[3.5] Oni-Goroshi Wild Strike/Molten Strike: (Slayer/Jugg, 7K+ HP, 5k+ Leech) ~ Uber Elder Down!
[3.5 Update]
Don't have much time to go through entire build/changes, since league starts soon, but I don't see any reason this build would not function exactly the same as previous few leagues. Only change was -1 Wildfire Jewel, but the overall base damage buff to Molten Strike basically means damage remains more or less the same. Just throw in a decent Abyss jewel to compensate. Possibly opens up ability to run an Unnatural Instinct+2x Meeks near Scion start if you are filthy rich... but not mandatory. Wild Strike itself remains one of my favorite trashclear/incursion clear abilities, should be very strong for Betrayal content. [3.4 Update] Absolutely nothing changed in regards to this build, skill trees, or Ascendancy choices. I would reinforce the option of choosing Jugg/Slayer for Delve, as the full uptime of Endurance Charges / IC are very helpful - and the extra damage from Raider is really not necessary (unless you are doing primarily Shaper/UElder). Only thing I may recommend is possibly running a Might of the Meek near the Scion jewel (by the resistances) for some extra life. You can grab Phase Acro too if you prefer evasion over armor. I'm not playing this particular build this league, but I do not see any reason it would not play extremely well in Delve. Wild Strike absolutely demolishes all trash on your screen in 1 hit, looks awesome doing so, and has great leech/tankiness and high EHP. [3.3 Update]
I started off this league with the same build I used in 3.2, with great success! Absolutely nothing has changed for this build with 3.3. The only downside is that neither Wild Strike or Molten Strike have a Vaal version, so no new/cool fun skill to throw in the mix. Also, note that Chance to Ignite got buffed - it's now Combustion gem, which provides even more damage! Worth using this even over Fire Penetration! At the time of writing this update, it's been 3 days since 3.3 launch. I have already geared out enough and have absolutely no problem demolishing red maps (up to T15) and high level Incursions/Temples (Zone level 82 Temples). I have received a few Guardian maps and will be attempting them tonight, and hopefully have Shaper on farm within next few days. (6/5/18 Update - Shaper down! Day 4 of league, having a blast!) (6/9/18 Update - Uber Elder down! Accomplished without using Kaom's Roots. Would be 3x easier with Kaom's Roots, so next time I attempt, i'll likely make up resists on rings to fit them in): https://ibb.co/fwpsF8 (6/10/18 Update - Uber Elder on farm! I switched some gear around to incorporate Tombfist & Kaom's Roots, making the fight much easier. At this point, my gear is pretty much as good as it's going to get without GG/mirror investments, and I don't see the need to improve further. I invested into some good 1Ex jewels, with Tombfist, bumping my HP up to 7.5K. (6/25/18 Update - Added some more recent videos (see below), running endgame as Slayer/Raider, primarily only doing T16 Elder Underground Seas, Guardians, Shaper, and Uber Elder.) Note that I have concluded Slayer/Jugg is superior at mapping, while Slayer/Raider is better for elder/shaper bossing. (6/28/18 Update - Added a "Map Mods" section. Incursion Videos
Shaper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9Dbbc1JXw8 T16 Elder Underground Sea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FCHKa0xm9M T16 Hydra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_CSUAuYiDQ&t=1s T16 Phoenix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_MYfpWqpV4&t=1s T16 Chimera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mF0kBWz72w&t=1s Lvl 83 Temple: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34pUd9ENbPs&t=1s Player Reviews: Credit to CLAYNE for an excellent review/writeup, covering some parts I do not go over in my guide, such as leveling trees and user experience. You can find this post on page #3, but I'm including it here for easier access.
