[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
Decided to put all my guides on hold for the moment. Thanks for your support if you've used this build or supported my content in the past.
Intro: Whats up guys! I’m one of the many players who came from D3 when PoE 3.0 got released. This is my first build guide created for PoE and the purpose of the guide is to share my build, my experience, and the things I learned along the way. This guide is very comprehensive and interested readers can find information on everything from detailed gearing options to explanations of different game mechanics. As advertised, this build is capable of doing all current content in the game and I personally use this build as a tried and true league starter to progress through the story and complete my atlas. Quick Reference:
Final Skill Tree
Item Stat Priority
Hardcore Skill Tree Variant ![]() Latest PoB: - https://pastebin.com/hwwG65tW YouTube: New Video for 3.7 Legion League! Full Playlist of all my videos related to GC Totems since the start of the guide! A couple highlights from the above series: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thi3n Update Log:
3.13 Updates:
3.12 Updates:
1. Pros and Cons
None of the uniques are mandatory for starting out. In order to progress into the late game you will definitely want Soul Mantle but this build functions fine as a league starter on as little as a 4-link.
In Depth Gear Explanation
I put dex on pretty much all of my gear recommendations because it is a suffix and competes with important things like cast speed/crit/resist. While we can pick up a 30 dex node in our passive tree we'll generally have an easy time finding dex somewhere like the implicit of our amulet or a spare suffix somewhere on a piece of gear. Elder/Shaper items can give us free links for quality of life things like Culling Strike/Blind or Increased Area/Duration/Crit Strikes.
Rares. Shaper Weapons are preferred for the Gain as Extra mods. The ultra rare Atziri's Mirror should be mentioned for Self-Flagellation builds for the few lucky enough to get one. Some other uniques to consider before you can get Shaper weapons: The Princess, Divinarius, Axiom Perpetuum, Doryani's Catalyst, and Trolltimber Spire. Look to craft Spell Crit/Spell Damage/Non-Chaos as Chaos/Multi if you have room on your weapon/shield!
Stats to look for: +1 Totem (shield) > Shaper Gain %Phys as Extra > +Cold/Phys Gems > Damage Pen* > Life (shield) > Critical Strike Chance for Spells > Critical Strike Multiplier > Spell Damage > Cast Speed > Added Damage to Spells > Resists > Mana > Mana Regen > Dex *NOTE: Pen can be found in the implicit of a Sambar Scepter and/or as a Shaper mod.
Soul Mantle. It really changes the way we play the game. The flasks revolve around playing around the drawback of getting cursed. It should be obvious why this item is good for totem builds. Pre-Soul-Mantle consider items like Tablula Rasa Simple Robe or rares/uniques with as many links as you can afford. For those going for juicy corruptions the + 1 Sokceted Gems and +2 Socketed AoE Gems are great as well as % Damage.
Stats to look for (if you’re using a rare): Shaper Spell Crit > Life > Resist > Mana
Rare. Of Reflection Enchant creates a mirror image that can prove useful for survivability but is in no way required. The spell damage implicit of Fingerless Silk gloves are also nice to have. Insanity Essence crafting should be mentioned for absolute min/maxing for more attack/cast speed on your movement ability. Some great corruptions include % spell crit (applied to the base of the spell!) and %life. Hrimsorrow is a good unique for the early game.
Stats to look for: Life > Resist > Mana > Dex.
Kaom’s Roots. Unwavering Stance makes us immune to stun and allows us to pick up a different Pantheon for more survivability. A variety of lab enchants are nice to have but not necessary: Lightning Damage, Crit, or Life/Mana Regen after being hit. Some useful corruptions include Endurance Charge, %life, and %dodge/spelldodge (dodge is different than accuracy/evasion).
Stats to look for (if you’re using a rare):Life > Resist > Movespeed > Mana. NOTE: If you use Kaom's then you cannot evade attacks so prioritize Armor or Energy Shield base items in the other slots. This also nullifies blind as a useful stat (from a Golem or Orb of Storms link or from abyss jewels). NOTE: "Haven't Crit Recently" boot enchants function great with Totem builds!
Rare. Rustic Sash is a nice base because %Physical works with our Glacial Cascade. Stygian Vise is best in slot if you can get a good Abyss Jewel (more on this in the Jewel section below). Uniques like Belt of the Deceiver and The Tactician that have global phys are great as well.
