3.0 Flicker Strike with Oro's Sacrifice

Hello my fellow Exiles.

First information, this is the first build I am posting, so be gentle :).

I made this build just 3 Days ago and currently I am Level 81.
So far it works fine and I am finetuning it a little here and there.
The only little problem I am trying to solve is the Boss kill and Essence Monster also can provide a certain problem.
Videos will follow, need to record some off Stream.
Like a Beach or Strand Map farm for time relations or a show of the Abyss Map clear like I did when I was level 80 a few minutes ago.

But now let us get started with the build.

For those who want it short:
Level 81 (as I am right now)

Level 100 (Skill Tree optimized to level 100)

Be aware, damage is tagged for farming, so Blood Rage and Ancestral Warchief are NOT calculated into the damage.
Especially the Ancestral Warchief Bonus usually is not active while farming, as you do not cast it every few meters again and again. You usually only cast it at bosses.
Bloodrage triggers with cast when damage taken in my setup, you can cast it manually if you do not level the setup to max level as I did. Therefore you can tag it for the damage calculation yourself.

First off a short general explanation.

Flicker Strike either teleports you to the target you have clicked on or to any target in range, if you did not click on a target.

Now there is the problem of Flicker Strike having a pretty big cooldown.
The cooldown can be bypassed with Frenzy charges, which therefore uses a single Frenzy charge in order to use the Flicker Strike again, without waiting for the cooldown.
So generally you just would need Frenzy charges to use Flicker Strike endlessly, but you need to generate enough Frenzy charges to do so.
In order to need less Frenzy charges you support it with Multistrike support, which repeats the Skill 2 additional times without using Frenzy charges and without waiting for the cooldown.
This lowers your attack damage but boosts your attack speed. So, not only a bad addition.

For farming with Flicker Strike it works in combination of the splash effect either gained by the support gem Melee Splash Support or by the Slayer Ascentions passive "Impact" to give all single target melee attacks the splash effect.
For single target damage as of Boss kills, you do not need the splash effect and you can exchange this support gem with a damage support (depending on the kind of Flicker you are playing, the support gem can be an other one).

That much for general Info about Flicker Strike farming, as the rest of the gems depend on the kind of Flicker Strike build you are playing.

Now some General Information about my Scion based Flicker Strike with Oro's Sacrifice.

First off a few questions with the corresponding answer for it.

Why did I choose Scion as a Base?

I just kind of wanted to go Scion base. Thought it would be a good idea, so I can take boni of multiple Ascentions to maybe make it even Hardcore viable.

So in order to that, is that build Hardcore viable?

Yes, you could do some Hardcore farming, but I wouldn't suggest making it for mainly high tier maps in Hardcore.
With some Videos coming later, you can see for yourself, if it would be an idea for a fun farm character in Hardcore.
Also with good enough equipment and maybe maxing this char out, it may be even in hardcore high tier boss viable (map farming itself would be able as it is, just the essence monster and maybe some beyond bosses should be feared).
If you make this character in Hardcore and get it going for good, let me know!

Is this build playable as a League Starter?

Even here, I may would say yes.
For low tier map farming you do not need the best of the equipment and the most needed Item simply is the Oro's Sacrifice itself.
You can start with a 4-link, but I would suggest to go for a 5-link as soon as possible (shouldn't take too long even at league start).
Slowly upgrading the rest of the equipment and you can steadily get it higher.
The only problem, you can't go flickering until Level 67.
Multiple ways to level until then. I just did it with Sunder, this goes fine along with the tree.

Why did you choose Oro's Sacrifice and not as example Terminus Est?

I never did an Oro's Flicker Strike Character before, so I gave it a chance.
A Terminus Est Scion Flicker has been planned by me once, but didn't end up well enough in Path of Building. This one wasn't too bad and so I gave it a going ingame too.
A new one on Terminus Est might get planned some time too, but that's for later.

That have been a few Genereal Questions, if you got some more Questions after taking a look at the build, let me know.

How to Level until we can use Flicker Strike with Oro's Sacrifice at Level 67

Until level 12 I started with Cleave and switched to Sunder when I reached level 12.
From level 12 until level 67 I stood with Sunder, as it is going good along with the Passive Skill Tree.
For the rest of the equipment either use the standard Leveling equipment or, if you started freshly, check the dropping equipment essentially for life and a few resistances.
Items which have in addition to those some damage modifiers are really great to help increase the kill speed along the way.
As a weapon I recommend to use a two handed axe for Sunder.

