YCTM - You Cant Touch Me! - Block + Dodge + evasion + instant leech - all content videos
Uber elder (My game skills are poor but you can see the build at it's best) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63Ky9XDuteQ&feature=youtu.be Minotaur run at lvl 80 (helmet without 3 MS enchantment) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzfgu47-CEA&feature=youtu.be Phoenix run at lvl 80 (helmet without 3 MS enchantment) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib9otwctjcg&feature=youtu.be Chimera run lvl 80 (helmet without 3 MS enchantment) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cmm2QK6CL8&feature=youtu.be Red elder run at lvl 83 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC9ah-70Pck&feature=youtu.be Uber atziri at lvl 84 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3_UfGVJLJE&feature=youtu.be Vaal temple at lvl 84 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs0ACm13nSk&feature=youtu.be Shaper at lvl 89 with good gear (3 deaths but I face tanked him all the way) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOYD28GYD24&feature=youtu.be Elemental reflect map with elemental weakness (I don't remove it with a flask) to show the effectiveness - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9qU86G7oKY&feature=youtu.be Beachhead boss room - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6VRKVwKrR4&feature=youtu.be Hall of grandmasters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_z4gLuxb_w&feature=youtu.be Double dark forest boss (barage tanking) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9saqCASLxZc&feature=youtu.be Twined vaal temple - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kufe2JXbxXY not all vids are deathless but i face tank everything to see how tanky it is, but you get the idea of how tanky it is right? :D
Pros and Cons
[+] High DPS
[+] Amazing Defenses [+] Good clear Speed [+] Can do reflect maps and all other map mods [+] It's fun to Play when you are relaxed [-] Build is not too cheap to start, about 5ex budget for 5L [-] No leech maps are not so fun
Build Mechanics
This build is a Gladiator with many layers of defense, we have high evasion, blind,79% block, phase acrobatics, and instant leech with . Also, you have endurance charges and a good pool of life. This build can do all content very effectively and you will forget to use flasks sometimes :D
My gear + Explanations
Quick Text:
Gear Explained
This is the best layer of defense, you don't have to use it, but it will make you feel so good with the good old instant leech. - Not a must, you could use a good rare shield with life recover on block but for DPS I choose this (we got all the defense we need). - I love this one as it gives so much for a block build as it is the only way to get phase acrobatics with block, and you get a free arctic armor that is another layer of defense, not mentioning the insane evasion it provides on the top of all. - The best rare belt, nothing to add. - These gloves give you all that you need, DPS, life, I love them. Just make sure you get one with 1 abyssal socket as you need the links. - Rings with life, resists and damage. - This is the pricy part, the BIS as we are a full convestion to elemental build. You can spend 4 points for the 40% cold conversion or 3 points for the Avatar of fire node if you don't have it yet. - Here you need the molten strike enchantment, life and conc effect support, the one you see here I just got (I did the guardians without the enchant). - As simple as it go, get as many resists here (you may not have any on the head and you don't have any on the gloves), life and movement speed ofc. After 8 days in the league, this is my gear, I got lucky this league:
Low (Ish) budget guide
POB: https://pastebin.com/R6Xirtcy This version of the build Still Achieve the main purpose of the build – Super tankiness while keeping viable damage (between 600k to 1.2 mil shaper with flasks – depending how many balls hit). I am calling it low(is) budget because in order to achieve that kind of DPS you will need a 6L lighting coil and molten strike enchant. Total cost on a 5L and with a life+1 damage mod jewel is less then an exalt. Life+2 damage mods will probably bring this somewhat higher. – the 6L and molten strike enchant will set you back some but you can do fine without it. Note – the build will work fine and clear fine up to T16 even without an enchant and with a 5L But I am not sure how well it will do against guardians since the damage will in the 300k range (shaper DPS). Additional note - If you can get