[3.11] Powerful Earthquake Slayer (beginner friendly, leaguestarter, FAST, all content)

Welcome to the Guide Exiles!

In this Guide I want to share with you Guys the most enjoyable and satisfying Build I've ever played in my PoE career.

It seems that our loved 2H EQ is getting some love!
2H Base Changes:
All 2h bases are getting buffed, espacially the axes. The same time all the useful uniques are getting nerfed though. Maybe its the first league where i really recommend crafting a 2h axe instead of just going Disfavour as the endgame weapon. Harvest is all about crafting, so why not? :)

Changes to our Mainskill:
EQ gets changed. The aftershock now deals 150% more damage instead of giving additional flat damage. I would count this as a HUGE buff as we already got so much flat damage from our 2H weapon. 150% MORE damage is really alot.
Sadly, they remove the "Earthquake Duration" helmet enchant, but there are new reduced duration notes near the scion life cluster. 20/20 less duration is more important then ever and the "Warped Timepiece" amulet becomes even stronger for this build. There is also the new Fist of War support gem, wich gives us every 1.8 secounds a whopping 150% more damage boost + around 70% increased AoE. Should be a nobrainer for slower hitting EQers.

The new Warcries are awesome! I currently use all 3 of them (Generald Cry, Seismic Cry, Intimidating Cry) and they are great. Especially since they dont share the same cooldown anymore.

Big Skilltree Overhaul:
The skilltree got another big overhaul. Check out the PoB links below!

I'll keep updating the guide for Harvest of course, to figure the strongest Build setups!
Check out my character in Harveston my profile for the latest changes i made

Why Earthquake?
Earthquake is a good-looking, powerful and exciting Skill to play. It deals high damage, which one shots trash and even tougher enemies with ease. The aftershock will destroy everthing in your path.

Why Slayer? WHY NOT JUGG?!
First of all, Juggernaut is a great Ascendancy, however I feel it is often used in the wrong situations with wrong builds.
Slayer has amazingly great offense capabilities which synergies very well with Earthquake. The 20% Cull note is great for everything and combine that with "10% more damage if you killed recently" and "20% more damage against unique enemys" it provides 50% more damage against bosses. You also get a 20% increase of attack and movementspeed on killing a Rare or Unique Enemy which should be up most of the time and can be paired with onslaught now. But other than that Slayer also has very nice defense. The 20% Overkill Leech is just INSANE for Earthquake. You just have to hit one white monster and your leech is maxed out. The Brutal Fervour node also got some nice bonuses besides the obvious and famous overleech. And you are immune to bleed, stun and reflect as a slayer.
Long Story short: Slayer synergises just too good with Earthquake and is in terms of offence and defence the most balanced choice of all the classes.
It's the best choice for this Build.

+Good-looking skill
+Satisfying play style
+Easy Leaguestarter
+Cheap to start off
+Fast Mapping
+Can do most Mapmods
+Likes to kill hard Bosses
+Fast leech and good Life pool
+One-shots most stuff

-No leech Maps can kill you easily
-Can be quite Expensive at the Top end(like almost every Build)
-Leech lasts only 5secounds
-Lab is now much more challenging without a minute of free leech.

Build Variations
This is a Buildguide for a Resolute Technique 2Handed Axe Slayer.
There are many other Variations of Earthquake, for example Crit Staff Juggernaut or even 1Hand gladiator, and many more. For this you should look for another guide.
Some things are very similar, but they differ on key aspects.
In this Guide i will show you different trees for different playstyles, but also some variations in terms of gearing.

Check out my Profile for my current EQ char in Harvest


-The new Fist of War seemed to be an awesome support at first, but i think our EQ hits just too fast to make a good use of it. If you have less attack speed, it could be an option for you! I would swap it for Close Combat or Damage on Full Life in that case.
-All 3 new Warcries (Generals Cry, Intimidating Cry, Seismic Cry) seem to be very fitting for us here. Go try them out.
I'll update this section with my thoughts after the launch.