Let's Start with the Passive Skill Tree and Bandits

As it is short, Bandits, we kill them all.
The two passive points provide more help within the skill tree as any Bandit bonus does.
If you think otherwise and think one of the bandits helps you are, you are free to take him/her.

Regarding the Skill Tree, since we are starting from the very mid of the Tree, we could go everywhere pretty easily.
I started this character with a basic Level 85 Tree I made in Path of Building and along the way of leveling my character I took a look in how to get started and where to go until I get the Ascention for Starting at another Tree. Came out, I even switched the Ascention later on to start somewhere else and made the whole build a little bit better.
For you, I have the build splitted in several leveling parts.

You can import the Passive Tree's into Path of Building by clicking in it on "Tree" and at the bottom "Import Tree". You can just copy the link and paste it there to import it.

All trees are examples and you need to choose if you want to follow them or not.
If you have suggestion how to improve the tree, just post a link for your suggestion here.

First Ascention is added with the 40 Points Tree, second with the 60 Points Tree, Third with the 80 Points Tree and Fourth with the 100 Points Tree.

Lastly, these steps are made without the need to respec any points.









Next up are the Skill Gems.
I do not have them pictured, as I do not have them lie around in a stash or inventory.

For Flicker Strike
4 linked G-R-R-B
Flicker Strike - Melee Splash Support - Multistrike Support - Chance to Ignite

5 linked G-R-R-R-B
Flicker Strike - Melee Splash Support - Multistrike Support - Elemental Damage with Attacks Support - Chance to Ignite

6 linked G-R-R-R-R-B
Flicker Strike - Melee Splash Support - Multistrike Support - Elemental Damage with Attacks Support - Fire Penetration Support - Chance to Ignite


Anger - Blasphemy Support - Flammability - Enlighten

Ancestral Warchief - Leap Slam - Faster Attacks Support - Culling Strike Support

Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration Support - Blood Rage

Now we are down to the Equipment

Be aware, Gems socketed in the equipment below are partially from other characters!

For rare equipment: You need 155 Dexterity for Flicker Strike level 20 (21 needs 159 Dexterity). Therefore you need at least 25 (level 20 Flicker) or 29 (level 21 Flicker) Dexterity on your rare equipment for it.

A bit accuracy here and there helps you reach a good hit chance and with enough accuracy you may be able to reset one or two accuracy nodes within the passive tree.

First off the necessary Item is Oro's Sacrifice

It is our Weapon which does only fire damage and it generates our needed Frenzy charges whenever we ignite an enemy.

Armor, as you can guess, best is Kaom's Heart.
Providing 500 plain Life and also a nice boost as increased Fire Damage.

If you do not need the 1500+ Life from Kaom's Heart, you could go for Bronn's Lithe and Link the Flicker Strike Setup in it.
Providing a nice damage boost, but loosing a lot of life.
This may be even considered when you reach level 90+.
Path of Building only calculates with the +2 to Movement Skill Gems, here I don't know if it is correct or if it simply needs a change (update with this included), where the increased damage with movement skills will be calculated into the damage too.

A rare armor should have as much life as you can get.
Resistances should be gained with other gear parts, as the armor should be changed to Kaom's Heart later and it makes it harder, if you did get a portion of necessary resistances from the armor.
The armor should be based on the Armour stat and not on evasion or energy shield (despite Bronn's Lithe being evasion, I know).
Therefore plain and percent increased armour should be on it too.
Suffixes are irrelevant for the armor. None are realy helpful and resistances as said above, not needed (but can be ofcourse, just cap/overcap the resistances without the armor!).

Sorry but no example armor anywhere in my stashes or characters.

Not that necessary but cheap and giving a good boost are Gang's Momentum

They provide additional ignite chance (weren't that much needed, but nice to have), a good portion of fire resistances and not to forget, boosting your damage against ignited enemies.
For the start, just look for this stat to be high.
My boots just have 28%, the range goes from 20 to 40, but I did buy quite many and Vaal Orbed them to have +1 to Frenzy maximum Frenzy charges. Took quite many to do so, not recommended if you do not have that much currency in spare.
As long as you are not going for a corrupted version with +1 Frenzy charges, you should get the enchantment for increased attack and cast speed if you have killed recently.

Gloves best choice are rare Spiked Gloves for the implicit of increased melee damage.

They should have as much life as possible and resistances on them.
If your resistances allow it, you can get some with attack speed too. (It's also a suffix)
Added damage to your attacks is a nice prefix bonus on them.

If spiked gloves are too expensive, you can go for the same stats on other armour based gloves (best choice is Titan Greaves).