enlighten 3 (50-60c currently) – you can add back the arctic armor you lost due to change of armors. main differences in the build: between expensive and low budget: Took out Xoph's, Lycosidae, red nightmare and watcher's eye and the elder helmet due since they cost a LOT. For a shield I picked Daresso's Courage due to its high base block (30%) and it's unique mod (20% additional chance to block hits if you have blocked a hit recently and 20% additional chance to block spells if you have blocked a spell recently). Since the base Block chance of the build is 50%+ - you going to block – a lot – so that mod should be up 100% of the time (or damn close to it) – for extra safety you can change a flask to a Rumi to use at the start of the fight until the shield is triggered – which at that point will maintain itself. Another option is a rare shield with life gained on block – your base will be lower but it goes up per target blocked due to ascendency class. Took herald of ash instead of anger since in order to take 2 - 50% aura you need enlighten 4. Jewels – you want life, a flat physical damage roll and attack speed if you have critted recently (even on a non crit build – with a couple of dozen hits per second – you going to crit at least once per 4 seconds). Other mods that work as well are attack speed, Damage penetrate % elemental resistances if you haven’t killed recently (it works on boss's only), gain % of physical damage as extra fire damage if you have dealt a critical strike recently, + to accuracy rating. Helmet and chest 2 options – one – getting a conce effect/immolate helmet (those are pretty cheap) – and a non linked the perfect form (this means you can't use elemental focus on helmet through in order to trigger immolate). Two – use another helmet (probably a Starkonza) – and change the armor to something else – defensively i would probably go with lightning coil - since getting the right colors on Coil is much easier – and the 25% less physical damage more then makes up for losing arctic armor. Less evasion and no phase acrobatics but can't help it. Both work more or less the same – the guiding principle is what can you get the molten enchant easier on. Additional notes – since at this version I am only using a single skill for clear and boss's (switch out ancestral call for boss's), you get another 4L for CWDT or whatever. Helmet and chest 2 options – one – getting a conce effect/immolate helmet (those are pretty cheap) – and a non linked the perfect form (this means you can't use elemental focus on helmet through in order to trigger immolate). Two – use another helmet (probably a starkonza) – and change the armour to something else – defensivly i would probably go with lightning coil - since getting the right colors on Coil is much easier – and the 25% less physical damage more then makes up for losing arctic armour. Less evasion and no phase acrobatics but can't help it. Both work more or less the same – the guiding principle is what can you get the molten enchant easier on. Additional notes – since at this version iam only using a single skill for clear and boss's (switch out ancestral call for boss's), you get another 4L for CWDT or whatever.
1. Life flask (instant or instant of low life) with anti-bleeding 2. Jade flask with reduced charges and a lot of evasion 3. Silver flask with reduced charges and anty curse 4. Dying sun - if you can't get it yet just make sure you got fire res the highest, and use the overflowing chalice flask 5. The wise oak flask(
1. Two wildfire jewels 2. Watchers eye with effect to anger or grace if you can 3. Abyssal jewels with life, physical damage to claws and another damage modifier
Gem Links
4L: Molten strike, Multistrike, Elemental damage with attack skills, Physical projectile attack damage/elemental focus (if your helmet don't have immolate support in it) 6L: Frost blades, Elemental damage with attack skills, Physical projectile attack damage, Multistrike, Cold to fire, Elemental focus 4L: Grace, Anger, Arctic armor, Enlighten 3L: Ancestral protector, Summon stone golem, Blood rage 3L: Tempest shield, Curse on hit, Flammability 3L: Shield charge, Faster attacks, Fortify
Recommended: Eramir/Kill All (+2 Passives)
Major: Soul of The brine king with the soul of Puruna for not being stunned or frozen, you are an instant leecher, so it's important. Recommended Minor: Soul of Ralakesh When damage over time is your worst enemy, this is the best.
You can level this build however you like, I will start the tree at level 70 (when I switched from Poet's pen in leveling to this one).
