[3.1] FoxTactic's - Arc of the council build "Good all arounder"

Back again with Arc & Flamesurge, here we go.

I'm streaming most of the days, you are all welcome there to chat.
There is also vods there of previous streams if you wanna check how the build works.

This build is not ment for newer players, this does not include a lvling guide.

Changes for 3.1

* Gloves have gotten an additional supportgem due to being shaper gloves, crafted em using essence of horrors. Huge money sink, cant recommend unless you really want em.

* Inpulsa over cloak of defiance for better clearspeed and more dmg. less survival though.

* Using 2 curse on hit rings, picked up whispers of doom passive because of this, if not then id use berek's grip + 1 warlords mark curse ring, and use those nodes for life or dmg, dealers choice.

* No more vaal pact on tree, used to grab more life nodes.

* Stygian belt with a decent life castspeed jewel.

* Hypothermia over controlled destruction in the flame surge setup, have to make sure my arctic armour chills+ignites the boss before shooting, but should increase overall dps if done right since you dont loose 100% crit from contD.

*The new watcher's eye jewel provides life leech for me instead of berek's grip. "Lifeleech if you using vitality version", if you cant obtain one, then bereks is your choice.

Thats all i can think of for now.

Passive tree:


What the build is about

So this 3.0 patch has made some very interesting synergies between items that wasnt seemingly good before, atleast not when it came to bosses.

I'm talking about the changes to shock and how easy it is to proc this condition to make some unique items very good! Before, shock was a fixed 50% more dmg multiplier that was very hard to proc on bosses, now its linear and scales UP TO 50% which means you can proc the condition at very low %hp requirment even on heavy targets with the right amount of lightning damage, to see more how shock works look here. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Shock

The MoM "Mind over Matter" is of interest this league due to the change where it now works with dots aswell. The problem before was getting mana back fast enough, in paniced situations the mana leech rate cap would hinder you. Well sure, there is Acuity gloves which gives you instant mana leech but they are very expensive.
But there is another way, and no its not the "Gained mana on damage taken", cause that was changed to apply over time, which is not even close to instant. Mind of the council actually has a 3% instant mana on hit if you shock, which this build pretty much does all the time with good crit chance.


This interaction right here is very good, 3% instant mana on shock + 1% life leech for my arc and my flamesurge against most targets so far.

The build thus far has felt like a very good allaround build that can do most content except uber atziri. Can be built into a more Hp variant since its got more than enough damage.

Whirl around the map and through things trying to keep fortify up as much as possible, arc everything you see. Keep your Onslaught flask[3] + Basalt Flask[4] + your Diamond Flask [5] up as all the time. So keep those 3 flasks over and over. Use vinktars when extra leech is needed, life flask is your remove bleed flask. Dont play cannot leech maps + reflect maps, everything else is ok.

The Build:
Gear/Explanation + Current Gear

My Profile

The Weapons:

Daggers with:
Flat X-X Lightning dmg "or 1 dagger with flat firedmg, see ignite section"
Critchance for spells
Crit multi
Castsped "instead of multi on a scepter, it cant roll on daggers"

You can swap the other dagger out for a shield if you like or 1 scepter.
Spelldmg, Life, castspeed, spellcrit, etc.

The Helm:

This helm helps so much for surviving regular mapping + reflect, it moves over lightning to mana before life and it also makes your mana pool stay full even when taking severe damage when fighting big packs at once.
Can be swapped out for the Tempest Binding when dealing with guardians or shaper but you loose the %mana on shock.

Enchant: +3 Arc chains is prefered, but Flamesurge critchance or %dmg against burning enemies with flame surge is also ok.

The Armour:

Cloak of defiance has proved being a decent chest even if you pick up the MoM keystone, another 10% dmg "reduction" if you still have mana up, and this also helps a lot when dealing with dots or doing uberlab, the traps can do a lot of dot dmg.
If you feel that you res is lacking then maybe a rare eva\es chest with res is the way to go early on.


Our main clearing setup goes in the gloves, they are crafted with essence of horror to gives them 3.5% crit chance on our arc. This is local crit for the spell meaning it makes our arc be 8.5% crit base. So it essentiallhy becomes better than a 5L.

You might wanna use "fingerless gloves" for the base since they have spelldmg implicit.


The Boots:

Generic nice boots with Movespeed, res and life.
Tip: You could potentially ditch the movespeed for nice res and life, a good whirling blade setup doesnt care.

The Amulet:

Spelldmg, Life, Crit chance, Crit multi. Castspeed aswell if possible but higher price range.

The Rings:

Our second source of leech next to warlords mark.


A nice Life&Res ring

Whatever you need to fix your res.

The Belt:

Generic Leatherbelt with Life, Res

The Flasks:

Gem Setup

Mainhand: RGG
Whirling Blades - Fortify - Increased Attackspeed

Offhand: RRG
Cast when damage taken lvl1 - Warlords mark - Herald Of Ice

Helm: BBBB
Orb of storms - Arcane surge lvl5 - Power charge on crit - Lightning Golem

Gloves 3.5% Crit: BBBG
4l Arc setup. Arc - Ice Bite - Echo - FasterCast or Controlled Destruction or Increased critical strikes. "I go with Fastercast for my 4th link"

For a 6L Flamesurge: Flamesurge - Echo - Increased Crit strikes - Concentrated Effect - Controlled destruction - Elemental Focus or Added lightning damage if you want to shock with your flame surge, you deal less dmg but usually dont need to think about the shock, it all depends on how fast you kill the boss, i dont use added light dmg personally since i got vessel of vinktar, but its a setup you could consider.
For a 5l Flamesurge: Flamesurge - Echo - Increased Crit strikes - Concentrated Effect - Controlled destruction Or Added lightning damage "If you want to shock with your flamesurge"

Boots: RRRB
Cast When damage taken - Immortal call - Increased Duration - Clarity


Jewels examples:

A lot of general mods
Spelldmg, Multi "Elemental, global" ,Castspeed, %Life

Using the blue dream on the left side of the tree gives you "power charge on kill" so you dont need to put down your orb of storms, except for bosses.