Never enchant your Spiked Gloves, the implicit will be overwritten!
Enchantment for, for example, Titan Greaves, should be "Trigger commandment of Fury on hit". (Uber Lab Version)

The helmet should be a rare armour based one with as much life as possible and resistances.

The enchantment on the helmet is expensive but should be either increased flicker strike damage or increased flicker strike damage per frenzy charge.

The base for a belt in my oppinion is the leather Belt.

Its implicit provides up to 40 Life and in addition a good explicit makes the total life easily go above 100.
In addition the belt should have resistances and elemental damage with attack skills.
Last one can be crafted up to 22%. Therefore you do not need to have it on the belt from the beginning.
If you want more than 22%, you need to search for one, as they roll up to 42% if not master crafted.
Flask modifieres are not considered, as only the further down mentioned basalt flask may not always be filled with charges.

Especially for Hardcore I recommend to use the Pyre Ring.

With it the most of the enemies just splatter and do not leave corpses behind.
The so called "Spiker" can't explode in a nova of spikes and necromancers can't let corpses explode.
Now, why do I say "most of the enemies". Some die to the ignition and do not explode from that, as this was an ailment and not an attack from you, therefore you did not hit them for the kill and the effect won't be activated.
So just a few will still be around.

For Softcore you can either use that and use Yugul Pantheon to decrease the reflected elemental damage or use a Sibyl's, which gives you a decent amount of damage and provides a good amount of reduced elemental damage. Therefore you do nto need The Yugul Pantheon and can take for example Gruthkul or Ralakesh or one of your choice.

Hardcore players also can combine both rings and use Sybil's and Pyre.
Therefore reflect shouldn't be a problem anymore and mostly no corpses to detonate for the enemies.
Resistances shouldn't be a problem if you go for both unique rings.

Softcore players can use either one or go for none of them. This depends on you and how you want it.
Other unique rings aren't considered at me.

For Rare rings, go for as much life and some resistances.
Percentage of increased fire damage provides a good boost for the damage and plain damages (best is fire ofcourse) are also nice.
Increased elemental damage with attacks is also a good boost for your damage, but for higher percentages in combination with life and resistances is pretty expensive.
If possible some accuracy, as you can see in the skilltree, I did go for a few accuracy nodes. You may not need some of them, if you get enough as extra on your gear.

Best is, ofcourse, an Opal Ring with as much life as possible, resistances and essence crafted with 20+% increased fire damage.

The amulets best choice in my oppinion is a Blue Pearl Amulet.

This build lacks at mana. Leech+Regen didn't give me enough mana.
That's also why I skilled the Mana Nodes at the Duelist.
Best is a Blue Pearl Amulet crafted with Essence of Misery.
This Essence is not that expensive and provides another batch of mana regen.
If you can permanently use Flicker Strike without this, you are free to take any other amulet base type.
For the modifiers, it should have as much life as possible and resistances, either being Blue Pearl or any other.
Percent increased fire damage, elemental damage with attacks and plain damage (best is fire) boosts are good to have.

My flask choices were Atziri's Promise and The Wise Oak to boost your damage.

Atziri's also provide Leech, but it should be at max Leech even without Atziri's, so you don't lack it when you are not having charges on it.
For The Wise Oak you need to have Fire Resistance to be your highest resistance.
The flask considers the resistance which is written in the parenthesis: ( ) <- these.
A life flask as a safety measure is good to have. Best modifier is a half instant Life flask.
Which means it heals half of the amount instantly and the other half is healed over time.

In my case I did get a Blood of the Karui from Cadiro for a cheap price, that's a realy good flask to heal up and so I do use it.
The other two flasks in my choice are a Basalt Flask and a Sulphur Flask.

One should be an anti Freeze and one should be an anti Bleed Flask.
As second modifier I recommend the Basalt to have less charges used. Best if you can use it twice before it is completely depleted.
The Sulphur flask might have additional maximum charges.

Lastly getting to the Jewels. Unfortunately I couldn't get them pictured in the post (almost lost hours of work trying...)
There is one necessary unique Jewel, the Fireborn Jewel.
This one is socketed in the jewel slot below the Duelists starting point.
With it being there, the two-handed damage nodes will provide their damage to the fire damage of the Oro's Sacrifice.
For the other Jewels I consider wholely damage ones, as the life is enough as it is and the damage is needed.
Damage modifiers for the jewels are some like attack speed, attack speed with two handed weapons, attack speed with swords, melee damage, damage.
Not considered are the physical damage modifiers. We do not realy have some, so these won't help at all.

For those who want to know.

