[3.1] Flicker strike with Cospri's malice
Hello there!
When playing some build i usually get bored pretty fast so i end up starting new build. Almost without exception i decide on some skill i want to use and i end up making the build myself; most of the time it turns out badly, but this time i ended up making a "masterpiece" i decided to share with you all. The build uses Flicker Strike to both deal damage and trigger spells in the unique Cospri's Malice sword. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlIw1GOlP4Q&feature=youtu.be Current passive tree:
Bandits - help Alira. Ascendancy - Assassin would be the best - most crit and crit multiplier, also a way to apply bleed and to generate power charges. For the last 2 ascendancy points - just take 2 minor nodes for crit chance and crit multiplier. There is no 4th suitable big node. Mandatory gear:
The rest of my current gear:
How does the build works: Flicker strike has a cooldown witch can be bypassed by expending frenzy charges. To generate enough frenzy charges i am using those boots up there on the picture. To make myself bleed so the boots actually work without me getting hit i use that jewel in combination with the Noxious Strike talent in the assassin's ascendancy. The weapon itself has no physical damage so it is necessary to have physical damage on other piece of gear. I am placing that instant bleed removal flask as mandatory because if you take some big hit that apply bleed on you (see the boots) you must be able to remove it and still apply bleed on yourself as soon as possible. Some tips: The sword's cold damage is low so Anger aura and one herald and some elemental damage to attacks on jewelry are all big increase. When flickering while holding the button the mouse should be around the middle of the screen. If not when there is terrain obstruction between your character and the place where the mouse is pointing you will stop on place. The rapier's intelligence requirement is a bit high but it is reachable with the Fertile Mind jewel when used on the socket on the right of the ranger's starting point. Do not focus only on taking damage nodes when you approach level 68; you do not need to have the sockets for the Grand Spectrums yet - the damage is enough for low level maps. Make sure you have enough HP. But later on the Spectrums are the best damage upgrade you can get. You might need to have a mana leech cluster on the lower levels. When your damage gets high enough you will be able to leech enough mana only with 1 node. You should have at around 3 times flicker's mana cost as unreserved mana. Some times you might miss or not crit continuously or hit a monster with high elemental resistance witch will make you leech less mana. My links:
For 6th link Faster attacks should not be used - you already have tons of attack speed so adding this gem will not be as beneficial. It can instead lead to mana issues.
If you have a lot of total base elemental damage (from the sword, from auras and heralds and from jewels) you should use one of this: if not then use one of this: You can compare how much additional damage you will get from the gems above by de/activating Anger aura. The flat elemental gems would give more benefit unless there is a really huge number of elemental damage on your gear. You can always swap ele weakness with enfeeble if you need.
If you like that way of applying a curse: keep CoDT and BV on level 1. Blade Vortex will apply poison on bleeding targets and it will be reflected to yourself so its best if its level 1.
You can use leap slam instead if you prefer. Gems in the swords:
You can replace the Penetration one with Hypothermia. I think on rares and bosses without double elemental resistance mods (on the map and on the monster itself) Hypothermia would net more damage. Leveling: Use spectral throw or any other attack while dual wielding one of this: Example tree at lv 68: Dernière édition par BGkamaz#1203, le 5 janv. 2018 11:50:44 Dernier bump le 11 juil. 2018 16:41:21
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sweet looking build, im into the idea of a CoC flicker build. Have you gotten into t11+ maps with this build yet? Also are you doing anything different for single target dmg or can u sustain frenzy charges in boss fights?
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The map in the video is the highest tier i have done so far... I have played like 20 hours in total on this league so i am still getting to higher tiers :(
On some boss fights with position requirements i use cyclone and on everything else - flicker. It is absolutely sustainable. It just so happens that you might get unlucky and not apply bleed on the 1st strike so you might want to start a fight with cyclone or something else, but then its faceroll. Dernière édition par BGkamaz#1203, le 28 déc. 2017 14:30:55
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Any tips about the rest of the ascendancy points ? I am struggling with mana and my HP is 2.8k -.-
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Get the power charge generating one and the crit chance on full power charges. As the 4th ascendancy - just get 2 minor nodes for crit chance and crit multiplier.
