SmerlowTV`s Low Life RF/SR Guardian All Content Viable HC Viable [3.1]

After having a ton of success this challenge league I wanted to share my experience so that others can replicate the joy I have had this league. On top of that i`m streaming nearly every day on where you can ask me about the build (The main language is German but i also answer on english questions).

My Profile

What is this Build made for

This build is made for every content with a relaxing playstyle, it`s not a 6mil+ DPS Boss killer. It is easy to learn and handle every fight in the game, and you are able to facetank the most mechanics for exmp Shaper Slam

Is this Build Low Budget?

It is deepending on the content you wanna do as soon as you aiming for T11+ maps ect it will require a few Unique items that aren`t really budget friendly like Shavronnes Wrappings / Presence of Chayula. It is possible too make this build as Start/League start Character but than i would recommend you too start as life version of this build (in the Guide included).

Why Low Life and not Life?

You can do all content as life build aswell, but in the end we will provide more from Low life because we are getting the following things.

Higher ES pool: able to reach with max out gear 12k+ Es (more dmg and survivabillity)

More Auras: More defense at all since we are not providing anything from auras that push DMG

Better Scorching ray DMG: 30% Dmg while on low Life (some life builds are also going with kaom`s hearth so no Scorching ray setup for them at all)

More Gem slots: Most life builde take Kaom`s Roots and Kaom`s Hearth (this items can`t have sockets)

More Chaos Resistance: If we are playing with Presence of Chayula we are getting 60% Chaos Resistance

Pros And Cons

- All Content

- Relax Playstyle

- Facetanking alot of Mechanics

- 12k+ Es

- Can Start Rf at around 20 - 28

- Mid Tier Map Clearspeed

- Reflect Immune

- Easy Lab Runs traps are dealing nearly no dmg

- Not the Highest DPS

- Can not Run all Map Mods: You can never run no life and Mana Regeneration
Mods that are more challenging: Players are cursed with Vulnerability , Players have less recovery
of Life and Energyshield regeneration , - Maximum Player Resistence

- Requires some Unique Items too feel good

- Need Regrets too switch from Life too low Life version


Kill All (+2 Passives)


1. Time Of Need

2. Prayer Of Glory

3. Radiant Faith

4. Unwavering Faith


Major Pantheon
-Soul of Arakaali: This is the best Major Pantheon for us in any situation, Damage over time reduced (Less RF Damage taken) + later 25% Chaos Resistance too damage over time ( Poison dmg mitigation ) + Reduced Effect and Duration from Schock on you / Activate all 3 Captures from this Pantheon

Minor Pantheon
-Soul of Ralakesh: For General Mapping and espacily strong on Atziri / Uber Atziri Trio i would always take it while doing Atziri. / You don`t need to activate the Capture here ( unless you wanna do Hall of Grandmasters there it is quite helpfull )

-Soul of Tukohama: Life regeneration while stationary is here what we are looking for really awesome against Shaper / Activate the 1 Capture he is needed to make this not usefull


Note: Grab 30 Dexterity/Strength Nodes if needed (Respec later with better Gear) Grab Jewel nodes if you got good Jeweles / Switch Only too low life if you got the Requirement Uniques (Look Gear Section) otherwise path farther like the low life build but grab surrounding life / Dmg nodes instead of ES, you can also go abit earlyer too low life if your gear is really good(not low budget)

You will need 58 Respec points to switch from lvl 78 Life version to lvl 78 Low Life version

Keystone Nodes

-Mind Over Matter: We are taking Mind over Matter because since 3.0 it works against the degen from Righteouse fire means we are taking less damage from it, we can take this only as Low Life since Mind Over Matter is just burning our Mana if we are taking dmg from Life ( not from ES ) so aslong Rf is making dmg on our Energyshield we won`t loose any mana but we get the dmg reduce for Righteous Fire

-Zealot`s Oath: We need this for the regeneration as soon as we are going low life otherwise we woul burn our energyshield away in like 1 second

