3.3 Vaal Doublestrike Champion - 12million+ Shaper DPS. (Standard / Incursion) Uber Elder Deleted.
![]() Safe to say this does not deviate much from many of the other Vaal DS threads going around. I have tinkered with a lot of what is available to buff VDS to the max and this is about as good as it gets without going to mirrored gear. With mirrored items in all slots you can reach around 50million shaper dps.. (85million if you include 4x minions dealing nearly 9 million dmg each..) NOTE: To reach these numbers involves quite a bit of buffing. Each fight involves popping 2 sets of minions, vaal haste, enabling adrenaline via blasphemy blood magic, ancestral totem, blood rage then pressing all your flasks and all but 1 shotting the boss. Shaper kill with no adrenaline no mirrored items on standard. ![]() POB LINK: (Standard League) https://pastebin.com/5k99Libv Gear: Some parts waiting to merge.
Additions after merge:
![]() FOR KICKS: FULL MIRRORED VERSION. 50 million Shaper DPS. (85million if you include 4x minions dealing nearly 9 million dmg each..) https://pastebin.com/bsVpQbbd INCURSION LEAGUE NOTES SETUP GEAR AND POB BELOW HERE. CURRENT GEAR OF VDS INCURSION: 8.9million POB shaper dps. Incursion Phoenix Deletion... Couldn't even fully buff before he gets completely removed from the game...Lvl 86 and lvl 18-19 gems. https://youtu.be/Sr2p3rIYbZY UBER ELDER KILL PROOF INCURSION Done at lvl 88 - 5.9k Life. Character : SK_Major_Striker https://youtu.be/Hb1HqMUQqro (Forgot to remember to hit record only got the kill and loot...REEEEEEEE!) 6Link Used - Multistrike - Maim - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Ruthless - Melee Physical - Vaal Double Strike. POB: (Current incursion gear) - Based on lvl 100 scale back as listed in the pathing tree at the bottom of the guide. https://pastebin.com/Tdd9BaAj EPEEN NOTES: You can run bloodlust for an insane added extra 1-2 million dps. But you are then relying on your ancestral totem or whirling blades leap slam to proc bleed as you wont be able to proc bleed with double strike while using bloodlust, With the sword bleed and chance to bleed on totem nodes your bleed rate isnt that bad at 25% so 1:4 of your totems or a whirl will put a bleed on, i just dont like those odds considering the only fight it would matter is uber elder and your totem wont live long anyways and if you whirl around trying to proc bleed you will end up taking shaper balls to face or elder icicles to rear ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dropped Damage on full life for WED since this fight is very hard to stay at full life without acuity even with crazy good leech. Never used adrenaline manually but it did proc a couple of times via beam and balls. INCURSION GEAR
INCURSION TOOLTIP SELF BUFFED FLASKS NO CHARGES 1million+ ! Lvl 88 - 6link USED - Vaal Double Strike - Maim - Melee Phys - Multistrike - Ruthless - Damage on Full Life
![]() GEAR SUBSTITUTES: CHEST You can use loreweave if you cannot get an elder chest together, infact a loreweave is nearly on par and will beat all but a top end elder chest. BOOTS If you dont like whirling or walking slow when not whirling, just drop kaoms roots for a 30% walk pair, infact you should have resists sorted on other gear anyways to account for kaoms when facing uber elder so you can even use seven league steps for full retard movement speed when clearing maps. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Seven-League_Step But really just suck it up and use kaoms. GLOVES Tombfists is a touchy subject and there is quite a few alternatives here: General Rule for COH - 3 Stat shaper stick = Ele weak is BIS, 2 Stat = Vuln is BIS The reason for this is your shaper mods on stat stick and amulet dictate how much elemental vs physical damage you will be doing. GLOVE CHOICES
HELM ENCHANT: Good enchants to use are: Double Damage with double strike while enemy is bleeding is by far the best enchant but you can opt for the below enchants. Attack speed with blood rage All double strike enchants. Extra attack speed with ancestral totem. WEAPONS AND STAT STICKS So ive linked all these swords, so what you ask ? Well the most common question people have about physical attack builds is "Fam what the fuck, im using the same things as you except a 200PDPS sword and the princess as a stat stick. Why do you have 600k tooltip and i have 40k!!" Damage scales on physical builds exponentially with the more pdps on our weapons and the more flat physical we squeeze from gear, why ? Because all our physical damage is then re-scaled again as elemental damage through shaper mods. Simple example to show how this works: 100dps x 80 in shaper mods (2x 40% from stat stick) = 8000dmg 100dps x 120 in shaper mods (2x 40% from stat stick and 2x 20% from amulet) = 12000dmg What does it mean fam ? Simple the more flat damage i add to the dps number and the more i multiply that number by shaper mods = the higher your damage will be. The flat physical on rings and amulets and your weapon is also multiplied through the more damage mods on gems and flasks this is a basic explanation of why your damage is what it is. In short