" Current Endgame Gear (Tombfist Version):
This build is strong and I am having a ton of fun playing it in Incursion, as Wild Strike feels awesome in the very dense incursions and temples. If you like fiery explosions, icy waves, and chain lightning all over your screen (similar to Arc) you'll enjoy Wild Strike. (Beware that, especially while using Oskarm gloves, Chaos resistances are extremely low; A lot of the new Incursion/Temple mobs do Chaos damage.... which really, really hurts. I suggest trying to pick up some Chaos resist on gear, or use the Tombfist glove version instead. This build, however, will likely deal with those evil "Vaal Constructs" better than most builds by simply having 7K HP and a 4s Immortal Call.) I've made some minor adjustments to my skill tree, to pick up additional resistances near the Scion starting area. This is primarily to cap resists easier early in the league, and if you get really good gear, you can revert back to the original skill tree posted further below. I also picked up Alira instead of +2 points for the same reasons; I wanted gearing to be easier so I could rush to red maps/guardians. The Crit Multiplier from Alira provides a sizeable DPS boost, however; but this build is somewhat point-starved so the +2 points is helpful for filling out life nodes. (OLD) Videos
Videos are mostly from Flashback league, as Slayer/Jugg. Some Incursion videos as Slayer/Raider are posted towards the top of this post. T16 Hydra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWChFb909ZI (Lol @ map returns, thanks Flashback) T16 Chimera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCNBfk3WvwU T15 Lava Lake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPnZG8IMtwo T14 Palace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zer9w9uT8qQ Minotaur is obviously easy; Phoenix is doable but I found that without the +3 molten strike enchant, I can't really "facetank-burn-him-down" as fast as I'd like... so I do have to dodge his explosion and kill the birds that spawn. Shaper and Red Elder were also downed easily without the +3 MS enchant. I've been farming Guardian maps and Shaper the entire Flashback league without any difficulties (with all the extra beyond/harbingers/invasion etc. in every map). Wild Strike is awesome at clearing. Early-League ISC Gear (Oskarm Version):
Theorycrafting: Vaal Double Strike / Heavy Strike
I was looking around for an alternate single-target skill, preferably not projectile based, so we could drop projectile nodes. I did some initial PoB testing and even tried the new Vaal Double Strike for a bit when I started maps.
While both simulate high DPS in PoB, the problem was that you can't generate souls with your Vaal Double Strike while clearing, since it's in your weapon-swap. You also never really got enough souls while beating on a boss with it; chances are the boss will be dead before you fill it up. Molten Strike simply performs better overall, and can be scaled much higher with stuff like the +3 Helm enchant and Dying Sun. Also keep in mind it has a built in 60% Physical -> Fire conversion, allowing for 100% fire damage. Also, I noticed that while most portions of Wild Strike don't benefit from our projectile scaling, that a big portion of it's damage/clear potential was from the Icy Waves - which IS COUNTED as a projectile! So with Point Blank / Iron Grip, it actually dishes out phenomenal damage. I may do some more testing with Heavy Strike to see if it's competitive single-target DPS with 2x Weight of the Empire jewels... although I'm pretty sure Molten Strike still outperforms, especially with the helm enchant and/or Dying Sun. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my second build post, improved upon my previous iteration of this build, the “Oni-Goroshi Molten Strike + Reave Chieftain” https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2120604 I wanted to see how an Ascendant Slayer/Jugg (or Slayer/Raider) compared to my Chieftain version of this build, I have played this through the recent Flashback league with great success; it’s a lot of fun, and quite powerful! I've played a ton of "high DPS" builds in the past several leagues to "end game", including pre-nerf HoWA, Wanderfinders, Cyclone Ngamahu, Bladeflurry, BladeVortex, Spectral Throw, Frost Blade characters... but recently have been focusing on “High Life/Tanky” builds that still maintain very high DPS. With the release of Oni-Goroshi, I have been trying a variety of builds around this item; It’s a great item! Not only does it offer you a "FREE" 6-link, but it allows you to use KAOM’S HEART for massive HP! It’s surprisingly “not bad” as a leaguestarter, as you can generally grab an OniGoroshi MUCH cheaper than any 6-link unique chestpiece (well, except Tabula...) My overall focus is a build that can do both Map/Trash and Bossing equally well, rather than focusing solely on one. Specifically, I enjoy farming Guardians/Shaper - and this build does that well. PROS:
