[3.0] Bashtart's Crit Flow Inquisitor - a Monster is born... Video Build Guide

Welcome to my Crit Flow Inquisitor build
This is a cast on crit build for speed farming. I don't have too much time atm so I will only post the basics for now. The Build is based around the two uniques Cospri's Malice & The Flow Untethered. We use the The Flow Untethered to reduce all our CD's and as a result boosts our dps & defense (f.e. immortal call) big time! The build uses inquisitor ascendancy and crit synergies to scale the damage. We mainly looking for global crit chance because it increases our chance to trigger a spell with our coc/cospri setups and also increases the dmg of all triggered spells greatly.

>Video Build Guide

Gear & Gem links


Work in Progress

Cospri‘s Malice:
More or less the whole build is based around this item. Cospri‘s Malice is mandatory for this build. The triggered spells of CM will be responsilble for big part of our dps. Look for one with fast attack speed and high dmg to spells.
The Flow Untethered
This harbinger league belt is just awesome for this build because it reduces all our cool down‘s which is a big Deal for our offense and defense. The whole build is based around trggering spells with our attack skill cyclone and this belt reduces the cd of both trigger setups (CoC & Cospri‘s Malice). Also our defense profits from the cd reduction... f.e. immortal call.
This shield is cheap and awesome... because it gives us „hits can‘t be evaded“. It makes gearing much easier because we just can ignore accuracy.
We use them because of the additional curse and als pretty good stats (elemental dmg, all res.,...)
Starkonja‘s Head
Ths helmet is just crazy good for both defense and offense. Alternativly you also could use rat‘s nest or some rare helmet.
Queen of the forest / Belly of the beast / Rare chest armor
As chest armor we have different option, qotf in combination with right flasks results in crazy movement speed, botb will give by far the most life but also is the most expensive option, a rare chest with high life and res is just a good option and normally also the cheapest.

On rare gear look for:
> life
> resistances
> crit chance & multipliers
> attack speed
> spell, elemental and cold damage


Diamond Flask:
This Flask‘s is really important for this build and boost dps big time.
Quicksilver Flask:
Big boost for our movement speed and as result also for our clearspeed.
Stibnite Flask‘s
A great flask for defense, the smoke cloud reduces the chance of being hit. You also can use a more offensice flask instead of this one.
Dying Sun:
This flask is just great fo clear speed but not mandatory. Alternativly use for example atziri‘s promise...
The overflowing chalice:
Is great to keep your flask uptime very high and also gives a good damage boost.
Atziri‘s promise:
A very good cheap alternative.... also for curse-immun maps or bosses.

Jewels - look for:
> life
> crit chance & multipliers
> cold, spell and elemental damage
> resistance
> attack speed

Skilltree, Ascendancy & PoB
1) Righteous Providence
2) Inevitable Judgment
3) Instruments of Virtue
4) Augury of Penitence

Passive tree lvl 97

Path of Building lvl 90: https://pastebin.com/p70rLbDm

Pantheon & Bandits
> Soul of Lunaris / Solaris
> Soul of Yugul
> Help Alira or kill them all!


If you wanna use this build as league starter I would recommend to level with dual totems. For this rush on the passive tree to „ancestral bond“ which gives you a second totem (but be aware as long as you skilled AB you can’t deal dmg yourself anymore). The great thing about leveling with dual totems is that it nearly has no requirements... just look for life, resistance, spell damage, cast speed and other usefull stats. It is no problem to level with dual totems only selffound. Also don‘t forget to use threshold jewels.

Totem setup: Spell Totem + Freezing Pulse/Frostbolt+Faster Casting+Controlled Destruction+Increased Critical Strikes+Added Cold Damage

If it is not your league starter and you have some currency for leveling gear I would just level with selfcast freezing pulse. The skill setup would be the same as the totem setup with one execption instead of spell totem use spell echo.

Work in Progress!

Dernière édition par bashtart#2403, le 24 nov. 2017 16:25:00
Dernier bump le 13 avr. 2018 00:15:12
For speed farming, i'd just use a headhunter.
Anavels a écrit :
For speed farming, i'd just use a headhunter.

Not many people can afford a HH so I never would make a build based on it. I also did not noticed too much difference in clearspeed with headhunter.
Dernière édition par bashtart#2403, le 21 oct. 2017 22:32:41
nice build!
How does it fare against reflect?
stapa a écrit :
How does it fare against reflect?

Obviously full elemental reflect maps are not possible but with soul of yugul random reflecting mobs are not really a problem.
Hey, how did you level this? Any tips would be awesome :)) Great build btw!
Audacitie a écrit :
Hey, how did you level this? Any tips would be awesome :)) Great build btw!

I did level with dual totem using „ancestral bond“ (one additional totem). I would recommend leveling with dual totems when this is your league starter or you just don’t have currency. When you have some currency to spend I would level with self cast freezing pulse using threshold jewels.
I'm adding this build the the listing as it is complete, sort of. I really tend to frown on 'item showcases' when it comes to guides. You and I and many other readers here on the forums have many hours of experience and as such this guide makes sense to us. However, there are equal numbers of newer players who may not immediately be able to follow your guide as it is missing several instructions for them.

I would ask that you consider including help for those that wish to follow this guide as such, things to consider would be the inclusion of a leveling section, what map mods to be careful of while playing, and general advice for those who wish to play the build.

But as it stands, it's a good build and I am happy to include it on the listing.

Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp
Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo
Hello, I have a question, why in the shield is a arcane surge support out, he never casts? Im cant understand


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