Frostbolt non-crit Inquisitor - Theoretical build

Hello there,
I'm rather new in this game, that's why i post here my idea for non-crit Frostbolt Inquisitor.

Let's start from beggining, main idea for this build:

Build Idea:

Main idea for non-crit Inquisitor began after I looked at his Ascendary choises. Pious Path gives nice mana regen for sustaining high cast speed. Additionaly gives life regen and Elemental Ailments immunity. From this I take everything what don't gives crit modifiers - this gives nothing with Elemental Overlord.

Everything is focused around Pious Path mana regen on consecreted ground and getting much cast speed to utilize it all. More mana we get, more cast speed me need to consume it.

PoB Link:

How it should works:

We use Orb of Storms and golem for curses, Leap Slam gives more cast speed from IoV, Blood Rage (or Green Dream/Nightmare) with Vaal Breach generate Frenzy charges, Frostbolt deals damage.

Ascendary choises explanation:


Sanctify provide Consecreted ground all the time when we hit (6 casts per second, 5 frostbolts in cast, 40% to create CG).
Pious Path gives us regen on consecrated ground.
Instruments of Virtue boost spell damage when we use spell and cast speed when we use attack skill.
Augury of Penitence increase damage against nearly enermies helping with survivability.



Simply take everything what gives life, life regen, spell damage, cold damage,projectile damage and all nearby sockets. After lvl 91 go for +1 Frenzy -> Socket <-> Blood Drinker (socket if we have nice jewel or Blood Drinker if not).



Build core uniques:


2x Frozen Trial - must have item in all Frostbolt builds
Pledge of Hands - free 30 lvl Spell Echo, can be exchanged for rare staff, but this will be costly - best choice for this price
Doedre's Damning - we want replace it with rare when we get +1 curse amulet

Darkray Vectors - corrupted for +1 Frenzy is our end game goal.

Other useful uniques:


Crystal Vault - Strengh, Inteligence and Chill effect, rare with high life roll would be better, but still good choise
The Green Dream or The Green Nightmare - alternate way to generate Frenzy charges, socketed in Templar area near Devotion and Faith and Steel - in my opinion too expensive compared with Blood Rage

Rest of Gear:


Rares - prioritize in order: life -> capping resistances -> cast speed -> spell damage -> cold damage with spells -> mana -> life regen.

Darkray Vectors with +1 Frenzy corruption would be nice.

We aim to utilize all mana regen, so cast speed > spell damage.

Have in mind we need 155 dexterity for gems, some item rarity/quantity would be nice too.

Watcher's Eye can give us Onlaught when affected by Haste, so it's something what we want look at with sufficient mana regen.

Gem links:


Main DPS:
Frostbolt-> Controlled Destruction -> Hypothermia -> Slower Projectiles/Spell Echo (if not using PoH) -> Cold Penetration -> Arcane Surge

Herald of Ice -> Haste -> Blood Rage - last link for gem leveling, I used it for Mana Leech (or Enlighten)

Orb of Storms -> Curse on Hit -> Projectile Weakness -> Elemental Weakness -> Increased Area of Effect -> Increased Duration - last 2 are not necessary, can be used to leveling gems

CwDT Setup:
Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) -> Immortal Call (lvl 3) -> Increased Durration - last slot not linked for Lightning Golem

Leap Slam -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Vaal Breach - we need use attack skill for increased casting speed from IoV, Vaal Breach for Frenzy charges generation

Enchants and corruptions we want (in priority order):


Helmet -> considering that we need attack for cast speed (0,6s) and according to Pob Frostbolt cast speed gives ~8k dps more.

Amulet with +1 curses needed for replace Doedre's Damning with rare.

Boots -> boots enchants give us nothing, +1 frenzy charges corruption is best what we can get (~20k dmg).

Gloves -> there too enchants are worse than corruption, if we want corrupt aim for +1 socketed gems and move Aura gems here (don't corrupt Fingerless silk gloves).

Body armour -> +1% max res or +1 lvl socketed gems, we use this for cursing, but I prefer resistance corruption.

PoB stats:

Shaper Frostbolt DPS with +1 Freznzy corrupted Darkray's:

Shaper Frostbolt DPS with regular rare boots:

Deffensive stats with good gear:

Beaten 400k Shaper DPS (450k with 6 Frenzy charges) with endgame gear, only The Green Nightmare (4,5ex for Green Dream and 1ex for Blessing and we can go without it using Blood Rage) and corrupted Darkray's Vectors are over 1ex (Watcher's Eye is around 1,5ex, if we want use if completly - Onslaught+Phasing, only Onslaught version is much cheaper). This build is only theory, so i don't use in it very high roll items (except implicts - we can roll it with Blessed orbs and Belt - I dropped better belts in low tier maps in past leagues).

I want some feadback how to improve it (without going crit).
Dernière édition par DemonisAngel11#3923, le 23 mai 2018 15:11:54
Dernier bump le 23 mai 2018 15:01:38


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