you will notice a huge increase in the difference between a 2 mod shaper stick vs a 3 mod vs a 4 mod. Same again you will notice a huge increase between using a steel ring vs using a two stone ring or an amulet with flat lightning damage which isnt scaled vs one with physical which is. ![]() I should mention you want to regal a prefix to allow 3 open suffixs, you could also buy one with 2 dead suffix and an open prefix and do prefix cannot be changed and scour suffix then multi mod it. Cost would then bbe 4.1 ex but you are probably hard up trying to find a 340 dps crit foil anyways for 4ex not to mention you have an additional multiplier from the tacati mod. If you happened to regal hybrid phys% attack speed or crit or even decent flat you won too. ELDER SWORDS AND MAP CLEAR / ALTERNATIVE SETUPS If you notice above the elder swords have some pseudo 5links on them, this lets you do some nifty stuff i personally dont bother but you can for instance run a 5link like reave in a sword to clear maps and then put your 6link as a single target setup for Vaal Double Strike in your chest. This just saves you swapping 2 gems at boss's and you just might prefer reave for example as map clear vs VDS with splash and ancestral call. You can fluff about as you please with those setups. WATCHERS EYE Penetration is the best second hatred mod to go with crit chance with hatred. SCREENSHOT OF TREE AT LVL 88 UBER ELDER KILL This is my recommended tree for incursion, it takes Iron reflexes from using Kaoms roots for uber elder, there is some changes you can make depending on some things, If you run acuity you can drop vaal pact, but you still need the leech nodes, Lust for carnage is almost a must have for champion as the leech rate just isnt enough to keep up with top tier encounters without it. With the leech nodes and rate modifiers i have taken, im at 160% leech rate. and 3.2% life leech. Almost feels like slayer..And easily keeps up with damage from 8 mod t15+ maps and encounters. On standard you just run legacy acuity and the build is broken.
![]() Bandits = Kill All. Ascendancy Choices: Worthy Foe > Unstoppable Hero > First To Strike, Last To Fall. On standard you just take Fortitude i dont think you will need the dps from Adrenaline. You can even just run the build as slayer if you dont have legacy acuity. INCURSION LEVELING PATHING
30 points
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![]() More to come: Off to work. Dernière édition par stormyknight#7628, le 13 juil. 2018 11:16:42 Dernier bump le 28 oct. 2018 01:51:44
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can u describe routhe on tree fast and wich acsendancy order please ? :D
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not a single mirrored piece iam a bit disappointed :(
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" You can put mirrored versions into pob yourself the dps is busted. You can already kill uber elder in under 2 mins with this setup, if there was no invuln phases you could kill them both sub 10 seconds. |
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Yeah Double Strike is currently beyond broken, and will most likely get nerfed next patch.
With that being said however, I'm having an absolute blast just destroying bosses with it. What really makes it overpowered right now is the ungodly amount of flat physical damage added to bleeding enemies (about 150), which is the equivalent of about 7 perfectly rolled dual flat phys steel rings. Out of curiosity I tried running red maps on a 1-link (literally just Vaal Double Strike, no supports) and it did absolutely fine and was pulling about 700k single target. https://streamable.com/c0o5f Dernière édition par Xanthochroid#2812, le 24 juin 2018 07:17:59
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insane single target but has really bad mapping though :( I mean even with herald of ice there's limited map clear speed
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" Completely disagree with this, just drop 2 gems for ancestral call and melee splash and you 1 shot screens of mobs and can clear almost as fast as you can whirl. |
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So what's the budget version? lol
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" I linked my incursion gear, not exactly budget by half.. but you can get scaled down versions of the same stuff im wearing and work upto it, i recommend loreweave if you cannot get a crafted chest. Its almost as good, and will infact be better then a half ass crafted chest. 2 stat shaper sticks are an exalt and 300pdps foils are almost nothing. The exspensive parts will be a hatred watchers eye, your jewels and a bleed starks. These jewels were 1ex each. Not so bad really considering each one gives around 100k dps. Dernière édition par stormyknight#7628, le 25 juin 2018 03:31:06
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Would be good if you can post videos too.
Ever thought of using mark of the elder for that 80% additional damage? Dernière édition par PandaZeus#6551, le 26 juin 2018 00:38:27
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