[3.3] Vaal Molten Shell CWDT Inquisitor


After all the positive feedback on my Molten Strike Assassin it became very apparent to me that the playerbase has a soft spot for volcanic-themed meme characters that abuse life gain on hit and cause heavy performance issues.

So I made another build - this time not with Molten Strike, but Molten Shell.

3.4+ Update
Build doesn't work anymore due to Vaal Soul Prevention now scaling with duration

Build Concept
This Build uses Vaal Molten Shell as it's main skill, which causes an explosion everytime you mitigate physical damage - with no cooldown.
The gem is often used with the unique item Scold's Bridle, which causes you to take damage everytime you spend mana.

This build, however, uses the combination of Eye of Innocence and The Rat Cage.

Everytime you ignite something, you will take fire and a little bit of physical damage, which will then trigger Vaal Molten Shell and Gems linked to level 1 Cast when Damage Taken, starting a chain reaction of ignites.

To mitigate the damage dealt by Eye of Innocence - and even heal yourself from it - you can use a couple of items:

In general, one of these sources is enough to sustain your life, but having more will also cause you to heal more.
Watcher's Eye is by far the best item. Getting two life on hit mods is extremely expensive, although one is already enough.

To sustain VMS we take duration passives on the skill tree and the unique flask Soul Catcher, along with flask effect passives.

The rest is done by killing enemies fast enough, but optional you can also use these jewels to help you out:

Pros and Cons
+Plenty of MTX options
+Pretty nice clearspeed
+Produces less lag than Poison Molten Strike
+Relatively tanky outside of lag and oneshots
+Damage grows with monster pack size, with no limit
+Core items are cheap

-Not a league starter nor a beginner build
-Requires a good PC
-Doesn't work until you reach endgame
-Bad against bosses with a lot of phases, squishy vs single targets
-Gameplay can be hectic on bad map layouts
-Optimal gear requires high currency investment

You can't level with VMS at all until you reach maps, but you can play this like any other basic Inquisitor caster until then - the skill tree is pretty much the same on every build (including this one).

I personally leveled with RF, but would recommend either Volatile Dead (Poet's Pen), Arc or Blade Vortex because they're really strong right now.

You can check around the forum or use this guide by Lifting (still works as of 3.3) along with my skill tree.

Skill Tree & Path of Building
Skill Tree:
17 Points
41 Points
70 Points
Level 75
Level 90

You can pick up Alacrity if you want to.
Mind over Matter can help you mitigate a bit of DoT damage (since the build doesn't use mana), but it's not a lot.


This is an import of my character, with only the level and gem level being adjusted


1. Instruments of Virtue
2. Augury of Penitence
3. Righteous Providence
4. Inevitable Judgement

You can also take Sanctify instead of Instruments of Virtue, the Consecrated Ground will proc when you are hit by Eye of Innocence, effectively giving you ~400 life regen.

I chose Inquisitor because he grants a ton of damage and mobility (I also had a Templar leveled at that point), but you can play this build on Elementalist, Chieftain, Ascendant or Juggernaut aswell.
What's especially notable is that you can use Shackles of the Wretched on Jugg to curse yourself with Temporal Chains, which will increase your VMS duration without slowing you.

Bandits & Pantheon
I killed all for the two passives points, but helping Alira for +20 crit multi and 15% resistances is not a bad choice either.

Major God: Stuns can interrupt your Vaal Molten Shell, so you should choose Soul of the Brine King to protect yourself against them.

Minor God: Soul of Ryslatha helps improve your life flask. This is important in case you ever get inflicted with a heavy DoT effect.

Gem Links
For a full setup check the example gear.

Main Skill - Helmet
Vaal Molten Shell - Immolate - Controlled Destruction - Combustion

You want this setup in your helmet, as getting 6 off-colours in The Rat Cage is a huge pain in the ass. If you want a more reliable VMS, you can replace Combustion with Increased Duration.
You can add support gems to this setup by using a Shaped helmet, which will essentially make it as good as a 6-link, while also saving two gem sockets and being cheaper.
An Essence of Horror crafted helmet also works here.

