[3.2] 8M+ Shaper DPS, 8.8k+ EHP, up to 42k Life Regen, BV, EK Indigon Inquisitor (WIP)

Currently working on https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766

Hello this is Pojzon again (some may know me from S A M U R A I JUGG build in 3.1),

This time with my take on new OP helm GGG released Recently which is:

Indigon allows for some absurd dmg scaling, while focusing only on defences (life+mana)

Ill update the build gradually, for now most important stuff:


Build pretty much resolves around two Indigon properties:

X% increased Mana Cost of Skills For Each 200 Total Mana You Have Spent Recently*

X% increased Spell Damage For Each 200 Total Mana You Have Spent Recently*

(* "Recently" in PoE means - In The Last 4 Seconds)

For each 200 mana you spend you get ~60% cumulative Spell Dmg and each following cast costs more mana than previous meaning you effectively start to spend Thousends of Mana points allowing you to reach huge increased Spell Damage values (My current Record was over 8000% increased spell damage).

TL;DR is: WE NEED A LOT OF MANA / MANA REGEN to be able to dish out the most out of the Indigon.

A lot of MANA means that MoM is a VERY EFFECTIVE defence against most of the enemies:

It's a "generic" damage buffer, it means it works on Damage Over Time, Extra Elemental Damage map mods, pure Physical Damage etc.

So now we know we need A LOT of MANA and A LOT of MANA REGEN. Where can we get both ?

"After a long session of tingling in brain i've came up with a brilliant plan - Im going to use Inquisitor Ascendency togather with a lot of Mana and Life whereever i can squiz it!"

Inquisitor Ascendency has one amazing node which makes wonders with huge Mana Pool:

This is the single biggest % mana regeneration source in the game. Togather with Cloak of Defiance and On Hit 2% Regeneration Enchant AND lv20 Arcane Surge, we recover 10% BASE mana which is then multiplied by %mana regeneration from the tree and gear.

Best part is that Consecrated Ground has MULTIPLE sources in the game and one of them is a Sulphur Flask - meaning we can create it on demand.

With enough investment its easly doable to reach over 7-8k mana regen per second.

Theoretical max DPS + Real Gameplay Values
Theoretical max DPS:

- 7520 mana pool
- 8500+ mana regen
- 2200+ mana leech
- 33 000 DPS BV base (20 stacks + flasks + EO)
- 60% incrased spell dmg per 200 mana spent
- assuming 0 spell dmg on gear


7520 * 4 ~ 30 000 mana spent over 4 seconds / 200 mana ~ 150 stacks of Indigon buff

150 * 60% = 9000% increased spell damage

33 000 * 90(% multipler) ~ 2 970 000 DMG * 5 (20 stacks of BV) ~ 14 850 000 DPS (thats before curses and charges and shock from vaal lightning trap)

But because world is not perfect and i dont have a good training dummy to test mana leech i often miss click BV ramp up thats why here are more realistic values:
(actually are going to be a git higher ~~700k after gems are lvled)

Real In Game Numbers - ScreenShots (low lvl support gems)

Hideout ramp up - only flasks (no EO, charges, curses, penetration, also with low lvl support gems)

Same setup with EO:

And clear EK (with EO):


1 - to make you level faster, this point provides a lot of cast and attack speed and spell dmg
2 - to make you tankier, Consecrated Ground is an under-valued mechanic - it provides 6% life regeneration
3 - to make you immune to Elemental Ailments and to prepare you for Indigon mana cost
4 - pure damage boost and better surviability vs ele dmg (8% less ele dmg seems like small amount but its actually pretty significant)


Semi-Stun Immunity - Unlock Everything

Regular mapping:

Uber Elder:

Required Uniques

Well build is about this item :S

Cloak of Defiance is simply BIS because of % Mana Regeneration and huge amount of base Mana (try to get high Mana roll). 10% additional damage taken from Mana before life stacks with MoM 30%.

Atziri's Foible is simply BIS because of how much Mana and Mana regen it provides.

Majority of us wont be able to afford Zephri's, but this flask with flask nodes provides some ENORMOUS life recovery when combined with life leech.