-Elemental Overload: We are triggering this with Orb of Storms for 40% More Damage

-Elemental Equilibrium: We need this to penetrate the fire Resistance from the enemies to deal more damage, we are triggering this by using Orb of storms (you just need too take care that you got nowhere add fire damage to attacks or spells since otherwise we woul buff there Resistances)

-Pain Attunement: This is boosting our Spell damage, so only scorching ray really provides from it but it`s a awesome buff for it so take it

PoB Links

Lvl 28 Lifebased starting RF

Lvl 45 Lifebased

Lvl 78 Lifebased

Lvl 78 Low Life Switch

Lvl 89 Final Build


Low LVL Uniques

-Springleaf Plank Kite Shield: You need it too run RF in the Low LvL`s because of his Life Reg

-Shaper`s Seed Agate Amulet: You need it too run RF in the Low LvL`s because of his Life Reg

-Pyre Sapphire Ring: Burning dmg is a nice dmg boost, just take care as soon you got Elemental equilibrium you are also not allowed too make any cold dmg bcs you cold dmg get`s transfered into fire dmg

-Brightbeak Warhammer: attack speed for shieldcharge you can rush trough the lvl stages, and other weaps doesn`t rly provide you with alot of dmg (can also be used in endgame until you got a doryanis catalyst)

-Aurumvorax Basket Rapier: if you got probs with your resistances you can also take a Aurumvorax too push them easily

Recommended/Required Endgame Items

-Shavronne`s Wrappings Occultist`s Vestment: This item is needed bcs of Chaos Damage cannot bypass youre energyshield without that you would die too any chaos dmg bcs we are on low life, the low budget version for this is a Solaris Lorica ( not that much es )

-Presence of Chayula Onyx Amulet: We need this item bcs of his stun immunity effect, we are low life and otherwise we would get stunned all the time. Low budget versions are Eye Of Chayula Onyx Amulet or Valyrium Moonstone Ring

-Rise of The Phoenix Mosaic Kite Shield: +Max Fire resistance is alot of survivability take this item as soon as posible for both life and low life version. Low budget version is, Saffell's Frame Branded Kite Shield ( the linked Rise of the Phoenix, is the legacy version.The new version is still the best option for this build )

-Essence Crafted Sorcerer Gloves Itemlvl84+: We need Sorcerer Gloves bcs it is the highest Es base, they need too be Itemlvl 84+ bcs you can get T1 Rolls and than you have to throw a Essence of Delirium on them bcs you wanna get the Socketed Gems deal 30% more Damage over Time for your Righteous Fire dmg skill. There are no low budget versions try to get them as soon as possible :)

-Doryani`s Catalyst: Main DMG Weapon for other weapons take the items from the low level uniques section Brightbeak or Aurumvorax

-Sin Trek Stealth Boots: Good Dexterity 30% movement and good es hard too get other rare Boots that are better and they would probably cost 15Ex + ( Sin Trek is like 1c ) For quality of life you can also take Death`s door boots (bleed immunity)

-Unset Ring: you will need 1 Unset ring with +3 level of socketed Gems, other stats doesn`t matter take the best ring you can get in your fingers ;)

-Bisco`s Collar Gold Amulet: this is just for more drops and is not needed at all but nice to have, if you wanna use a Bisco`s you also need to use a Vaylirium Moonstone Ring for stun mitigation

-Conquerors`s Efficiency Crimson Jewel: You need to take this if you don`t got a lvl 21 Bloodmagic + lvl 4 Enlighten too run your Discipline and Vitality on your lifepool to get low life

-Conqueror´s Potency Cobalt Jewel: You need this Jewel later together with 21Purity of Fire / +3 level of socketed Gems Ring / All Aura Effect Nodes from the passive three, to get at the end +1 Fire Resistence from the jewel

My Gear

This is still not the best gear we can get but it`s enough to clear all content without any problems Shaper / Uberatziri ect is all done and deathles, we reach 11.3k ES and i was even doing shaper at around 8.5k ES alredy but not recommendet to go that early in a shaper fight in hc with 8.5k ES