- FLAMING BALLS / ICY WAVES / LIGHTNING BOLTS / EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE! - Huge Boss DPS - Amazing AoE Clearspeed - High HP due to ability to use Kaom's Heart - High physical mitigation (90% with flasks) if Slayer/Jugg - 10% Culling is helpful for bosses - 80%+ uptime of Immortal Call (lasts 4-5 seconds) - Amazing leech (over 4000/second) allows safe facetanking of almost everything - 40% Accuracy on OniGoroshi makes hit% easier to cap (95% Hit with no +Accuracy) - No gem/gear swaps, besides weapon swap (Unlike many builds which are usually focused on bossing or trash farming, but not both: No gem swapouts required!) - OniGoroshi damage scales very well with levels, and no 6-L required - Low budget, high effectiveness, and can scale very well with exalt investments. CONS:
- Need to hit things to leech. CANNOT run "No Leech" maps. - 60% Less Recovery are still doable but dangerous on high-red maps. I usually reroll this mod on T14-T16 maps, as I enjoy facetank leeching everything. - Temp Chains is still annoying unless you use Kaom’s Roots – but resist capping may be difficult, and the Stun Immunity is wasted. - Chaos damage hits like a truck, especially with -10% from Oskarm. - Not as high DPS as BladeFlurry / Statstick builds (But then again, nothing is?) MAP MODS AND WHAT TO AVOID
1) No Leech - Self explanatory 2) Elemental Reflect - You do too much DPS, and will oneshot yourself. 3) Less Life Recovery - Not a big deal on lower tier maps, or at higher gear levels, see below All other map mods are irrelevant, including Physical Reflect, since you will do 100% elemental damage. Just don't use Molten Strike unless you have Xoph's Heart, since it will still do 50% physical. Recovery Rate in PoE INCLUDES LEECH. That means a map mod with "60% reduced recovery rate" effectively means your leech, normally at around 4000hp/second, turns into 1600hp/second. That's a really, really big deal; since this build is a Slayer leech build, with high EHP, your primary defense is to leech back any damage you take. For lower maps, it's not a big deal; but I highly recommend rerolling this map mod on high red tiers. This mod, in my opinion, is harder than stuff like %increased cold/light/fire damage, vulnerability, etc. - since it's really tanky as long as you can utilize your full leech. PATH OF BUILDING/SKILL TREES:
Slayer/Jugg https://pastebin.com/DHMXJyaR Definitely far superior for early mapping/leveling up/general mapping. Tankier due to 100% uptime of Endurance Charges, and 4s+ duration Immortal Calls. Still very respectable damage. Slayer/Raider https://pastebin.com/AZVpthVt Only real changes is swapping the 2 endurance charges for 2 frenzy charges. You'll note that the overall DPS on both Wild Strike / Molten Strike are much higher (mainly due to the attack speed - which scales very well since this build has high dmg but low attack speed - 1.45s base on Oni-Goroshi). Does roughly 20% more boss-total damage than Jugg variant + movement speed bonuses. *** For both variants, I would sub out Lion's Roar flask for Dying Sun on bosses, obviously. Huge single-target DPS boost. The difference that getting both the +3 MS Helm enchant and a Dying Sun is RIDICULOUS for molten strike - but the overall "difference" is taking like 20 seconds to kill Minotaur, versus like, 6 seconds. It's nice, but not necessary! Non-PoB Skill Tree: Tree is for level 92. With +2 from Bandits. Alira is absolutely fine and can help resist capping easier. If level 95 I’d pick up another 3-point jewel socket. If you are primarily doing lab-farming, I’d drop VP (traps without regen sucks.) Also, you can save 4 points by dropping Disembowling if you want to focus more on boss DPS. It only effects the "melee hit" portion of Molten Strike (not the balls) but it does help Wild Strike DPS a ton for clearing. Still, you can drop the 4 points for another jewel socket or life nodes if you feel trash clear is sufficient. EXPENSIVE?:
With level 92, somewhat average gear, I'm currently sitting at 7200HP. 7.5K+ is definitely obtainable if you get good gear or drop some DPS nodes for more life nodes. It's a great change of gameplay for somebody like myself used to playing 5k HP Raider/Pathfinder FastPewPew builds.