Source of leech (can also roll %ele leech on the weapon)


Stacking Mana


Swappable with one Grand Spectrum, when you are farming maps.


To increase the mana cost of skills.

NICE TO HAVE to increase mana regeneration == increase maximum % Spell Damage increased from Indigon


GEAR - Mods to look for

- Mana & Mana Regeneration - Every piece of gear if can roll them should have high values.
- Life - Every piece of gear that can roll it (Haku & Elreon are a great help here, because its cheaper to buy mana gear and craft life on it)
- Resistances - Have to cap the, build uses only 3 slots for uniques, so there is really a lot of space to put resistances in BUT it might be hard because Mana Regeneration is also a Suffix like Resistances.

Special Shaper / Elder mods to look for on gear:

- Gloves - Socketed Gems are Supported by Level XX Faster Projectiles - Those are perfect gloves to stick EK into, helps a lot with clearing

- Belt - 16+% Increased Mana Recovery Rate - this one works as a next multipler for our Mana Regeneration chain.

- Weapon - 2x XX% of Physical Damage As Extra Elemental Damage (best if Lightning) + Mana Regeneration + Cast Speed.


PoB does not take to account Vaal Lightning Trap - Dunno how to set it up there.

(Trap lasts 10.5 sec and has 3 charges so its safe to assume it will be up for all Endgame Bosses encounters and phases, Curse Lasts 20 seconds so its the same case)

Overall its 7 235 000 Total DPS x 1.15 ~~ 8 320 250 Total DPS


And for rich + experienced players version with RF and Zerphi:

Same case VLT:

10 055 638 Total DPS x 1.15 ~~ 11 563 983 Total DPS (Yes over 11.5 Milion DPS vs Shaper)


Endgame Tree

Current Gear

No need to freak out - Zeriph is not mandatory but nice to have


Replacement for Zerphi for most cases



Previously played ED version of this build which i strongly recommend as a starting point - tho still getting used to BV, so bear with me if i do stupid shit.

For now gonna post one video to show chunks of dmg BV eats per one swing (have no other T16 ; _ ; now):

T16 Hydra
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Dernière édition par eragon1111#0889, le 10 avr. 2018 14:52:45
Dernier bump le 19 août 2018 04:31:49
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Please explain how you're going to achieve that 10m DPS.

Your PoB setup requires you to be sitting in consecrated ground, spend 26.6k mana total, use an attack skill recently, use Ethereal Knives once after Indigon has stacked up a bit to trigger the level 19 Arcane Surge, Shock the boss for the full 50% when you have no way of shocking, cast Elemental Weakness, ramp Blade Vortex up to 20 stacks without spell echo, and then finally activate Righteous Fire.

That seems like an awfully lengthily process to try against bosses that are attacking you. Especially considering Righteous Fire will reduce your life leech down to 800 regen per second and you don't have a way to deactivate you. Seems like it's adding a lot of risk to an already long process.

Also I wouldn't say you have 42k life regen. The benefit of life regen is that it's constant. However you need to use Zerphis and Indigon naturally doesn't allow you to spam casts.

Another issue I see is the 8.8k EHP. You're relying on MoM to achieve that but what happens if I use a spell and Indigon drains my entire mana pool and then I get hit? Won't that make it so MoM has no mana to drain from and all that I'll have left to rely on is my life pool? Seems rather risky.

Do you have any plans to make the build more consistent and not require such a lengthily process to ramp up to?
Orcen56 a écrit :
Please explain how you're going to achieve that 10m DPS.

Your PoB setup requires you to be sitting in consecrated ground, spend 26.6k mana total, use an attack skill recently, use Ethereal Knives once after Indigon has stacked up a bit to trigger the level 19 Arcane Surge, Shock the boss for the full 50% when you have no way of shocking, cast Elemental Weakness, ramp Blade Vortex up to 20 stacks without spell echo, and then finally activate Righteous Fire.

That seems like an awfully lengthily process to try against bosses that are attacking you. Especially considering Righteous Fire will reduce your life leech down to 800 regen per second and you don't have a way to deactivate you. Seems like it's adding a lot of risk to an already long process.