Mana Reservation - Non-Weapon
Herald of Ash - [X] - [X]

This build doesn't use any mana, so you should reserve as much as possible.
Herald of Ash should always be taken as it increases your damage.
If you have a Watcher's Eye, use Vitality/Discipline, otherwise Anger, Grace and Arctic Armour are all great auras to have.

You don't want to use these gems in your weapon/shield, as weapon-swapping causes you to deactivate them.

Mobility - Main Hand Weapon
Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify

Use this to move around and buff yourself with Fortify. Ideally you want this in a Vorici-crafted weapon with Blood Magic, to avoid running out of mana during the Soul Catcher flask.

Cast when Damage taken

The rest of your gems should pretty much all be level 1 CWDT spells that cause as many hits as possible.
Here is a list of my favorite skills/supports:

Immortal Call: physical damage immunity, must-have for defense
Enfeeble or Warlord's Mark: damage reduction or endurance charge generation, also great for defense
Firestorm / Ball Lightning: most hits-per-cast out of any spell, highly recommended
Bladefall / Arc / Volatile Dead / Cremation: good hits-per-cast ratio
Blade Vortex: consistent high-hitrate spell, very good when combined with support gems
Cold Snap: frenzy charge generation

Blind: 50% less damage taken from attacks
Power Charge on Critical: ~10% more damage through Power Charges, more ignites
Culling Strike: essentially 12.5% more damage if you land a perfect cull
Increased Duration: nice bonus on Firestorm, Blade Vortex and Immortal Call
Combustion: higher chance to ignite

Of course there's a lot more spells you can use, so feel free to experiment!

6L Staff - Weapon Swap

In case you run out of Vaal Souls, you can resort to a 6L Staff to back you up. You can also use it in single target encounters to trigger your VMS more often.
As a rule of thumb, the more spammy the spell is, the better. I recommend Incinerate CWC Firestorm or Cremation for single target, but you can really use anything.
Here is an example of my self-crafted LIDL staff, including hipster gem setup:

1 - Required Uniques
2 - Life Recovery
Pick at least one:
3 - Added Fire Damage
In order to make any of your abilities able to ignite, you want to add fire damage to spells and attacks.
You only need 1 point of damage, which will then trigger on criticals strikes or from chance to ignite.

Example sources:
4 - Other Gear
The rest of your gear should be filled with rares, but I highly recommend the unique ring Mokou's Embrace.

It has many useful stats for the build, more more importantly: it will cause Eye of Innocence to inflict you with a very weak ignite. This will allow you to benefit from it's damage bonus and fire damage leech.

Rare Stats:

Weapon: caster Dagger/Sceptre with spell damage, attack speed, spell crit chance, crit multiplier
Weapon-Swap: 6l Staff w/ cast speed, spell damage, spell crit, crit multiplier
Shield: life, fire/spell damage, spell crit chance, resistances
Ring, Boots, Belt: life, resistances
Gloves: life, resistances, attack speed
Jewels: life, spell/fire/area damage, crit multiplier, crit chance

You also want to get enough dex on your gear to be able to wear The Rat Cage.

Nothing important, really.

Anything that can benefit the build, like Shield Charge attack speed or Molten Shell damage.

80% chance to Avoid being Stunned if you've Killed Recently
16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently

You want pretty much exactly these flasks, the only thing that can be exchanged is the Stibnite flask.

A Silver flask can be a nice replacement, as it grants extra mobility.
Another option is Divination Distillate, but it felt pretty clunky to me even though it should work on this build.

Example Gear (my character)

Builds and Guides:
Dernière édition par SHEPUUURD#7714, le 29 août 2018 10:23:38
Dernier bump le 9 janv. 2019 12:17:05
My 1080 TI says NO!
Awesome looking build, dude. I love trigger-based builds (especially CWDT).

What are your thoughts on using something like Gluttony? It gives you life recovery on hit, frenzy charge generation, culling strike, and physical damage taken on movement skill usage. I know the build is moderately unique heavy already but it seems to give lots of relevant stuff.

EDIT: Crap, didn't see that Poacher's Mark was "by attacks". For some reason, thought it was any hit. Still useful but nowhere near as much.
Dernière édition par DeadlyGrim#1361, le 18 juin 2018 11:04:00
DeadlyGrim a écrit :
Awesome looking build, dude. I love trigger-based builds (especially CWDT).

