3.1 Poet's Pen Inquisitor - Glacial Cascade/Frostbolt

Currently Lvl 92 in Abyss SC having a lot fun - Since there has been quite some interest and questions about the build i have written a full guide to hopefully cover all you want to know, if there is anything missing or questions left feel free to ask!

The Berserker Version (link below) is a bit stronger and easier to get going, that been said both have pros and cons, itIs up to you which one you prefer.

Currently working on a Berserker version if you are intressted in a full build guide let me know! Check out the video below.

Here's an update on the Berserker, i'll do a full guide sometime soon.
Guide is up if you prefer the Berserker Version -> https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2058837


There are alot of possible variations depending on your budget.
My current setup is rather expensive but it works quite well even with lower investment.
The build does not require a 6L so a kaom's heart is a good choice but not madatory still having 5,5k life without any chest equipt so you can use a belly or just any chest with life res or what ever you prefer.


Poet's Pen - Trigger socketed Skills on ATTACK this is where our main source of damage comes from!
Skills have a 250ms cd so you want to stay at or below 4 attack per second.
Two of the same skill share their cool down so we need 2 diffrent ones.
It doesnt matter with which weapon you attack while dual wielding both trigger at the same time.

Thief's torment provides a huge amount of life on hit, which is how we sustain our life and the reason why we use barrage with gmp over frenzy. The reduced curse effect and all res are also quite nice to have.

Alternativ to thief's torment to get some extra stats from your rings.


This jewel is nice to have but rather expensive and probably hard to get.
The extra leech is realy nice to have using cold to fire on frostbolt and added fire on cascade which both provide a damage boost and allwoing us to leech of the fire damage while running anger which is also a dmg boost.
Getting onslaught on kill helps alot with movement speed since i dont have a movement skill this is realy nice to have also getting the extra movement speed/attack speed from haste sums up and feels quite nice.
This is not required but hepls quite a bit, probably the most expensive item in this build.

Overall just a nice item to have while mapping - doens't do much for bosses.

Solid choice for a belt that isnt even that expensive and allows to get extra damage on a belt slot.
In my case it's giving me ~100life ~30%crit multi ~30%all res with 3 stat jewels

Those are only intresting if you are using a Kaom's Heart since there isnt much room to get accuracy on gear having a high accuracy roll or supported by lvl x accuracy on your gloves helps alot.
If you are using a normal chest, a 5L with additional accuracy works the same.
(we need to hit to benefit from life on hit)

More offensive option for the gloves slot if your resistances allow it.



2x Frozen Trail Saves a gem slot on Frostbolt

For more info about this one check recommended section.

Rare Jewels / Abyss Jewels recomended stats : Critical strike multiplier / Critical strike multiplier while dual wielding / %Life / #Life / Attack speed while dual wielding / %increased attack speed if you've dealt a criitcal strike recently / %all res / %res / attack speed with wands / %spell dmg / %spell dmg while dual wielding

Keep in mind not to go over 4APS otherwise you'll lose dps with this gem set up!


That's pretty much my standart set up i run with small variantions - besides bleed/freeze removal and diamond flask it's up to you what set up you prefer.


This is the most asked question so far, the answer is:
I'll surpase 4 APS using Frenzy / having Frenzy charges which will net in a dps lose.
I'm running Thief's torment + Life gain on hit in my main barrage setup to sustain my life!
There arent many options to do so, life leech gem would take an important dmg support slot, warlords mark is weak against bosses, so i ended up with this and its working quite well.
The only other option i could see, is running this build as a berserker but the berserker but wanted to try something else this time.
The new Watcher's Eye Jewels also open up a new way to get leech for caster (fire leech while effected by Anger/ Global leech while effected by Vitality) which i'm also currently using on top of the Lgoh set up - not sure if they are good enough by them self without having vaal pact as well - with vaal pact they should be good enough to sustain your life without the Lgoh set up.

Poet's Pen #1
Frostbolt - Inc critical strikes - Cold to Fire

Poet's Pen #2
Glacial Cascade - Inc critical strikes - Added Fire

Gloves/Body Amour
Barrage - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Blood magic - Life gain on Hit - (additional Accuracy)
Quality 20 on Life gain on hit gives extra 10 life per hit so grab one by chance

Greater Multiple Projectiles - Added Fire - Pyhsical to Lightning

Haste - Anger


T12 Villa Map - This is without the Watchers Eye so im not running haste

T15 Sunken City - with the new set up - the map layout sucks!

more soon™



Help Alira


I'm using Brine King and Gruthkul, that been said they are very minor you can take what ever you prefer.