The Gems are in order of importance
Earthquake Setup
2.Less Duration
3.Melee Physical Damage
5.Close Combat
6.Damage on full Life
Note:You can use Increased Aoe/Conc. Effect if you prefer more AoE while mapping, but its not nescessary anymore. We get more then enaugh Area from tree and from the Pulverise support.
Vaal Warchief Totem Setup/Vaal Double Strike
1.Vaal Ancestral Warchief Totem
2.Melee Physical Damage
4.Concentrated Effect
5.Damage on full Life
Note:The Totem Setup is very important for the singletarget damage. It more than doubles your damage output. Bloodlust is only worth if you are using a Disfavour or speccing more into bleed nodes. Alternitves are Pulverise Close Combat or Ruthless. Try to get the Vaal version as soon as possible.
A Vaal Double Strike setup would fit as well, but i prefer the totem, especially now, because it got a vaal version too. Note that the gemlinks are different.
Leap Slam Setup
1.Leap Slam
2.Faster Attacks
3.Blood Magic
Aura Setup
2.Herald of Ash
3.Blood and Sand
3.Arctic Armour/Herald of Purity WITH
4. Enlighten LVL3 or 4
Note:You don't have to use Enlighten if you play with Hezmana's bloodlust.
You can play without Herald of Purity/Arctic Armour but i recommend it since u don't need much mana anyway.
Utility Setup
1.Generals Cry
2.Seismic Cry
3.Blood Rage
4.Intimidating Cry
1.Cast when Damage taken level 20
2.Steelskin level 20
3.Cold Snap or any curse if you dont have a curse corruption on your gloves
Note:You can basically use any CwDt setup you prefer.



Start with a Kaom's Primacy, Hezmana's Bloodlust or Sinvicta's Mettle. Later you swap to Disfavour. Try to get one with a good roll (600+pdps). Atziri's Disfavour is your Endgame Weapon.
You can try crafting a nice fortify axe but that could be pretty hard as you have to beat at least 600pdps to be better than a cheap Disfavour.

Because it was requested so much: I am not a huge fan of Marohi Erqi because its such a slow weapon. It maybe seems like a good option for EQ but the overall clear with this weapon just feels too awful. I recommend Sinvictas for the beginning. Also keep in mind that i dont offer trees for using maces.
Body Armour
Belly of the Beast is great for this Build! However, you can start with a Rare 6l Armour with some Life and Resists. Later you can craft a influenced armour with explode or some other funky shit.
You don't want to use a Kaom's Heart, since we need links for our totem.

A Rare Armour Helmet is the Best Option here. You want as much Life as you can get and some Resists. A great way to do this is to use Greed Essences for guarantied Life roll. (The Helmet Enchant is no longer obtainable.)

Rare Gloves with Life and Resists work fine, however the vulnerability on Hit Corruption is icing on the cake. Tombfists are another Option for us to get the Intimidate Effect, but you will lose some sockets. In that case, use CwDT with Immortal Call in your Tombists, and put Blood Rage in an Unset Ring.

Again, Rare Boots with a big liferoll and Resists should do the Job. Movementspeed isnt really necessary, but of course nice to have. Attack and castspeed is the best enchant for us. Regen is also nice for the non-VP version of this build.
Kaom's Roots are unfortunately not an option as we need the Sockets.

Lether belts and Stygian Vises are a nice Bases. Try to get as much Life as possible on your Belt (150+ is superb). Resists, Elemental Attack Damage and other Stats are a good option to have. Later you want an Elder rare belt with Increased Life Recovery Rate.