What are your thoughts on using something like Gluttony? It gives you life recovery on hit, frenzy charge generation, culling strike, and physical damage taken on movement skill usage. I know the build is moderately unique heavy already but it seems to give lots of relevant stuff.

EDIT: Crap, didn't see that Poacher's Mark was "by attacks". For some reason, thought it was any hit. Still useful but nowhere near as much.
Well the thing is, you can always just put a curse in a CWDT setup in this build, so you don't actually need a CoH item for that.

I don't think there's any movement skill right now that can proc often enough to make the belt worth using just for that.
Builds and Guides:
On maps that don't have a nice layout it stills that nice? Like spider forest
nanog3 a écrit :
On maps that don't have a nice layout it stills that nice? Like spider forest

Can get a bit annoying on really terrible maps, but it's ok mostly. You usually have a charged VMS ready while the other one is active.

In the worst case you just swap to the staff.
Builds and Guides:
Dernière édition par SHEPUUURD#7714, le 23 juin 2018 15:26:50
How can i upgrade this build??(ex.use 6 link.)
I dont want to use swap weapon..
And i want to powerful for single target.. mapping is soooooooo good but if i kill the boss in vms time. I can't kill the boss.. that's very very sad.
Can you help me?
pji92 a écrit :
How can i upgrade this build??(ex.use 6 link.)
I dont want to use swap weapon..
And i want to powerful for single target.. mapping is soooooooo good but if i kill the boss in vms time. I can't kill the boss.. that's very very sad.
Can you help me?
If you don't want to weapon swap you'll have to remove some CWDT gems, like Volatile Dead or Bladefall. There's no way around it.

For a single target skill, the best options are either a 6L Rat Cage (a bitch to offcolour) or Horror crafted gloves.

I usually save up a stack of VMS before I fight a boss, but an alternative skill should honestly be enough for anything that isn't Shaper/Guardians or higher.

Cremation is a really nice single target skill, you could try that out, but you'll need Desecrate to generate corpses. https://youtu.be/1aqE7PAeoOc.
Gem links would be:
Cremation - GMP - Conc Effect - Immolate
On a 6L add Combustion and Controlled Destruction.
Builds and Guides:
Dernière édition par SHEPUUURD#7714, le 2 juil. 2018 08:18:04
can you answer to me two more question?

What is better?(Watcher opt)
+# Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline
+# Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality


+# Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality
#% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while affected by Anger


you answered 'For a Single target skill, 6L Rat Cage or Horror crafted gloves'
so i searched 6L Rat Cage 6off colour but price is fucked... than my remained option is Horror crafted gloves.
i know that is essence crafted glove. but i don't know how to use gloves(which skill gems have to linked and which option have to crafted to gloves)

i'm sorry to my poor english... if you understand my question please answer to me.
thank you so much to your kindness.
pji92 a écrit :
can you answer to me two more question?

What is better?(Watcher opt)
+# Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline
+# Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality


+# Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality
#% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while affected by Anger


you answered 'For a Single target skill, 6L Rat Cage or Horror crafted gloves'
so i searched 6L Rat Cage 6off colour but price is fucked... than my remained option is Horror crafted gloves.
i know that is essence crafted glove. but i don't know how to use gloves(which skill gems have to linked and which option have to crafted to gloves)

i'm sorry to my poor english... if you understand my question please answer to me.
thank you so much to your kindness.
+# Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality.
It's better because it will actually heal you, the ES gain will just mitigate the damage from Eye of Innocence mostly.

+# Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality.
You already get life leech from Eye of Innocence, so you don't need it on a Watcher's Eye.

Not a lot of people use Rat Cage, so you'll have to colour it yourself. A 6 off-colour is nearly impossible, but you can use 2 Green 4 Blue if you use Cremation.
According to the Chromatic Calculator, you'll need 730 Chromatics on average.
You want pretty much only life/resistances on the gloves, but dex is also good. It's RNG to get a good item, the only thing you can really change is add a mod with Haku.
You put your single target gem setup in the gloves, so it gets +3.5 flat crit chance, which is pretty much as strong as a 6-link, especially on Inquisitor.
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