Pantheon made short
Big Pantheons:
Lunaris for map farming. Damage reduction, dodge/avoid chance of damage types.
Solaris for Boss farming. Well, mostly only used at Shaper I guess.
Small Pantheons:
Yugul if you do not use Sibyls Ring. Even single rares with reflect do a lot reflecting damage.
Gruthkul or Ralakesh can be considered too.
Gruthkul especially because of the slowed attack speed if the enemy has hit you recently (within the last 4 seconds). Helps at bosses, so you can regenerate your HP a bit longer.
Other if they are more to your liking.

Pantheons are mostly depending on your own liking and so I just can give my oppinions as mentioned above.

Only thing left to say, thanks for reading if you have done so. If not but checked out the build, thanks for checking out the build :)

I hope you like it and also there may come suggestions how to make it better.

This build will be updated as I get to do so.
Took quite some time to write it the first time :D

Have fun and stay safe my fellow Exiles.

Small Note at the end: If you go for a six linked armor too, you can go for a Molten Strike Setup in either the Armor or the Weapon. Therefore having good singel target DPS.

BTW: I hope someone tries this out in Hardcore :D let me know if you do ;)
Dernier bump le 31 mars 2018 21:12:10
It's strange this post didn't get replies. Good guide though.
Well thought out guide. I'm currently playing it, and I'm at level 63.

Only problem I had was, your leveling guide jumped over to the Templar tree before I was capable of completing Merc lab, so I had to respec about 8 points.

Also, the link for 100 points isn't complete, it got cut off, at least on my computer it is.
Am I missing something here? Why is your passive tree full of melee physical nodes when oros is pure fire damage.
You put Fireborn Jewel in this area, and it converts all physical damage to fire damage ;)
Ghoulz666 a écrit :
Am I missing something here? Why is your passive tree full of melee physical nodes when oros is pure fire damage.

Hi, laurentdelorme said it already.
The Jewel Fireborn is converting the physical nodes below the slayer tree into fire damage nodes, therefore they are giving a certain damage boost.

ChuckStyles a écrit :
Well thought out guide. I'm currently playing it, and I'm at level 63.

Only problem I had was, your leveling guide jumped over to the Templar tree before I was capable of completing Merc lab, so I had to respec about 8 points.

Also, the link for 100 points isn't complete, it got cut off, at least on my computer it is.

Thanks and hopefully you had fun with it. Sorry that you had the problem with the Merc lab.
I am going to check on it later on and do some changes.

Margherita a écrit :
It's strange this post didn't get replies. Good guide though.

Thanks a lot for that!
Maybe people didn't have questions to ask :P
I think I will be making this one once again in this 3.2 League and get this guide changed to the current 3.2 state.
Hopefully some more people going to make it :).
Hi Pallchek !

I'm currently trying to do this build in Hardcore Bestiary League !

My plan is :

- Use your build as an end goal for funny map farming (if I survive till there haha)
- Second ascendancy : new Juggernaut (for the free and perma endurance charge, because it's Hardcore / using Warlord's mark w/ Blasphemy till there)
- Main skill : Molten Strike (because it works very well with an Oro/Flicker oriented build
- Using two handed swords till I get Oro
- Switching to Oro/flicker at level 67
- Last ascendency : maybe Elementalist but not sure, and I may be dead at this point...

See my profil and feel free to give me any tips in order to succeed in this absolutly stupid challenge.

Character name = F_ck_You_Izaro (cause I died twice in the lab, and I hate when he says "this is the end you deserve" bitch)

Also adding this : for the moment this is gorgeous. I'm destroying absolutly everything in my path. I just reached Oriath. Main probleme seems to be survability, because again, it's hardcore, and you want to play it safe until level 67. As said I died twice on lab's trap because i'm stupid, but otherwise you can basically facetank Izaro (on the first ascendancy tho).

Dernière édition par pandemoniummm#2737, le 12 mars 2018 12:21:56
pandemoniummm a écrit :
Hi Pallchek !

I'm currently trying to do this build in Hardcore Bestiary League !

My plan is :

- Use your build as an end goal for funny map farming (if I survive till there haha)
- Second ascendancy : new Juggernaut (for the free and perma endurance charge, because it's Hardcore / using Warlord's mark w/ Blasphemy till there)
- Main skill : Molten Strike (because it works very well with an Oro/Flicker oriented build
- Using two handed swords till I get Oro
- Switching to Oro/flicker at level 67
- Last ascendency : maybe Elementalist but not sure, and I may be dead at this point...

See my profil and feel free to give me any tips in order to succeed in this absolutly stupid challenge.