Ming's Heart is a cheap and very underrated Ring that gives us 60+ Chaos resistance and a big Damage boost, and only sacrefices 5% Life if its well rolled, which you can counter with a single life node on the tree. It should be easy to get one with under 7% reduced Life and 47+ Chaos resistance. The other Ring slot is free for a Rare Ring with Life, intelligent and the resists which you may be missing. Elemental Attack Damage, Added Physical Damage and other Stuff is of course a good addition to have.
You of course can use 2 nice Rare Rings if you want more life. I used these 2 on my last EQ char in Delirium (Vermillion crafted with Essence of Hysteria):

Carnage Heart gives us all the Attributes we need and other very helpful Stats like Resists, some Leech, increased leech Rate and Damage. It will carry you all the way into late Endgame. Warped Timepiece is the best non-rare choice for us (Now even better since there are no more EQ Duration Helmet Enchants). It further reduces your Earthquake delay and also grants some leech, attack- and movementspeed and dex/int.
Later you can replace them with a Rare Elder Amulet for more Life, Increased Maximum Life Leech Rate and Damage.

First you should use one or two Life flasks with Instant Heal and Freeze immunity, later you replace them. Nice Unique flasks are Lions Roar, Atziri's Promise, Taste of Hate and Sins Rebirth. You also want a Curse Remove/Freeze Utility Flask later. It adds QoL.

Flasks to Swap:

The only unique jewel worth really using is a Watcherseye with a nice pride Modifier. There are some great things like "10% chance for double damage" - nothing to sneeze at. The Red Nightmare jewel yould be used too, but with the new Skilltree rework, its not really worth using now.
For your Rare Jewels you should use some similar to mine.
You need one Jewel with some Mana Leech

Harvest League Gear progression

Day 1-2:

Leveling went pretty good, i think it never felt so strong to level this char.
Right at level 45 i got a Blood Reaper Axe and a 5l and the build really startet to feel great. With this basic/shitty gear i still oneshot many Bosses at Tier 5+. I guess my next steps are getting more HP on gear and level till my late 80's.

Day 2-5:

Havent had much time to play but got my Disfavour today. Also upgraded some other Gear. Im now close to 6k HP and ready to crush red maps.
Next step is going for a 6l.

Delirium League Finished Gear

Endgame Gear on my Char in Stdandard

Flasks to Switch in:


Trees for 9.11


On Attack Damage Jewel (8 Passives):
Feed the Fury:IMPORTANT! leech and big damage.
Drive of Destruction:IMPORTANT! leech and leech rate!
Heavy Hitter: damage and some stun mods that help stun even some high tier bosses with eq.

On Axe and Sword Damage Jewel (8 Passives):
Fuel the Fight: mana leech and nice damage.
Martial Prowess: just some good damage.
Bloodscent: really really awesome choice for utility. grants you rage stacks. helps greatly for clear and bosses if you use the "Berserk" gem.

On Area Damage Jewel (4 or 5 Passives):
Towering Threat: life, area and character size! what do you want more?
Titanic Swings: damage and area.
Assert Dominance: some damage and BIG aoe. yes please.

On Life Jewel (2 or 3 Passives):
Fettle: obviously the best life node on clusterjewels.
Adrenaline:IMPORTANT! life, damage and maximum leech rate. you want these!

On Dodge Jewel (2 Passives):
No Witnesses: very nice for some extra defence while mapping. i can not recommend it enaugh.

Notes: The Leech Jewels are the most important (Feed the Fury, Drive of Destruction, Adrenaline) as you can safe yourself 5 points to "Hematophagy".
I use 2 large, 3 medium and 3 small Clusterjewels in my current version. These are my prefered nodes but you can try other combinations for yourself.

For detailed view of my Clusterjewel choices take a look at my EQ char in Delirium (Coronacro)

Basic Leveling Trees

Kinetic Impacts - cheap and very effective!

Just kill all. Two points are worth more, than any of the buffs they give you.

The Pantheon
Major God: Soul of Arakaali or Soul of Solaris

Minor God: Sould of Gruthkul or Soul of Tukohama

Mana Leech? Just grab one rare jewel with some mana leech on it.

Vaal Pact?
Vaalpact is a viable option here but keep in mind that your leech only last for 5 secounds. A worms flask is highly recommended for VP.
I will update this guide with my thoughts on VP later this league.

