cyclone if not. VGS is at 3m shaper damage so you can almost 1 phase shaper with 3 charges. just a couple of whirls after u unload on him. Dernière édition par stormyknight#7628, le 22 juil. 2018 13:44:39
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" I see ur also using a corrupted shaper's touch as well. Yeah its actually a nice dps glove. The obvious choice is tombfist nowadays but if you can get intimade somewhere else then shapers touch can be a replacement. I actually PoBed Vaal groundslam with the same gear that I have. Put in an abyssus helm since I'd be attacking at range. Dmg was in the millions, but can't remember how much exactly. I would need to use belly tho, like u, cause I'd need the life. 3m shaper dps is pretty fucking crazy especially with the current state of 2Handers. I'd definitely like to see that in action. I made this character with GS or EQ in mind. Decided EQ in the end cause I missed it :'( and wanted to do it after not seeing it in ages. Dernière édition par SoujiroSeta#2390, le 24 juil. 2018 14:15:28
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