Starter gear is NOT that expensive, although “not” a budget build. Personally, I found Oni-Goroshi builds cheaper than previous builds simply because you don’t need to invest ANYTHING into fusing/buying a 6-link chest. I personally went straight into this as my Flashback and Incursion league starters without any regrets (although I AM an experienced player, so if you are newer, you may want to find an easier starter build). I was easily able to purchase my first OniGoroshi on the 2nd day of Incursion for 27c (1c per Rebirth card) - and a second one on the 3rd day for the same amount. Buying 27 of the cards is almost always cheaper than buying the sword itself; there are a ton of cards for sale, too! So instead of paying 14-15c for a Tabula, or multiple exalts for a good 6-link chest... I had my endgame viable 6-link weapon for just 27c a few days into the league. If this isn't budget, I'm not sure what is! However, you can still EASILY do early white maps/yellow maps without Oni-Goroshi. Just use a standard MS/Frost Blade setup with your 5-L chest or Tabula, grab some good cheap claws/swords (like Wasp Nest or Scaevas) or just use Sunder. I continued using Sunder with a cheap physical damage rare axe for T1-2 maps, until I could afford Oni-Goroshi. Kaom’s Heart is usually around 100-150c, whereas even a 6-link Belly of the Beast often runs for 5-7+ exalts. NOTE - The +3 Helm Enchant on Starkonja is the obvious luxury/MAX single target DPS boost. It's a great DPS boost but NOT AT ALL REQUIRED for endgame content. I picked up a “Wild Strike Chains 6 Times” Starkonja for less than an exalt, and I am extremely happy with it. It helps trash clear without breaking the bank. The Chain Lightning easily oneshots white packs and chains WAY off screen. So what’s required for this build? Oni-Goroshi x2 (If you get these earlier in the league, usually only around 30c each - usually no more than 1ex each even a few weeks after league start.) *Note - ONE Oni-Goroshi is plenty for starting off, 2 just helps immensely for a singletarget/AoE weapon swap. I started league off (early maps) with just one, running Molten Strike + Ancestral Call + Multistrike + Ele Dmg + DmgFullLife + Combustion, and this setup cleared all the way up to red maps without any problems. Starkonja (1c) Rares in All Slots (Figure 10c each for basic "decent" stuff, so 1-2ex total). That's it! I would say a minimum of 3-4exalts will make this build feel good. A 6-link Unique chest alone would cost way over this - benefit of OniGoroshi saving you a 6-link! (Kaom's chest is usually 2-3 exalt, far cheaper than most 6-link chests!) Kaom’s Chest is good to have, but you can definitely get away with a tabula/rare chest piece with life/resists on a budget. NOTE - You can definitely do this build on a much smaller budget, I spent a lot on jewels, quality gems, lvl20/21 gems, optimizing gear/resists (cold/lightning are the same % for wise oak, etc.) However, unless you plan to farm the Twilight Strand for hours for your own Oni-Goroshi, I would NOT recommend starting this without enough to at least purchase 1 sword. (I did this as a leaguestarter and switched to OniGoroshi when I could afford one, around level 70.) You need at least 1, preferably 2 Oni-Goroshi. Kaom's Heart is also 200-250c, but is definitely luxury and NOT required - You can get away with any rare armor with some good life/resists, since you don't really need the sockets. Just buy cheap 1-2c armor with great stats, use the sockets for another CWDT setup or something. Everything else in the build can be substituted with rares. The +3 helm enchant is not even required; I was still farming Guardian/Shapers well before getting the +3 helm. Why OniGoroshi? I wanted to try something else besides another Ranger or Brutus Lead Sprinkler build, and Oni-Goroshi seemed like a fun concept. I actually borrowed a lot of ideas from Nathan Boulton's build, the OniGoroshi Blade Flurry Chieftain, credit to him! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evaJOWcjbEc Unfortunately I simply did not like BladeFlurry and the lower HP in his build, so I made some changes to switch to Molten Strike and grab more life nodes. A big benefit of OniGoroshi over a BLS build is it counts as a 6-L... which means... KAOM'S HEART! Also, the 40% Accuracy on Oni-Goroshi is often undervalued. Using the Ascendant Slayer/Jugg combination, which provides +1000 accuracy, I have 95% chance to hit with ZERO ACCURACY on my gear. Oni-Goroshi provides excellent base physical damage, which not only allows for "Gain % of Phys as Fire" mods to shine, but easily converts 100% of your Physical into Fire with Xoph’s Heart. You can scale +Phys%, +Flat Phys, +Ele%, +Fire%, +Flat Ele, +Sword% Dmg, +%Projectile Dmg, +%Melee Damage... everything helps! Also.... It talks to you. Yea. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Ascendancy I initially tried Slayer/Raider. While it does sim a lot higher in overall DPS on PoB, I felt the advantages it offered was really not that potent. Since we run Blood Rage, we effectively have full uptime of 3 frenzy charges on trash anyway… so all Raider provided was uptime of Frenzy charges on bosses (and 5 charges total, since we’d grab 2 more on the tree.) It also provides Onslaught, but you can grab that from a flask – and on trash, I had full onslaught uptime anyway with an Abyss jewel (chance on kill to gain Onslaught.) I wanted to absolutely maximize the “face tank” aspect of this build; The concept of having really high leech and high physical mitigation. Around level 80 I switched to Slayer/Jugg and I LOVE everything about it. Benefits of Slayer/Jugg + 1000 Accuracy (95% chance to hit with NO accuracy on gear) + 100% uptime on Endurance charges (5 total) + Allows use of Immortal Call + Inc Duration, lasts 4 seconds total! + Endurance charges regenerate DURING immortal call, so you’ll have 4-5 up at all times. + High accuracy is quite good with Oskarm gloves The big obvious + is RIDICULOUS LEECH. PoB shows I currently leech 4100HP/S. The Oni-Goroshi degen shows 900HP/S (but is actually less since Arakali pantheon doesn't calculate in PoB). That means I have a net leech of well over 3200HP/S - That's a LOT of life regen, so as long as you aren't oneshot (and hitting stuff) you will heal up to full easily. This is even more the case because you'll have Immortal Call on practically all the time, especially after big hits that chunk you down; allowing the leech to do it's magic between hits. ONI GOROSHI: Note that the OniGoroshi debuff is somewhat misunderstood. It does apply a "Righteous Fire-like" debuff to you, but it only lasts for 3 seconds. Even with Vaal Pact, which negates all my regen, the debuff is NOT even noticable (even with Blood Rage on). So, why OniGoroshi over Brutus Sprinkler or other weapons? When you IGNITE an enemy (which is practically every hit), you gain this buff: HER EMBRACE:
Cannot be Stunned
123% of Sword Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage Unaffected by Burning Ground Immune to Freeze, Chill and Ignite 20% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed The big one here is 123% of Sword Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage. Stun immunity is great, too! Basically, your damage will look like this: 100% Physical Damage -> Converted to 100% Fire Damage 123% Fire Damage (Extra from Her Embrace) = 223% Fire Damage This is rough paper napkin math... but suffice to say, your +flat physical scales very well into overall fire damage. Stun and Freeze immunity are always welcome, too! SKILLS:
6L: Molten + Multistrike + Elemental Damage + Damage on Full Life + Conc Effect + Combustion 6L: Wild Strike + Multistrike + Elemental Damage + Ancestral Call + Damage on Full Life + Combustion 4L: Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify + Blood Magic 4L: CWDT + Ice Golem + Immortal Call + Increased Duration *** Note - You can definitely sub out a Molten Strike support gem for Ancestral Call, if you want to run Multistrike + Ancestral Call for the gimmicky hit-the-ground double damage on boss trick. I personally find it annoying, especially if I'm whirling around dodging stuff, or on bosses with big hitboxes... and the damage just doesn't seem worth it (to me) to put up with it. Or just swap Multistrike for Ancestral Call. Requires good positioning, or you actually lose DPS. It's definitely a DPS increase, but stuff dies quick enough for me anyway, and literally melts if you have both +3 MS Helm and Dying Sun. (I had both in BSC on my Chieftain variant, and could drop 8-mod Minotaur or Shaper in like 4 seconds). Entirely personal preference, use what "feels good" for your playstyle. Current Gear (Flashback)
I am a huge fan of the Tombfist glove. Abyss jewels are ridiculously strong and scalable; so it will often easily outscale a Gripped or Spiked glove in both DPS and Life, or even resists if you need them from the jewels. In addition, it provides INTIMIDATE for 10% "MORE" damage - which you can't get anywhere else. With Tombfist: 2L: Anger, Herald of Ash (Ideally, if you can get a good Unset Ring and still cap resists, this is deal - you can then socket Blood Rage into it) Oskarm 4L: Anger, Herald of Ash, Blood Rage, Leap Slam/Ancestral Protector Blood Rage is excellent on trash/bosses, as it provides attack speed, and 100% uptime of 3 Frenzy charges on trash. Gives you a considerable damage boost for clearing. The degen is a nonfactor. Oskarm is my current glove of choice, for Slayer/Jugg variant. With just the +1000 accuracy from Jugg, and NO accuracy on gear, it provides me almost 7% crit chance. It also provides Assassin's Mark on hit - which gives another 10% crit from 3 charges (on trash) - and some nice added life/mana on kill. For the Slayer/Raider variant, Tombfist is likely better (since lower accuracy.) BANDITS:
I prefer +2 skill points, but Alira is an excellent acceptable option, and starting off will help you cap resists. Crit multiplier is a strong stat. FLASKS:
Required: 1) Seething Divine Life Flask of Staunching (Required to remove bleeds) 2) Diamond Flask (of Warding, Iron Skin, or Reflexes) Optional Choices: 1) Lion's Roar (Great damage boost for AoE/Clearing with Wild Strike, but minimal use for single target, as it only improves the Molten Strike melee hit portion, not the balls) - Also huge armor increase 2) Wise Oak (Obviously amazing dps/defense potential if you can balance all 3 resists) 3) Dying Sun (Great Single-Target DPS increase with Molten Strike balls +2, but expensive) 4) Basalt Flask (of Warding, Iron Skin, or Reflexes) 5) Stibnite Flask (of Warding, Iron Skin, or Reflexes) Personally, I run Lion's Roar, Wise Oak, Diamond and a Basalt flask. With one rolled Warding, one rolled Iron Skin, this provides maximum armor value; 3000 base, up to 100% increased from iron skin, and 15% additional physical reduction. With 5 endurance charges up, and flasks popped, we're sitting at well over 90% physical mitigation. PANTHEONS:
Using Arakali because it synergizes very well with the OniGoroshi debuff. Reduces the degen damage considerably. Minor pantheon is preference, doesn't matter too much. I use Tukohama because, chances are, you are stationary slamming your BALLS into your target - so 8% physical reduction isn't bad. Ralakesh is also OK for some bleed avoidance and immunity to Blind. MATHS: *NOTE* - All numbers below are outdated, based on my DPS when I had entry-level gear, unleveled gems with no quality, etc. Best to use PoB for more accurate numbers. WILD STRIKE
So, if you deal 100 physical damage, it will look like this:
FIRE HIT 100 Physical -> 238% to Fire = 238 Fire Damage LIGHTNING HIT 100 Physical -> 171% to Fire + 67% to Lightning = 171 Fire Damage and 67 Lightning Damage 67 Lightning Damage -> 50% to Fire = 33.5 Fire Damage (Total 171 Fire + 33.5 Fire = 204.5 Fire Damage) The difference between 238 Fire Dmg and 204.5 Fire DMg is about 13-14% less DPS (The Cold Hit portion has the same calculations.) If you have PoB, plug in my build and take a look at the "Calculations" section. It shows the calculations of the "Hit" portion of Wild Strike as such: Fire Hit: 14648 to 23164 (479K DPS) Lightning Hit: 12797 to 20279 (419K DPS) Cold Hit: 12797 to 20279 (419K DPS) This isn't even counting the "awesome" explosions/lightning chains/frost waves that also shoot out, which deal: Fire Explosion: 148K DPS Lightning Bolt: 130K DPS Icy Wave: 227K DPS ^--- NOTE - Icy Waves is considered a projectile, and will benefit from Iron Grip and Point Blank, greatly increasing it's damage! Not to mention you are regularly launching 2-4 projectiles each swing (2 from hit, 2 from ancestral call). If you use Dying Sun, it goes up to 4-6 projectiles! The Lightning Bolt is also sweet - it should really be called "chain lightning" since it chains 6 times, or with the helm enchant, 12 times! Just as awesome as Arc! My Lightning Bolt regularly oneshots all white trash, even offscreen. As you see, the damage difference from the "Hit" portions of Wild Strike don't differ too much... it's about 13% less damage with the Lightning/Cold portions... which really isn't that much - and strangely, the Icy Wave portion does MORE than the fire explosion, so it sorta evens out. (NOTE, all the above numbers are set to VS SHAPER/GUARDIAN. If you set the config to Trash, all these numbers jump up over DOUBLE. Something like 1 million DPS on trash... which is way more than enough for trash - and you should only be using Wild Strike for trash, anyway... not Shaper). Also, note that this build does ZERO physical damage (Avatar of Fire not only converts 50%, but it also makes you deal "no physical or chaos damage.") - So you can run Physical Reflect maps. MOLTEN STRIKE
Melee Hit: 371K DPS
Magma Ball: 180K DPS per ball. Without the +3 Helm or Dying Sun, you launch 7 balls per attack. 180K x 7 = 1.26 Million DPS + 371K Melee Hit = 1.63 Million DPS Now, obviously not all 100% of your balls will hit your target... But lets say only 50% actually hit (which is conservatively low) - that's still 1 Million DPS total. This gets even more ridiculous if you get a +3 MS Helm or Dying Sun... since that bumps the projectiles up from 7 to 13... which is almost DOUBLE this damage. CLEARING MAPS?