For the Flasks we wanna grab 1 Witchfire Brew Flask for the Damage over Time + Vulnerability Curse
atleas 1 ruby flask i personally prefere to have anti curse on that one, and for other flasks it`s up to your choice whatever you prefer you just need 1Anti bleed and 1Anti Freeze flask

Also take care if you are using a Immunity to Ignite and Burning damage flask you are turning youre RF off, this can be helpfull at Lab Traps for example but can be really anoying in Maps

Jewels are rly strong for nearly every build as allready mentioned we need 2 Unique jewels deepending on the state of our Gear Conquerors`s Efficiency Crimson Jewel and Conqueror´s Potency Cobalt Jewel for that take a look into the Recommended/Required Endgame Items Section. We also gona need some Rare jewels (4 in the final build) an we gonna look for the following Attributes

Must have
-Increased Maximum Energyshield (For low Life)
-Icreased Maximum life (For Life Build)

Damage Mods
-Increased Fire Damage
-Increased Burning Damage
-Increased Damage
-Increased Area Damage
-Increased Spell Damage ( not that good only helps SR with the damage )

Helpfull Mods
this Mods are mostly to help out to fix Ressistance and Attributes if you don`t got min maxed Gear allready

-Any Jewel with Resistance mod (Fire Resistance/Cold Resistance/Lightning Resistance
-Any Jewel with Attributes mod (Strength/Dex/Intelligence
-Increased Attackspeed with one handed and shield
-Increased Attackspeed

Gem Links

Gem Links

Note: All the gems are listed in the order of choose, this Links count for the Low life Version
B: Blue Socked
R: Red Socked
G: Green Socked
-: Linked

-Body Armour: Scorching Ray / Burning Damage Support / Elemental Focus Support / Swift Affliction Support / Efficacy Support / Controlled Destruction Support (you don`t need a 6l but it's a dmg boost) B-R-B-G-B-B

-Helmet: Enlighten lvl (4) / Blood Magic (21) / Vitality / Discipline ( Quality not needed on the Gems only lvl`s, lvl 20 Bloodmagic + lvl3 Enlighten works aswell but you need Conquerors`s Efficiency Crimson Jewel ) B-R-R-B

-Gloves: Righteous Fire / Burning Damage / Elemental Focus / Inc Area of Effect swap with Concentrated Effect for bosses B-R-B-B

-Shield: Shield Charge / Faster Attacks / Fortify support R-G-R

-Main Hand: Enduring Cry / Decoy Totem / Purity of Lightning (No links needed) R R B

-Boots: Increase Critical strikes Support / Orb Of Storms / Purity of Ice / Clarity ( you only link Orb of Storme with Increase Critical strikes Support, don`t link Purity of Ice or Clarity to them, we also gonna lvl Clarity up too burn Mana down for Energyshield from the Radiant Faith Ascedancy ) B-B G B

-Unset Ring: Purity of Fire (21) R


Head: 40% Righteous Fire Damage / Aura Mana Reservation if you don`t got already enlighten / Blood magic max lvl, to run this setup earlier (Head Enchantment Important)

Boots: Regenerate 2% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently (Boot Enchantment Important)

Gloves: Trigger Commandment of Reflection when Hit (Extra Dmg Mitigation) (Gloves Enchantment not Important)

LVL Hint`s


Note: Follow this step by step and you should have an easy lvl Phase. There are some Uniques recommended but not nessessary, wether they are quite helpful.You can play this character as a League starter, you just have to play life version until you got the required unique items.