1 - 12 Freezing pulse + Fire Trap
12 + Equip Poet's Pen Freezing pulse + Forstbolt + barrage
28 + swap freezing pulse for glacial cascade
(Add supports as they become available if you dont go for crit early on take controlled destruction for inc crit strikes and swap them later on)



-Solid Life Pool (can take quite big hits)
-Freezes alot (makes most maps quite safe)
-Solid sustain (leech/LgoH) (can run no leech/no regen)

-Can't do Reflect (phys&ele)
-%chance to avoid ailemnts / takes away freeze
-hard to get ele weakness capped

Dernière édition par Shareware#6897, le 14 janv. 2018 18:11:53
Dernier bump le 2 avr. 2018 11:51:28
Looks good.

Brine 'kind' typo, and I wanted to share with you some information about rings. ilvl 75 elder rings can roll life gain on hit at substantially higher values that was previously possible (iLvl 75: 16-20 to 43-48 (Eldritch). If you craft some decent ones, you could increase your stats considerably by having two rings over a thief's. (I am in the same boat myself atm with my build).

Style wise build nice, poet's pen does most of the work here, only a few things to really to suggest.

stats picture
map mods / content you don't care to do
what end game content you have achieved thus far
I know you have warrior's blood, but do you ever notice stuns?
flask rolls
maybe include a curse? (perhaps that elder ring idea)

overall this is feature complete, adding to the listing.

Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp
Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo
Dernière édition par Kwitch#7864, le 15 déc. 2017 11:39:34
Kwitch a écrit :
Looks good.

Brine 'kind' typo, and I wanted to share with you some information about rings. ilvl 75 elder rings can roll life gain on hit at substantially higher values that was previously possible (iLvl 75: 16-20 to 43-48 (Eldritch). If you craft some decent ones, you could increase your stats considerably by having two rings over a thief's. (I am in the same boat myself atm with my build).

Style wise build nice, poet's pen does most of the work here, only a few things to really to suggest.

stats picture
map mods / content you don't care to do
what end game content you have achieved thus far
I know you have warrior's blood, but do you ever notice stuns?
flask rolls
maybe include a curse? (perhaps that elder ring idea)

overall this is feature complete, adding to the listing.


-the rings sound realy good i'll look into it, thanks!
-i'll add stats
-also adding pro / cons for maps
-i'm sadly stuck at t12 currently and try to progress i'll add this when i actual reach it ( i just hate it to buy maps)
-It's more for the life regen at 7k+ hp its quite nice to have
-i did have CoH herald of ice untill i got the new jewel (had to drop HoI for Haste)
maybe something like cwdt enfeeble since im socket starved ( 2 slots left)
Dernière édition par Shareware#6897, le 15 déc. 2017 13:50:03
During leveling what would you recommend spec wise in the tree?

Thanks in advance,
njrzz a écrit :
During leveling what would you recommend spec wise in the tree?

Thanks in advance,

i didnt get the wands early on (about lv 50 or later) so cant realy tell, i usualy adjust while playing to keep my life updated otherwise taking dmg, it also depends on sc/hc. i usualy get the pasing done and grab the big notes on the way and fill up the ones later on. i would go templar -> witch -> shadow -> marauder area.

Awesome man, thanks for the quick respond I have an idea on how to build it now. Im playing Sc btw
How is it you suggest running Haste and Anger which are both 50% mana reservation?

And your video only shows you with HoI up?
im sorry if im bothering, but what is an ideal build for a newbie that like just started the game, i have a few different characters but i cant find a ideal beginners build to follow any ideas?
Soultap357 a écrit :
How is it you suggest running Haste and Anger which are both 50% mana reservation?

And your video only shows you with HoI up?

Im running blood magic in both cases, i had 1point in MoM before i got the watchers eye (as stated above the video) and was running HoI, which i than changed. I'll add an updated video during the day.
mannen588 a écrit :
im sorry if im bothering, but what is an ideal build for a newbie that like just started the game, i have a few different characters but i cant find a ideal beginners build to follow any ideas?

I dont think there is such as an ideal beginner build, not everyone enjoys the same stuff, have you played this kind of games before? What kind of play Style did you enjoy? Usualy builds that dont requiere any specific or very good items to work, are quite good for beginner but if you dont enjoy them it wont Help you.


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