Stats to look for: Life > % increased Flask effect duration > Resists > % reduced Flask Charges used > Life Flask recovery rate
Rares. Essence Worm Unset Ring is the only unique we consider. Kikazaru and Self-Flagellation is a budget combo you can use but I don’t recommend it for the late game, see the Questions section for a more in-depth response.
Stats to look for: Life > Resist > Crit Chance > Cast Speed > Mana > Mana Regen > Crit Multi > Spell Damage > Dex
Rare. Biscos is the ultimate mapping neck but a good rare will be nice to have for end game content. Uniques like Yoke of Suffering, Aul's Uprising, Pandemonius, and Impressence (Frostbite) should be mentioned as well.
Stats to look for: Elder Gain % Non Chaos as Chaos > Shaper Gain % as Extra > Crit Multi > Life > Resist > Cast Speed > Mana > Mana Regen > Crit Chance > Dex
Rare. Glacial Cascade damage helmet enchant is a luxury here and another helm enchant to look for is Increased Lightning Golem Effect. The extra attack/cast speed is great! If you are looking to use Fossils for crafting, consider the Frigid/Pristine combination!
Stats to look for: Life > Resists > Mana
Rares. The only unique Jewels worth considering are Clear Mind (if Essence Worm) or Self-Flagellation (if Kikazarus) but honestly rare jewels offer better value when trying to min/max. For the ultra rich there exists the Watcher's Eye Prismatic Jewel which can give bonuses based on the aura you're using. More on this in the Auras section of 3. Gems and Links
Stats to look for on Rare Jewels: Life, Crit Multi, Crit Chance, and Attack/Cast Speed. Stats to look for on Abyss Jewels: Life, %Physical as Extra Fire Damage, Crit Multi, Crit Chance, and Damage to Spells. NOTE: The Long Winter Jewel is not required. The build functions fine as is. Try it if you like it! NOTE: Remember there are a few ways to search for Multi:
NOTE: Below is a list of sample gear I used along with what content I was able to do with that gear. These gear choices are not always optimal. As a content creator I will try things out if they are new or different or just for variety sake. Use these gear snapshots as possible inspiration and not as an end-all-be-all for gear choices. The above In Depth Gear Explanation has my recommendations for new players trying the guide. 3.3 Day 4 Uber Elder
Elder/Shaper items can give us free links for quality of life things like Culling Strike/Blind or Increased Area/Duration/Crit Strikes.
Spell Totem
Maps : Glacial Cascade – Multiple Totems - Cold Penetration – Controlled Destruction – Increased Critical Strikes* – Increased Area of Effect – Faster Casting
Bosses: Glacial Cascade – Multiple Totems - Cold Penetration – Controlled Destruction – Increased Critical Strikes* – Concentrated Effect – Elemental Focus
Frost Bomb - Arcane Surge
Elemental Weakness/Frostbite - Arcane Surge - Increased Area of Effect/Increased Duration
Cast When Damage Taken – Steelskin – Increased Duration – Enfeeble/Temporal Chains/Frost Bomb/Assassins Mark/Phase Run
Whirling Blades/Shield Charge – Fortify – Faster Attacks – Blood Magic – Culling Strike
Flame Dash
Frost Bomb
Lightning Golem
Vaal Lightning Trap
Vaal Haste
Vaal Impurity of Ice
Vaal Grace
Glacial Cascade (1%) > Every other support (.5%) > Increased Critical Strikes (1%CC)
Alternatives: The order and importance of the last two Ascendancies are flexible. Hardcore players might want more survivability and Softcore players might want more damage. Pantheon:
No uniques are required as this build is fine for a league start - but if this isn't your first character of the league then these will make the process easier: Lifesprig, Goldrim, Tabula, Wanderlust, Belt of the Deceiver, Axiom Perpetuum, The Princess, Hrimsorrow, Elreon -Mana Cost jewelry (resists/str/dex a plus!), and buying skill/support gems with quality ready to be socketed in!