I use Wild Strike and it works very well. I farm T15/T16 maps and trash is not a problem. I extensively tested Reave, Spectral Throw and Frost Blades - surprisingly, Wild Strike outperformed all of the above. Reave is a close second.
It DESTROYS trash in even T16 maps (including all the extra Harbinger/Beyond/Invasion stuff due to this flashback event.) I imagine any skill you want for trash will work fine - Trash dies fast anyway, so use what skill you enjoy - the majority of this build's damage is from OniGoroshi, so ANY skill will likely work. Suggestions: Frost Blades Reave Spectral Throw Wild Strike Flicker (Quite strong/fast clear with Ancestral Call... may experience seizures) Sunder? Lacerate? You can even just use a secondary Molten Strike setup if you like. Just use ANCESTRAL CALL + Increased AoE for more coverage. Hopefully this gives some people a fun build to try or helps provide some thought into your own build(s). Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 7 déc. 2018 13:23:40 Dernier bump le 7 juin 2019 22:52:46
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so what happens in 66% of all cases, i.e. when Wild Strike decides to convert to cold or lightning? you deal half physical damage (avatar of fire)? or half damage period?
ign: PhrozenFlame Dernière édition par cocomoloco#6500, le 23 mai 2018 10:22:46
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" Good question, I had doubts on the conversion aspect/damage as well. But it doesn't actually work like you would think. The majority of Oni-Goroshi damage comes from the Her Embrace buff, which provides a huge chunk of extra damage as fire; Xoph's Blood conversion kicks in before Wild Strike, so half of the physical is also Fire - and keep in mind that it also converts 50% of cold and lightning into fire. Warning: Extra Mathematics
So, if you deal 100 physical damage, it will look like this: FIRE HIT 100 Physical -> 238% to Fire = 238 Fire Damage LIGHTNING HIT 100 Physical -> 171% to Fire + 67% to Lightning = 171 Fire Damage and 67 Lightning Damage 67 Lightning Damage -> 50% to Fire = 33.5 Fire Damage (Total 171 Fire + 33.5 Fire = 204.5 Fire Damage) The difference between 238 Fire Dmg and 204.5 Fire DMg is about 13-14% less DPS (The Cold Hit portion has the same calculations.) If you have PoB, plug in my build and take a look at the "Calculations" section. It shows the calculations of the "Hit" portion of Wild Strike as such: Fire Hit: 14648 to 23164 (479K DPS) Lightning Hit: 12797 to 20279 (419K DPS) Cold Hit: 12797 to 20279 (419K DPS) This isn't even counting the "awesome" explosions/lightning chains/frost waves that also shoot out, which deal: Fire Explosion: 148K DPS Lightning Bolt: 130K DPS Icy Wave: 227K DPS ^--- This one is strange, no idea why Icy Waves does so much more DPS. The Lightning Bolt is also sweet - it should really be called "chain lightning" since it chains 6 times, or with the helm enchant I have, 12 times. As you see, the damage difference from the "Hit" portions of Wild Strike don't differ too much... it's about 13% less damage with the Lightning/Cold portions... which really isn't that much - and strangely, the Icy Wave portion does MORE than the fire explosion, so it sorta evens out. (NOTE, all the above numbers are set to VS SHAPER/GUARDIAN. If you set the config to Trash, all these numbers jump up over DOUBLE. Something like 1 million DPS on trash... which is way more than enough for trash - and you should only be using Wild Strike for trash, anyway... not Shaper). Also, note that this build does ZERO physical damage (Avatar of Fire not only converts 50%, but it also makes you deal "no physical or chaos damage.") - So you can run Physical Reflect maps. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 23 mai 2018 21:07:35
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" Good shit, thanks for the reply. So the 13% less damage from cold or lightning would be the case for every skill that either doesn't convert at all (like Reave) or converts whatever percentage of damage to either cold or lightning? I gotta admit, I'm having a hard time thinking about this... ign: PhrozenFlame
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" Sort of, but not entirely; it really depends what the "total extra damage" your build has. Most builds, for example, have a damage breakdown like this: (For example, a Ngamahu Chieftain, with Avatar of Fire, which converts 100% to fire): 100 Physical Damage -> 100% converted to fire = 100 Fire Damage If, for example, he only had Avatar of Fire, and was not a Chieftain, he'd only convert 50% to fire. So he'd do 50 Physical, 50 Fire. But since Avatar of Fire means he deals 0 physical damage... he only deals 50 fire, so he'd lose 50% of his total DPS. ____ Now, OniGoroshi is different because you gain EXTRA damage as fire. Using the same logic as above, lets say you only have Avatar of Fire, but no Xoph's Heart, so still only 50% conversion to Fire. So the damage would look like this: 100 Physical -> 138% extra to Fire = 100 Physical and 138 Fire -> 50% converted to fire = 50 Fire + 138 Fire = 188 Fire Damage So normally, with full conversion you would do 238 fire damage. However, with only the 50% conversion, you lose the 50 that stays as physical In total, the 50 is a much smaller amount of the total 235 - it's about 21% less (which compared to a Non-OniGoroshi build, is a smaller loss.) Sorry if confusing maths, it's hard to explain 8) Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 24 mai 2018 16:37:27