For mana - you must have at least 2.5 (even 3) times flicker strike's mana cost unreserved mana and if you do not leech enough then get more leech nodes on the tree. When your attack damage gets better you can remove them. And if you use 6link flicker you might need bigger mana pool or leech speed improvement nodes (can not confirm - still have not tried 6link). Because the speed that the mana leeched is restored to you is somewhat a percentage of your max mana for a specific time or something like that. Another thing is do not use faster attack as 6th link. You can try one of this: Ruthless, Hypothermia, Added lightning, Immolate, Added cold. 2.8k hp... When i was 68lv i had 2.5k hp, but i had all nodes that would make this build work except the frenzy charges. Then i started taking Hp nodes and my HP jumped to 4k with gear improvement and leveling real fast. I do not know what to advise you - its just this kind of build. Improve gear, play safe and level. Also get armor flasks and do not forget to click them! Dernière édition par BGkamaz#1203, le 30 déc. 2017 07:30:53
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My damage is so low , 2.5k on flicker and I am lvl 81 with only 2.9k HP
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Get one jewel like this in my belt or something similar then:
And get some elemental damage on rings/amulet. As i said the damage of the weapons is a bit low; you should upgrade it trough other pieces of gear. If you have only 100 damage even if you increase it to 300% you will get much less benefit than you will if you save that skill tree points and just get 50 additional damage from jewelry. |
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Oh I haven't mentioned , I am doing this build on standard league not abyss, and it is really powerful , just needs to do something about my hp and increase the damage a little bit , I got only 1 of the grand
spectrum's , not all 3 because the price is a bit much for me. so i think damage will be much better if I get those 24% from the other 2 grand spectrums Here are my current gears Dernière édition par vipereyes#3214, le 3 janv. 2018 10:16:02
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You do not understand the math about the Grand Spectrum it seems.
If you have only 1 then you get 12% elemental damage increase. If you have 2 then you get 2x12% from one of the jewels and another 2x12% from the other one. So that is 2x2x12=48% increased damage. If you have 3 then you get 3x12% on each jewel so that is 3x3x12=108% elemental damage increase. If you have only 1 it would be better to just find some rare jewel with accuracy rating and melee/elemental damage and critical strike chance/multiplier.
If you have my passive tree then you have 76% increase elemental damage and 12% increase attack (and spell) damage so that is a total of 88% increase to the damage of your melee (and spell) hits.
So without the jewels you do 188% of the base damage. With the jewels you will do 296% damage. If you calculate it you will see with all 3 jewels you will do 57% better damage to attacks (and spells). So if you really enjoy playing this build then you must have all 3 grand spectrums About your low life - check your gear lolz!!! Do not focus only on damage! When you die you do 0 damage - that is something basic in all games. You have life only on the armor and the boots!!! That helm is giving you nothing useful but resistances! Get some rare helm with life and resistances, and if possible with accuracy. If you insist on keeping that helm then put the herald and the Anger aura in it so they get the +1 to level of socketed skill gems bonus. The gloves are good damage upgrade, but not that good. Better get rare gloves with life, resists, accuracy rating if possible, flat elemental damage if possible. If you find gloves with good roll flat elemental damage it would be better than using Maligaro Necklace, rings, belt - get Life, tons of intelligence and whatever else you need. Accuracy on rings if possible. Also about the current links of your helm. If you like that way of applying the curse then you should get level 1 Cast on damage taken and level 1 Blade vortex. That way Blade Vortex will be cast much easier (you will need to take only 500-ish damage). Also the Blade Vortex will apply poison on targets that are bleeding so if you level it up then you will apply to self more dangerous poisons. Dernière édition par BGkamaz#1203, le 3 janv. 2018 16:16:23
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Thanks so much for the very detailed answer , great build and very helpful person , I will try to see what I can do and I will keep you posted with the changes as I am your number 1 fan of this build.
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