The ignite part for flamesurge + Shock

The skill "Flame surge" which he use for single target has a 50% more dmg multiplier built into it, but its conditional effect is if the target is burning.
Now there are multiple ways to ignite something, all you need is some fire dmg and a crit. I will provide with some options and you can pick the one you see fit.

Mantra of flames gives all your spell inherit fire dmg, all you have to do is crit, and its ignited.
This is the easiest way, the one with the most QoL. However it eats up a jewel socket which is kinda pricey.

Getting a dagger with X-Y fire dmg to spells. "This is what i do"
Running Herald of ice, Then linking Orb of storms with Cold to fire.
Most people run herald of ice cause it helps with the clearing + gives an inherit defense for freezing things, allthough this costs a gem slot which is scarce on this build

Now for the shock:
We want to shock bosses, this is what gives us the extra 1% leech from the Berek's Grip ring.
Shocking mobs is easy, just hit them with arc.
To shock bosses we have some options.
Having Added lightning damage setup inside of flame surge instead of elemental focus will almost guarantee a shock on most bosses if you critical strike them, if you have bereks grip + added lightning dmg on a dagger\scepter.
Using Vaal lightning trap, the skill comes with 3 charges, It's a pretty good way of getting shocked ground. You can change the golem gem out for this.
A Vessel of vinktar will shock anything around you. But the 1% leech from berek's grip becomes a drop in the ocean next to the 20% that vinktars give. One gulp of this flask is usually all the time i need to bring a boss down, even less.

PoB - Passives - Pantheons

This build is a Templar
Ascendancy: Inquisitor to not have to care about resistances when putting arc in a tight link
Bandit: Alira CritMulti, Res, Manareg. Killing all the bandits is also ok.
Pantheons: Brineking for stun + Yogul for reflect.

PoB - Path of building pastebin UPDATED: 2017-09-23

A little note:
Hexproof: Im not reliant on any curse, Get my instant mana from helm and leech from ring.
No life\mana regen: Am vaal pact + mana from helm, will not run out of either pools.
Can shock Uber izaro+argus no problems, drops them in seconds.
Ive killed 40+ guardians and shaper 10 times.
Dernière édition par FoxTactics#5240, le 28 déc. 2017 18:44:53
Dernier bump le 31 mai 2018 04:36:37
Looks great Fox been watching stream. Here is another tree idea with two leaps to get all charges...


Git R Dun!
Dernière édition par Aim_Deep#3474, le 9 août 2017 05:31:53
Updated, now with explanation :D
Dernière édition par Madzak#4730, le 15 août 2017 07:26:32
Botw imo. The use of innervate and ice bite is really cool.
Nice build :)
Any intention of going lightning warp? Aiming for dual void batteries?

Can shock Uber izaro+argus

aside that, build looks very interesting. I'm actually considering trying this out as my next char, it might take a while till I do, so I'm interested in seeing how this works.

I guess arc is for clear and surge is for single target, correct?

do you use actually use orb of storms, or do you just drop it for hard rares/harbinger/breach/bosses and the like? do you even get the innervate buff at all if you have it linked to OoS? as you need to kill with orb to gain the buff in the first place.
same question goes to arcane surge, as you need to spend the mana with OoS to get the buff, and I can't really imagine that you "spam" OoS till you have the buff, then do 4 seconds of arc/surge, then spamm oos again, that would hardly be feasible. wouldn't be something like inc crit or inc aoe in that case be better? maybe even both (replacing surge and innervate, if they don't have a reliable uptime, which I have a hard time imagining that they do)? Or is, more likely, innervate just there for the 20% shock chance and thus simply an additional source of mana? actually, the longer I think about, that might be the actual reason for it. :) I would still replace arcane surge though.
deadmanwalkin a écrit :

Can shock Uber izaro+argus

aside that, build looks very interesting. I'm actually considering trying this out as my next char, it might take a while till I do, so I'm interested in seeing how this works.

I guess arc is for clear and surge is for single target, correct?

do you use actually use orb of storms, or do you just drop it for hard rares/harbinger/breach/bosses and the like? do you even get the innervate buff at all if you have it linked to OoS? as you need to kill with orb to gain the buff in the first place.
same question goes to arcane surge, as you need to spend the mana with OoS to get the buff, and I can't really imagine that you "spam" OoS till you have the buff, then do 4 seconds of arc/surge, then spamm oos again, that would hardly be feasible. wouldn't be something like inc crit or inc aoe in that case be better? maybe even both (replacing surge and innervate, if they don't have a reliable uptime, which I have a hard time imagining that they do)? Or is, more likely, innervate just there for the 20% shock chance and thus simply an additional source of mana? actually, the longer I think about, that might be the actual reason for it. :) I would still replace arcane surge though.

Sometimes ignorance is not bliss :D
I love arc but it's really another arc + "viable single target skill" build... and flame surge... uhg... Interesting interactions though!
Dernière édition par RestInPieces#6294, le 10 août 2017 08:57:53


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