Some PoB Links:

PoB for Harvest:
(Note that PoB hasnt integrated the new Gems yet, so there are no Warcries in this version, but i really recommend using all the new 3 of them)

Char in Delirium

Other PoB's (Mostly Experimental)
Balanced Version (recommended)

Balanced Vaalpact Version

HC Version

Bloodmagic HC Version

Vaalpact HC Version

Bloodmagic Vaalpact HC Version

Full Damage Potatoemode SC Version (not beginnerfriendly)



[3.11] Harvest League Starting Red Maps - Core Map

[3.11] Harvest League Very Early Maps with Sirius Guardian Kill

[3.10] Delirium League Zana Mino clear with BIG AoE

[3.7] Legion League Earthquake Slayer First Uberelder, Deathless

[3.7] Legion League Earthquake Slayer Hydra Run on 5l

[3.7] Legion League Earthquake Slayer very early mapping

[3.7] Look what they have done to my EQ Slayer [Standard Showcase]

[3.3] Incursion League Earthquake Slayer rippy Colosseum

[3.3] Incursion League Earthquake Slayer Deathless Shaper run on 5l

[3.3] Incursion League Earthquake Slayer 5min Uberlab run

[3.3] Incursion League Earthquake Slayer Uber Elder (My very first try)

[3.2] Earthquake Slayer Hydra kill:

[3.2] Earthquake Slayer Shaper run:

More Videos of Harvest League will follow!

Harvest League Update:
DAY1-2: The Acts went pretty smoothly. I used Perforate till level 28 where i switched to EQ. I upgraded my Weapon every like 10 levels and from level 35 onwards nothing could stand more then 3 hits. I bought the Blood Reaper 2H Axe right at level 45 from that point the build REALLY started to feel great. Most Bosses died with one attack. Im now at tier 5+ Maps with pretty shit gear and hes still oneshotting most bossen with the combination of Warcries, Warchief totem placed and Fist of War. I will probably switch Fist of War soon as EQ gets faster and the gem becomes less and less effective for me.
DAY2-5: Starting red maps now. I am pretty slow, i know, as i had not that much time to play recently. I already swapped Fist of War for Damage on Full Life for more dps. It just doesnt really feel good after you get a good amount of attackspeed. No 6l yet but my gear is slowly but surely taking shape. Disfavour got me from 27k with Hezmanas to over 40, wich is pretty insane. Bosses still gets destroyed (t12+) and my HP pool is on the 6k mark right now. I really like the new Warcry stuff. It adds alot to this build espacially in terms of boss dps.

(OLD)Delirium League Update:(OLD)
DAY0: Hyped for the new Clusterjewels! I am planning to craft a nice rare chest armour instead of a belly this time. I will also try to get a well rolled Disfavour with fortify corruption.
DAY1-2: Leveling went pretty smooth, damage was weak at the beginning(talking about till lvl 40 or so) but got pretty damn strong at the end at the kitava fight. Merciless lab was also really easy.
DAY3: Got my Disfavour for really cheap (60c).
DAY10: Havent had much time for playing and shit but im now on my way to fully complete all maps with awakening bonus. Build forks fine after a few tweaks to counter the delirium madness. I also made some progress working with clusterjewels. I think i found some awesome combinations. I strongly focused on leech and AoE nodes so i could safe some points respeccing from hemnatophagy. The AoE is just insane, i have 190% modifier in maps + blood and sand wich result in screenwide earthquakes! I will upload my first video from Delirium today. Overall pretty happy with this Char so far. Simulacrum is a tough bitch tho i have to say. Wave 18-20 is pretty dumb in terms of damage and i could not fully complete a run yet.
DAY??: First full Simulacrum clear done, died one time. Was fine, deathless is possible for sure, mapmods make difference of course.

(OLD)Legion League Update:(OLD)
DAY1: Leveling went smooth as hell. Never had a better time leveling a 2h RT build without preset gear. Switched to Sinvicta's and had a great time killing Kitava.
DAY3: Starting Maps with around 3k HP was a bit rough, however after switching to Belly it was fine.
DAY4: Uberlab was done quite easily with around 4.5k hp. This build is still great for Lab! Im on the way pushing the atlas now.
DAY5-8: Got some very important upgrades like the helmet enchant, good flasks and better jewellery. Look in the gear section for more details.
DAY9: Got a Disfavour, next big step is a 6l.
DAY10: Got new Boots with big HP and resists.
DAY14: Got my 6l and a better belt.