As a Twink you can lvl as RF at around lvl 20 ( Ruby Flask / Springleaf / Shaper`s seed / Bubbling life Flasks ) / if you wanna go rly fast make sure to use Pyre Sapphire Rings, Brightbeak, Tabula Rasa with Scorching ray setup

As a League Starter you gonna start at lvl 28-30 ( you will do Normal lab first before you switch, and you gonna aim for the lvl uniques as soon as possible but you can start out without them in order of priority you gonna need a Ruby Flask / Springleaf / Shaper`s seed you probably won`t get any of the other lvl items for the lvl phase but you should do rly well

Keep in mind to use Vendor recipes, Useful Vendor Recipe for this Build is, Iron Ring+Blue Socket gem at vendor is Sapphire Ring at Vendor / Blue/Rare Rustic Stash + Blacksmith Whetstone + 2H Base Weapone is 2H Weapon with good physical Damage at Vendor

-LvL 1-4 Groundslam+Ruthless 2H Weapon / link where ever you can with R-R

-LvL 4 Ancestral Protector link where ever you can with R

-LvL 6 Groundslam+Added Fire Damage+Ruthless 2H Weapon link where ever you can with R-R-R

-LvL 8 Leapslam link where ever you can with R

-LvL 12 Sunder+Added Fire Damage+Ruthless 2H Weapon link where ever you can with R-R-R

-LvL 15 Herald of Ash R

-Lvl 18 Sunder+Melee Physical Damage+Faster Attacks R-R-G / Leapslam+Faster Attacks R-G

-LvL 24 Hatred+Herald of Ash G R

-LvL 28 Ancestral Warchief Totem+Melee Physical Damage+Faster Attacks R-R-G ( Throw Ancestral Protector out of the window!

-LvL 28 Make Piety and than Do Lab if you can handle it ( should be no problem deactivate bad mods ) take the Ascedancy Note: Time Of Need ( Guardian )

Now you should be around LvL 30 +- and you can start your RF Adventure. We also gonna need new setups and we can ignore/delete the old ones, We also gonna fokus now to get a Ruby Flask / Springleaf / Shaper`s Seed as soon as possible and we need both Auras Purity of Fire and Vitality

New Setups To make ( Again all the gems are listed in the order of choose )

Main Skill: Righteous Fire - Burning Damage (Library reward) - Elemental Fokus - Area of Effect swap with Concentrated Effect for bosses B-R-B-B

Totem Scorching Ray support: Spell Totem - Scorching Ray - Burning Damage - Elemental Fokus R-B-R-B

Orb of Storms: Orb of Storms - Critical Strike Support B-B (Elemental Equilibrium / Elemental Overload )

Stone Golem: Stone Golem ( Act4 Breaking Seal quest lvl 34 ) awesome for regeneration in low lvls take it as soon you can get it

Aura Setup: Purity of Fire - Vitality R R

Movement Setup: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify R-G-R

with this setups you will have a nice lvl Phase until you reach Kitava act10 here are also some options of diffrent setups you can make trough the lvl phase deepending on your playstyle this is up to you i can makes life easyer and feel better but you need to like them

Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Enfeeble(Survivabillity) or Flamabillity(Damage) - Molten shell R-R-B-R

Orb of Storm - Curse on hit - Enfeeble(Survivabillity) or Flamabillity(Damage) - Critical Strike Support B-B-R-B

Scorching Ray ( Selfcast ) - Burning Damage - Elemental Fokus - Swift Afflication B-R-B-G

Decoy Totem if selfcast RF R

Enduring Cry R

Dernière édition par SmerlowTV#4653, le 26 janv. 2018 15:59:00
Dernier bump le 10 oct. 2018 11:48:45
The Build is updated for 3.1 have fun guys :)
Dernière édition par SmerlowTV#4653, le 24 janv. 2018 09:37:11
Nice Guide!
neo1711 a écrit :
Nice Guide!

Ty :)
nice guide, gonna test it :P
Leveling at the Moment ! Looking for the Endgame :) Will see how good it works for me .
Omgroflklaus a écrit :
nice guide, gonna test it :P

Ty :) and let us know how it is working for you <3 wish you the best luck!

xMadrex a écrit :

Leveling at the Moment ! Looking for the Endgame :) Will see how good it works for me .

alright Men let us know if you rekt the shaper and all the stuff you are looking for :)
Dernière édition par SmerlowTV#4653, le 27 oct. 2017 20:29:42
on one hand, i hate it when people make new RF builds. For a reason that might not be readily apparent.