Also I wouldn't say you have 42k life regen. The benefit of life regen is that it's constant. However you need to use Zerphis and Indigon naturally doesn't allow you to spam casts.

Another issue I see is the 8.8k EHP. You're relying on MoM to achieve that but what happens if I use a spell and Indigon drains my entire mana pool and then I get hit? Won't that make it so MoM has no mana to drain from and all that I'll have left to rely on is my life pool? Seems rather risky.

Do you have any plans to make the build more consistent and not require such a lengthily process to ramp up to?

This build have 4 sources of consecrated ground from which one is on demand - a flask.

How majority of fights look like :

- fire vaal haste
- ramp up to 18-20 stacks using EK once (Arcane surge lasts 8s)
- shield charge to the boss - stand there
- done

If the boss requires it :

- curse/VLT him during 5 second duration window you have on BV (They last slmost 10s)


RF is only for Zerphi version.

Without it you have around 8 000 000 damage.

Zerphi regen is a "over time" regen. During 4s of its effect you are able to regen over 20 000 mana to refresh it...

About the MoM - in my endgame tree you can see i have over 8000 mana regen + 2000 mana leech with 7.5k mana pool. This means it will take 0.75 sec to get all mana back with the cast speed i have now after haste is down i wont be able to spam fast enough to be completely OOM in one particular moment.

I can understand it reauires some background about Indigon builds to be able to calculate all of this yourself - but thats how those kind of builds are played - no matter if it is ED, Poets Pen, Totems. The combination of cast speed and mana regen exist so that you will be OOM at some point but the more you out regen mana pool the chance of it is decreasing expenditionally.

Do i see a reason to shorten the ramp up time - No, because you do it once per boss fight (or phase in case of shaper).

You just have to accept that EVERY Indigon build will be starting out with a %spell dmg ramp up because current boss mechanics allow you for that - YOU DECIDE when you start the fight always (arenas).
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]

Added sections:
- Ascendency
- Pantheon
- Required Uniques
- Gear - Mods to look for

Updated sections:
- PoB
- Endgame Tree
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Dernière édition par eragon1111#0889, le 5 avr. 2018 13:46:43
Interesting use of the helmet. Thinking about trying this build next in league. But I do have one criticism. In your Hydra video, it looks to be about around 1.5M or 2M DPS. Hydra has 9.5M health, so that seems to be nowhere near the 8M+ dps as advertised. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it seems realistic dps in fights will be much lower, since it's way too hard to set up everything perfectly. However, if you do happen to reach that dps in a boss fight, I'd be more than happy to watch a video of a guardian dying in <2 seconds.
Daniel_San76 a écrit :
Interesting use of the helmet. Thinking about trying this build next in league. But I do have one criticism. In your Hydra video, it looks to be about around 1.5M or 2M DPS. Hydra has 9.5M health, so that seems to be nowhere near the 8M+ dps as advertised. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it seems realistic dps in fights will be much lower, since it's way too hard to set up everything perfectly. However, if you do happen to reach that dps in a boss fight, I'd be more than happy to watch a video of a guardian dying in <2 seconds.

Have to practice a bit, still optimizing the build too (Got BV enchant, changed sceptre, changed tree a bit, gems setup). Like title says its still WIP

I think the only Guardians i can test the build with are Phoenix and Minotaur - ill record second video soon featuring changes (No Phases). It would be cool if GGG introduced some dummy in hideout with 100 M life or w/e to test stuff.

IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Dernière édition par eragon1111#0889, le 6 avr. 2018 10:20:30
Why exactly Blade Vortex?
Nice 25 exalt flask, and fake, unrealistic POB dps I guess?
deksir a écrit :
Why exactly Blade Vortex?

Its a duration spell which lasts few sec after you are still fully charged using Indigon.

Nice 25 exalt flask, and fake, unrealistic POB dps I guess?

flask - doesnt matter - its not advertised as a budget build, if you want to run RF you simply need it for bosses.

unrealistic POB dps - With everything untagged vs Shaper - just ramp up, flask, curse, vlt (YES I KNOW FOR SOME MORE THAN ONE BUTTON GAMEPLAY == UNPLAYABLE)
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]


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