Character name = F_ck_You_Izaro (cause I died twice in the lab, and I hate when he says "this is the end you deserve" bitch)

Also adding this : for the moment this is gorgeous. I'm destroying absolutly everything in my path. I just reached Oriath. Main probleme seems to be survability, because again, it's hardcore, and you want to play it safe until level 67. As said I died twice on lab's trap because i'm stupid, but otherwise you can basically facetank Izaro (on the first ascendancy tho).


Hi Pandemoniummm, thanks for trying out my build in Hardcore.
Due to the recent changes and for playing in Hardcore I would just suggest what you, kind of, already decided, to go for Juggernaut and Elementalist.
Jugg for increased damage per endurance charge, endurance charges themselfs and also it gives a nice accuracy boost letting you hit more stable.
Elementalist for the non reflect, so you can survive way better, since Flicker is melee, the reflect mostly hits instantly, at least it did at me :). Also giving some penetration and if you want, you could take in 2 golems.

I did use two six linked Oros, one with Flicker Strike and one with Molten Strike. Worked fine, as long as I didn't go for a too strong boss :P.

I checked your profile and you are 69 by now. Maybe you can give me a small report of how it works at you right now?

For survivability I would suggest you should use a Pyro ring, so enemies do explode and can't let corpse explosion and nova spikes kill you.

Up to now I didn't have time to recheck this build, but I had my exam now and am free to play some PoE now :)
Hopefully soon some updates.
Hello Pallchek !

Sadly I died at level 79 while farming on a T5 map. I've been killed by an "Unstable Swarm" pack of spiders. I think I died on this because my chaos resistance was super low (-60%). I need to find a way to fix this issue. Btw, I think this is a new monster affixe from the Bestiary League (suprise lol).

Juggernaut was definitly a solid choice and first ascendency. The free endurance charge saved my ass so many times. Also, I'm considering about droping Immortal Call to just rely on the charges and max their numbers. I was running 3 of them, but 5 might be better.

Also, another difficulty from the tree was about the frenzy charge. I just had 4 of them (+1 to the duelist nods) but somehow I feel like 5 or 6 is a must have for this build, as it increased the damges of Flicker Strike.

Elementalist = I'm not so sure about this one because
- Elemental resist penetration is available on 3 other ascendant for the Scion
- Immunity to reflect can be bypass by just not doing such maps I guess ?
- +1 Golem can be cool but not a game changer
- Herald effect increase is cool too, but you can only use Herald of ash, and monster pack is already very efficient.

I'm considering Assassin's one, to get free Power Charges. What do you think about that ?

For survivability I would suggest you should use a Pyro ring, so enemies do explode and can't let corpse explosion and nova spikes kill you.

Definitivly a good idea. I may be still alive haha...

Also, here's my reflexion about the build :

DEFENSES : relying a lot on leech actually, so I need to push the damages as far as I can.

DAMAGES : I feel like there's a limit to what an Oro Flicker Strike can do in terms of damages. I tried an Apex of Sacrifice map yesterday, and the damage was not amazing even on the trashes. Feel free to check my build again (which is on standard now). I could change some piece of equipement.

Thanks ;)

Hey pandemoniummm,

just read your post and your PM, sorry for the late reply, but I am currently shorter in time than I expected.

I checked your gear and it is not that bad, but I don't understand your choice of the sorrow of the divine flask.
You were also using 3 life flasks, but none of them were instant of half instant.
That is also saving your life on hardcore, softcore it's not that much necessary.

I tried out my old one in standard, but that also means I can't go for the extras of the bestiary league (not enough currency and time to do this character again in the moment).
I might anyway start it, but the biggest problem is getting the 6-link for the biggest damage boost.

Also you did go for a lot of extra chance to ignite. Why?
I was at 100% with only the Oros, the links and the boots.
The Pyro surely should have been used :).

Unfortunately I am simply not good enough to play hardcore, I am way too "aggressive" on trying things out with my characters, like trying a red elder reeeaaaly early in character development xD.

Regarding the survivability, ye it was based on leech, but since vaal pact isn't as it was (instant, before I usually did go for vaal pact), I am also considering changing to something more defensive with a mix of endurance and frenzy charges.

Coming to the charges, ye, running with 4 isn't that great, more is better, but hard to get without being on the right side of the tree.
I did go for an extra charge from boots to get at least 5, but that's already a matter of many vaals and many boots.

I am for sure going to rethink this build, but that will need some time to get it done right :).

Hopefully soon the update I desire to do.

Greetings Pallchek


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