I get to look at every. other. rf. build. to make sure it's original and unique enough to warrant inclusion on the listing. instead of just looking at a guide and seeing 'yeah, that's neat', i need to make sure it's an original build...

it's work.

On the other hand, it's nice to see a build so well thought out, appreciative of the idea that builds are meant for people to follow coming from different levels of experience, and have it all mapped out for them.

So, I'm happy to see your build as qualifying for the listing... but I do have comparisons to make to other RF builds submitted for your weigh-in.

You took Mind over Matter. With Zealot's Oath. Your only mention of this is
Also don`t skill Mind over Matter aslong you aren`t going Low Life
in the level 28 leveling tree section. I think you could expand on the reasoning behind it in a pure ES build, as I'm sure you are taking it for the +mana and regen end-game but it is not made apparent.

You explain the +3 unset ring, as well as the +1 purity of fire as being necessary. You did not go full circle and explain why. I know it is because of your aura effectiveness nodes / Guardian ascendancy effectiveness, because you're getting additional max fire resistance. You went really in-depth to explain to do it, maybe include why. Or indicate at what point is the 'cutoff' in order to get that +1 max resistance.

Discuss the odd interaction between witchfire brew + your Orb of Storms + curse on hit + enfeeble/flamm., since players will not benefit from both curses without a +1 curse.

(personal thoughts)
How close are you on your dex? could you possibly drive through the Blast Radius wheel to get to the witch ES nodes, or do you really need that +10?

Arcane vision matter to you a lot? I would play without it out of spite sometimes when i play these low life builds. ;)

Your three points of Int in the middle of the witch area could just as easily be on the outer 'racetrack' if you were so inclined. It might permit you to grab some more damage later in the HEart of Flame wheel.

How annoying is having purity of lightning on your weapon swap?

Hot Flashes:
Shocking EleHit:
Dernière édition par Kwitch#7864, le 29 oct. 2017 15:40:09
Kwitch a écrit :
on one hand, i hate it when people make new RF builds. For a reason that might not be readily apparent.

I get to look at every. other. rf. build. to make sure it's original and unique enough to warrant inclusion on the listing. instead of just looking at a guide and seeing 'yeah, that's neat', i need to make sure it's an original build...

it's work.

On the other hand, it's nice to see a build so well thought out, appreciative of the idea that builds are meant for people to follow coming from different levels of experience, and have it all mapped out for them.

So, I'm happy to see your build as qualifying for the listing... but I do have comparisons to make to other RF builds submitted for your weigh-in.

You took Mind over Matter. With Zealot's Oath. Your only mention of this is
Also don`t skill Mind over Matter aslong you aren`t going Low Life
in the level 28 leveling tree section. I think you could expand on the reasoning behind it in a pure ES build, as I'm sure you are taking it for the +mana and regen end-game but it is not made apparent.

You explain the +3 unset ring, as well as the +1 purity of fire as being necessary. You did not go full circle and explain why. I know it is because of your aura effectiveness nodes / Guardian ascendancy effectiveness, because you're getting additional max fire resistance. You went really in-depth to explain to do it, maybe include why. Or indicate at what point is the 'cutoff' in order to get that +1 max resistance.

Discuss the odd interaction between witchfire brew + your Orb of Storms + curse on hit + enfeeble/flamm., since players will not benefit from both curses without a +1 curse.

(personal thoughts)
How close are you on your dex? could you possibly drive through the Blast Radius wheel to get to the witch ES nodes, or do you really need that +10?

Arcane vision matter to you a lot? I would play without it out of spite sometimes when i play these low life builds. ;)

Your three points of Int in the middle of the witch area could just as easily be on the outer 'racetrack' if you were so inclined. It might permit you to grab some more damage later in the HEart of Flame wheel.

How annoying is having purity of lightning on your weapon swap?


Hey ty for the awesome feedback and i will update everything tomorrow as soon as possible in the guide :)


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