The passives are as follows: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.2.0/AAAABAQCAAHcBLMFLQY5BosKJgthDkMUIBR1Gjgc3CDjI9MnLy5TMtE1kjrYPC09D0CgQzFFR0WdR35KfUz_TipQR1FgU1JWSFuvXzlfP1_aZU1mVGebZ6Bo8m8nbzt07XXLd9d343gNeWh673y7gpuDX4TZhXuHdorwjX6PGo9gkFWS95pqmuCbLaIApMKnCKluqZWuPq9ssKu18re2vTa-p8AawGbAv8EExILGrs1f02_YJNi92sHhc-Of5FHqYuvu7DjtIO8O8B_zBvgC-6o=?accountName=rel4us&characterName=Broken_Broken_Heart----Lvl 70----; https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.2.0/AAAABAQCAAHcBLMFLQY5BosKJgthDPcOQxQgFHUaOBzcIOMj0yP2Jy8uUzB8MtE1kjrYPC09D0CgQzFFR0WdR35KfUz_TZJOKlBHUWBTUlZIVvpbr185Xz9f2mVNZlRnm2egaPJvJ287dO11y3fXd-N4DXloeu98u38rgpuDX4TZhXuHdorwjX2Nfo25jxqPYJBVkveaaprgmy2cxKIApMKnCKluqZWsr64-r2ywq7F8tfK3Ire2vTa-p8AawGbAv8EEw-bEgsauzV_Tb9gk2L3aweFz45_kUeXm6mLr7uw47SDvDvAf8wb4Avuq_W4=?accountName=rel4us&characterName=Broken_Broken_Heart----Lvl 85(Where I am now)---- https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.2.0/AAAABAQCAAHcBLMFLQY5BosKJgthDPcOQxQgFHUaOBo-HNwg4yPTI_YnLy5TMHwy0TWSN9Q62DrhPC09D0CgQzFFR0WdR35KfUz_TZJN404qUEdRR1FgU1JWSFb6W69fOV8_X9plTWZUZ5tnoGjybydvO3Ttdct313fjeA15OXloeu98u37ifyuCm4NfhNmFe4d2ivCNfY1-jbmPGo9gkFWS95pqmuCbLZzEogCkwqZXpwipbqmVrK-uPq9ssKuxfLXytyK3tr02vqfAGsBmwL_BBMPmxILGrs1f02_YJNi92sHhc-Of5FHl5upi6-7sOO0g7T_vDvAf8wb4Avuq_W7-jw==?accountName=rel4us&characterName=Broken_Broken_Heart----Lvl 95----
Path of Building Paste Bin
https://pastebin.com/gL6Fxz5U - Note that the multistrike gem calculation is bugged so you need to calc the damage per ball times the attacks of the melee attack
You can level just fine as Molten strike with Ancestral Call and with any low cost/level unique/rare. If you are levelling using molten strike i would get point blank fairly early since it's a big damage boost with no downside. Labs: I would go Painforged, Violent Retaliation, Versatile combatant and finally Outmatch and outlast. 31 points: http://poeurl.com/bPZR 59 points: http://poeurl.com/bPZS 86 points: http://poeurl.com/bPZV T H A N K Y O U F O R R E A D I N G IGN: Broken_broken_heart Big thanks to KickAcid for Teaching me how to design the guide :) The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112 Dernière édition par rel4us#7549, le 2 avr. 2018 12:47:17 Dernier bump le 30 sept. 2018 11:09:10
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seems very good. ill must try this
but i wish ask to you one question. i was try discharge build. its use elemental overload.im not investment any crit chance gear or tree. but almost evry time elemental overload active. i watch your video, your e o some time active. can it be raised ? |
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" Molten strike hits many times, vs bosses it is active all the time The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112 |
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All content videos added, all I got left is Uber elder, need to work on my gaming skills as this one is not easy for me now that it is very new and we don’t yet know the best way to do it.
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112 |
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Added a leveling and low budged references
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112 |
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Interesting build indeed. I was wondering if having a strong 6L molten strike with AC for clear speed would a better compromise between boss damage and mapping. WDYT ? How does it feel a 4L MS ? |
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" Well, I did guardiand on a 4L head with conc effect without the enchant, MS is strong. Also, to get that chest 5 off colors for MS is possible but not for most players, I accualy use 2 sets of MS now, that I have the right colors, just didn’t updated it for the fact it will make things much more complicated for most players. The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112 |
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Added twined vaal temple video.
Also, I'm close to killing uber elder, but I change the chest to Kaoms heart.... The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112 |
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Finaly killed uber elder, needed to change some items, but it worked well
Most ppl will not need to change, I just suck at game skills.... enjoy the vid The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112 |
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hello mate. i try your build. i like it thx for sharing.
but not totally same mechanic. cuz im poor player. my build cheap than your build. but not really cheap. those item expensive (2 abyssal socket tombfist, red nightmare, watchers eye and especially molten enchanted helm(y helm lightpaocher) my build pob link
seems low damage comparison to your build. but i watch your shaper fight. your pob output damage not realistic. you have not frenzy charge. your enemy not burning usually. and give point blank options average 12. this situation our damage output close. but already really high damage output even for realistic number. around 40-45 k per ball without flask. if i chill my dps 60-70 k per ball. |
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