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" Ah now this one I got thanks. However, that line at the top confuses me. Aren't AoF and Xoph's Heart absolutely the same thing in terms of amount of conversion? You wouldn't gain any extra conversion having both at the same time, would you? ign: PhrozenFlame Dernière édition par cocomoloco#6500, le 24 mai 2018 16:55:43
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" Yea, worded it poorly, bad example; should have meant "If you have Xoph's Heart but you aren't a Chieftain (or are using Molten Strike but do not have Avatar of Fire or Chieftain). On Chieftain you wouldn't need Xoph's since Molten Strike automatically converts 50%. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 24 mai 2018 19:53:58
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Destroying 3.3 content with this build.
I may add some Incursion/higher level Temple run videos in the next few days. Planning to do Guardians tonight, so will throw in a few of those too. Character name is Xill_I for anybody interested in this build, I am open to questions. [Edit - Shaper down 6/5/18, 4th day into league!] Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 6 juin 2018 10:28:28
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Definitely going to try this, as both Scion and Oni-Goroshi are two things I wanted to try this league.
However: I'm not to keen on Molten Strike. Just dislike the style, and would much rather, if possbile, replace it for something else, preferably Lacerate/Doublestrike. How much would I have to change in the tree/gear/gem setup, and is it even worth it or would the build lose to much power? I would probably drop the Projectile nodes, and changing Wild Strike to Reave if the loss of Projectile nodes tips Reave over the edge. What do you think about this? Could it work? Everything else looks great, starting my scion journey now. E: I'm an idiot, just found the note about Vaal Double Strike while looking for the PoB, so I guess that only leaves Lacerate for my alternative. If it doesn't work out I'll just play Molten Strike, not to bad I guess. Dernière édition par Clayne#5723, le 6 juin 2018 20:13:00
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" I have minimal experience with Lacerate; but from my understanding of mechanics, I am fairly confident it is a weak single target skill. It is more in line with Reave; if anything, you could replace Wild Strike with Lacerate. I would not recommend using it as your primary boss killer... numbers just won't match up. For example, my Molten Strike SHAPER DPS, in my current gear, is something like 1-1.5 Million. Lacerate/Reave will likely only reach upwards of 400-600K DPS (don't have access to PoB right now to confirm). You'll literally be doing half the damage you could be, single target. If you really dislike Molten Strike, I would recommend just swapping it for Blade Flurry or Heavy Strike. Blade Flurry is actually #1 single target DPS skill in the game (excluding Vaal Double Strike potential), so will actually perform even stronger than Molten Strike. Personally, I prefer MS playstyle over BF; so it's really dependant on what you enjoy. Heavy Strike is an often undervalued skill; I did some testing and with a similar setup, it can reach 800K - 1 Million shaper DPS. It's not quite MS/BF levels but it's high enough, and definitely superior single target to Reave/Lacerate. Keep in mind that you can sub out the two Wildfire jewels for 2x Weight of the Empire, for heavy strike, which provide considerable DPS. However, keep in mind that the reason I selected Molten Strike is it has a built in 60% fire conversion. With a Xoph's Amulet, that's 100% conversion for maximum DPS/penetration purposes. If you use a skill like Heavy Strike / Reave / Lacerate you will not be able to convert all the physical damage; so you lose out on a small chunk. There are ways around this, but they aren't easy; you would need something like a Watcher's Eye with "% Physical converted to Fire while affected by Anger" Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 7 juin 2018 10:57:51
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