NOTE: Templars do not get access to Hatred until act 3 Siosa. Also all gems are available from Lilly after completing Act 6. Alternatives: If you have a favorite way of leveling (Abberaths Hooves, Poets Pen, Sunder, etc.) then do that! 1. Low Level Tree The early tree is a bit awkward and has a little bit of setup. The pathing is to allow us to pick up everything we need later for the switch into GC Totems. The tree is very dex light so grab a 30 Dex node if you need it. MainSkill: Freezing Pulse - Arcane Surge MainSkill2: Flame Totem - Added Lightning Utility: Frost Bomb - Onslaught Mobility: Flame Dash - Faster Casting Leave Arcane Surge low level! Frost Bomb with a +1 Cold Gems wand/scepter can 1 shot most packs. 2. Switch to GC Totems Time to grab Ancestral Bond and when in doubt, life it out. Use Elemental Weakness! MainSkill: Spell Totem - Glacial Cascade - Multiple Totems - Controlled Destruction SupportSkill: Elemental Weakness - Arcane Surge - Increased Area of Effect Gems to level if you have free space: Increased Crit Strikes, Concentrated Effect, Cold Pen 3. Normal and Cruel Lab Start picking up Crit and Multi to go with the ascendancy points. Now that we care about crit, replace Controlled Destruction with Increased Crit Strikes in the main setup. MainSkill: Spell Totem - Glacial Cascade - Multiple Totems - Increased Crit Strikes - Increased Area of Effect/Concentrated Effect SupportSkill: Elemental Weakness - Arcane Surge - Increased Area of Effect Utility: Cast When Damage Taken - Steelskin - Increased Duration - Frost Bomb Golem: Lightning Golem Aura: Hatred Mobility: Whirling Blades/Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify After you complete Act 6 Neesa will have all the skill gems you may have missed. 4. Final Skill Tree Towards the end game we want Dex so we can level Hatred and Lightning Golem so head over to Shadow. Grab jewel nodes then fill out close mana nodes. If you plan on taking this build to 100 there are many options:
4.b. Hardcore Variant Alternatives: These trees are guideline, go off the beaten path and make the build your own! The nodes you're probably looking at as the "weakest" are the flask nodes but try playing with them first! Our flasks do a ton of work with this build!
Totem Placement
Movement Abilities
League Start
What about X Item? What About Y Support? What about Z Ascendancy?
I always encourage people to make the build their own. All of my guides are just that, guidelines. Take what is useful and apply your own ideas and create ways to make it work for your situation.
The PoB link has the latest time I've played the build. However, I play the build so much that I mix things up to just to do it. One league I tried Kikazaru, one league I tried flask removal, dagger/shield, dagger/dagger, Phase Acro, Power Charges, etc... The main reason I try out different things is really to hammer home a point I made throughout the guide: Don't be afraid to try things and make the build your own!
Simply put, it's not a support gem that I think Hierophants should be using.
It is a good support gem at face value. But the more totems you already have, the less additional totems start to matter. For example: Going from 1 to 3 totems is like gaining 200% more damage. Going from 4 to 6 totems is like gaining 50% more damage. From a pure amount-of-totems vs the less multiplier standpoint it's slightly worse than a support gem that would give you 20% more damage if you have 5 Totems already (1 from naturally having a totem, 1 from the Keystone, 1 from the Ascendancy, 1 from Soul Mantle, 1 from Shield Veiled Mod). This assumes perfect DPS where all 7 totems are now hitting, rarely is this the case. The Multiple Totems Support gem also does some other things. With quality it gives additional Totem Placement Speed (something Hiero already has a lot of). Multiple Totems Support also allows you to place 2 totems at a time (something that Hiero already has with Ritual of Awakening). It is my opinion that Multiple Totems Support is made for Non Hiero builds to be successful totem classes. Inquisitor may resurface as an option again.
4 points for increased damage and a little totem placement speed is poor value when I compare it to nodes like Heartseeker or a Jewel Socket. If your build is stronger with Shamanistic Fury instead of those things then go for it!
Hiero is the overall better choice. To stay objective let's talk about the pros of both Ascendancies.
Some good things about Inquis:
Some good things about Herio:
Currently Disabled.
This option is cheaper and lazier but make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. You will still receive 20% of some very relevant curses:
Kikazaru users need to plan for the case where you are cursed with both a level 20 Elemental Weakness and a level 20 Flammability/Conductivity/Frostbite. Finding sources to overcap 17% can be difficult which often means losing Kaom's Roots which means losing Solaris for Brine King.
You will lose your mana pool and render Mind over Matter useless. Even dropping MoM nodes, reaching for more life, and getting extremely good life gear you will have trouble matching the effective health pool of even the most mediocre Mind over Matter Templars.