(OLD)Incursion League Update:(OLD)

DAY1: The leveling went pretty smooth. Akt5 and Akt10 Kitava were pretty easy and deathless.
DAY2: Going into Maps with around 5k Life. Damage felt pretty good and I didnt have to skip any Incursions rooms and temples.
DAY3: Uberlab done at level 78, deathless. Also, carried a friend.
DAY4: Level 85: Started Uberlab farming and got a Molten strike Enchant, which I sold to get a Disfavour.
DAY6: Got my helmet enchant. Doing now T13+ maps. Still no 6l.
DAY10?: Updated some gearpieces, to get my 7.5k life pool goal. Still pretty cheap budget gear, except Disfavour. Still no 6l but already killed Shaper, deathless. Video is up!
DAY11: Finally got my 6l. Just wasted already 39 (!) divine orbs to get the 40% increased life. Still not 40% lol. Never was so unlucky in my life, that was a mistake xD
DAY20?: Managed to kill Uber Atziri. Not very clean, but it was alright.
Iam testing some new things. I play at the moment with Kaoms Roots. It was not easy to put them into the build and iam not sure, if its worth it. If there is nothing more to upgrade, i seach for new things. :D
DAY22:Bought some nice new boots with lots of life and resists, tried out Kaoms Roots before and i have to say, its not worth using in this build. Also crafted an elder leather belt for the life recovery rate. The only thing iam missing now, is a nice pair of tombfists with double corruption. Vulnerability and frenzy would be perfect in that scenario.
DAY??:Finally got my pair of Tombfists with frenzy and vulnerabilty on hit! My gear is now complete. Last thing i will do, is corrupting my Disfavour, but thats only for fun.

For more Information about Delirium League Progression look in the Gear Section

Big shoutout to Kamal, who helped me proofread

Version History:
3.3 Update: EQ got a huge buff in damage and the aftershock triggers much faster, from 1.5s to 1s.
3.4 Update: Vaal Warchief totem is another great addition for the single target damage!
3.7 Update: MELEE INSANITY (reworked slayer, new skilltree paths, new support and utility gems and another huge earthquake damage boost)
3.10 Update: Clusterjewels are great! So much new Potential!
3.11 Update: Buffs to EQ and 2H in general? YES please!
If you have any Questions, feel free to ask.
Dernière édition par Prycro#5937, le 24 juin 2020 12:30:06
Dernier bump le 26 juil. 2020 00:31:59
love the formatting, whats the red weapon trail used in the 3.3 video?
Waiko75 a écrit :
love the formatting, whats the red weapon trail used in the 3.3 video?

Thank you! Its from the Conquest Supporter pack, i actually bought it for the good looking portal. :)
Dernière édition par Prycro#5937, le 7 juin 2018 18:27:12
Love the guide, Always loved Earthquake since I started playing back in 2.5, sadly it was always outclassed by other melee skills and it had almost no end-game potential. currently i have almost the exact setup as yours, just missing a few upgrades like boots, enchant and axe, maybe belly

But i have a few questions regarding the skill tree:

1) Im confused as to why you took Red Storm, any reason behind this? is it for the increased phys?
2) What do you think about Kitava's Feast Axe? seems like an upgrade when it comes to DPS next to Hezmana
3) Any tips on farming the Disfavour? Im kinda struggling making the chaos
4) Im kinda struggling on survivability, maybe is because low phys reduction even though im using lion's roar and basalt, even stibnite has armor in it. and a bit low on damage... even though im stacking defenses on flasks/armor, going through uber lab is easy but izaro destroyed me today, maybe is because it was charges + gargs
5) Daresso's salute is worth it for the Damage on full life?
6) Vitality Void for more leech?

Thank you!
Where do you get manaleech from ? :)
Where do you get manaleech from ? :)
hc viable?


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