Check the in-depth gearing section for the piece in question. There is more to this guide than the quick reference! Gear advice is going to be pretty specific to what you already have. I do my best to list what I feel are the best value in stats in terms of priority on a specific piece. However, you might be geared in such a way that something with a different priority will effect your tooltip/health/movement abilities in a better way. Path of Building is really the only way to see if a specific piece will work better for you. If you're apprehensive about dropping a lot of currency on a weapon or an upgrade because you're not sure how much better it is I highly recommend using PoB!
GC Damage and the Lightning Golem effectiveness enchant are all great options.
This was something I struggled with as a new player also until I took the time to read the gems. There are two main gems that have requirements that aren't always met:
Try putting in Scorching Ray instead of Glacial Cascade into your setup!
Other Guides: Dernière édition par thi3n#0446, le 20 avr. 2021 à 16:37:48 Dernier bump le 11 sept. 2019 à 09:21:50
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hey, what is highest tier map you've run so far?
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Hi there!
How is your survivability compared to Pizza? Why did u go for Devotion and Alchemist isted of Totemic Mastery or Mana and Life Regen. or Constitution? Im on Pizza and started mapping but feel so squishy... |
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" He's done literally everything except for uber atziri since he's cheap. Shaper, t16/t15s/atziri/uber lab etc... |
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My theoritical version :) more ele res (15%) and ele damage. Waht do u think?
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"Yep as Anavels (shoutout to my twitch viewer!) mentioned - I've done everything except Uber Atziri so far. I literally did shaper on my first try without knowing the mechanics of the fight at all. I think due to there being less room in the Atziri fight I need to learn the mechanics beforehand. The non Uber version of Atziri was a joke though. Literally phased her without her casting any abilities. I died once to the 3 guys because I didn't know about the degen aura they leave behind. "I think the survivability is better because GC casts a huge instantly and also freezes. The points on the tree are pretty flexible. If you wanted to lose the shadow crit nodes and flask nodes to reach down for scion life nodes for example that would be fine. I really like the flask nodes for the build because our flasks provide a ton of synergy (covered in the build). "The flask nodes are pretty important if you're using the self-curse chest. It's also more damage. The elemental damage is just a nice to have because it's working with post-physical conversion (so it's buffing your damage but not a full 100% of the skill. Spending 6 nodes to get 15 all res seems like poor value when you compare it to spending 2 points to grab a jewel that can give 7% life and 8 all res for example. Dernière édition par thi3n#0446, le 28 août 2017 à 12:52:39
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What about some videos, m8?
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" If you have access to twitch.tv you can check out my shaper kill last week as well as my mapping and gearing experiences: twitch.tv/thi3n |
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hey can we have Hall map run please? Build seems cool and really fun.
Former old diablo 2 and median player.
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Hi thi3n!
Very good build and very similar to mine in fact haha. I was thinking of publishing my build but I dont know if it's worthy anymore because of the existence of two or three very similar ones. However, I am playing HC SSF Harbinger and Im very oriented to build up additional defense layers, so I put much more efforts and points in survavility than in DPS. These are my additional layers of defense: - 4 End charges with "lvl 10 CWDT + Inmortal Call + Increased Duration": So when I receive high damage I proc the IC around 3 seconds of physical Inmunity (the time to save my ass and wait for Mana and ES regen while I exit the dangerous zone). - Dual Curse Setup: + Temp Chains manually Casted + Arcane Surge (combo) + Orb of Storms + PCoC + Curse on Hit + Enfeeble (double combo) + Curse Effect Nodes ( this gives +30% Curse Effect to both curses and nodes are not far away in my tree) - Finally: Unlike your build, I didnt go towards the Shadow Crit Nodes because I already had enough DPS with Soul Mantle. Instead of that, I took the Scion life nodes (and curse nodes as stated before). -Asdendency Synergizing with Sulphur Flasks + Curse Inmunity : I took the Consecrated Ground Ascendancy Nodes instead of Instruments of Virtue and Augury of Pertinence. Although I still need the Pious Path Ascendancy Node, but Im still afraid of Uber Izaro. This Ascendancy synergizes very very well with these flasks (I can have the Diamond and Sulphur almost always up): My passive tree, you can tell me what do you think (always in the context of HC League): HC SSF Harbinguer : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 94 (RIP). STANDARD : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 97 (ALL CONTENT DONE) Dernière édition par lourun_coria#4667, le 29 août 2017 à 05:14:15
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