[3.4] HC RT Sunder Gladiator League Starter Build Guide
Discontinued for now. Might do something with this in 3.7 depending on the changes. Table of Contents - Pros & Cons - PoB Pastebins - Tree - Gems - Gear - Ascendancy - Pantheon - Bandits - Leveling Pros & Cons
- Corpse removal built into the Ascendancy - Cheap and easy to gear out - Tanky with various forms of mitigation on top of a decently big life pool - Fun to play - Almost a pseudo ranged skill - If you follow the guide it should be smooth sailing well into yellow maps. Cons: - This probably won't break into the millions in terms of DPS. PoB
These PoB characters are supposed to give you an idea of what your character could look like at two different points in it's progression.
- Budget at level 80 - 95 with some investment Tree
This is just about what your tree should look like at 80:
Tree at 80 From here you are free to choose depending on what you feel your build is lacking. Your tree at 95 could look something like this: Tree at 95 Nodes to consider are: Devotion, Bloodless, Berserking, Duality, Splitting Strikes, Ambidexterity, Quickstep and a couple of minor life nodes as well as Frenzy Charges. Gems Even with Kaom's Roots stealing a 4-link you can still fit all your gems pretty comfortably.
6-Link: Sunder - Multistrike - Chance to Bleed - Melee Phys - Maim - Damage on Full Life
- No more Conc Effect; Chance to Bleed is easier to make fit and it syngerizes with the Gladiator Ascendancy, Maim and Vaal Double Strike and Vaal Ancestral Warchief with Bloodlust. If you want a faster Sunder use Faster Attacks instead of Damage on Full Life. Movement: Leap Slam / Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Blood Magic - This can be socketed into a pair of Insanity crafted gloves for even faster movement. If you're using Soul Taker you won't need Blood Magic Single Target: Vaal Double Strike - Vaal Ancestral Warchief - Increased Duration - Bloodlust - Pop this on bosses and tough rares. You can use Elder boots with Inc Duration instead of Kaom's Roots and drop the Inc Duration gem for Melee Phys or Damage on Full Life if you want. CWDT: Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Herald of Ash - Keep CWDT and IC at level 1. Prismatic Eclipse: Hatred - Bloodrage - Portal - Portal can be replaced with Arctic Armour when using Soul Taker, it can otherwise replace Herald of Ash if you prefer it that way. Gear Sunder has been relevant for the longest time now because it can safely be taken to 100 with very little investment and is powerful from the second you equip it. Make sure you have decent Life rolls on all your rares and that your Resistances are capped and you'll be fine.
- Your main-hand weapon should be a high pDPS rare axe or Soul Taker. Maces are very much viable as well but axes tend to be faster by default and I like the Cleaving wheel on the tree more.
- Your off-hand is Prismatic Eclipse. It helps make Multistrike and Leap Slam / Whirling Blades feel less clunky. Everything else just feels awfully slow in comparison. - For boots you'll want Kaom's Roots. You can also use Elder boots for with Inc Duration on them for your single target Vaal Skills. Doing this will also open up an extra 4-link for you to work with. For starters a rare pair of boots with decent life and resistances will work just fine. - Belly of the Beast, Loreweave or a nice rare Chest with Life and Res is what you want for your Body Armour. - Belt of the Deceiver for the Intimidate effect a Stygian Vise or a nice Elder belt. - For gloves a rare pair with good life and resistances is good enough until you can get Insanity crafted gloves for your movement skill. You can also use Tombfist, get Intimidate that way and then use a better belt than the Deceiver. - On your normal flasks you will need bleed, curse and until you have Kaom's Roots also freeze immunity. you should have an instant Life Flask and a Basalt Flask. For unique Flasks I recommend Atziri's Promise, Lion's Roar / Rumi's Concoction and if you can afford it a Taste of Hate. Another flask I've taken a liking to is Divination Distillate in combination with Soul Taker, just make sure to leave 25% of Mana unreserved and drop all your Mana Leech. If you go fast enough this flask is practically a budget Loreweave with a nice boost to your MF. - I like to use jewellery to fix attribute requirements and later on down the road to get extra damage. steel rings, phys as extra of an elemental damage type on your amulet maybe even a Warlord's Mark ring. But covering your life and resistance needs remains #1 priority. - On Jewels you will want %-Life, Attack Speed and Damage. On Abyss Jewels you ideally want flat Life, flat Phys, Attack Speed and Onslaught or Unholy Might but any DPS increase is nice on top of a T1 Life roll. You can also use Jewels to help cap your Resistances if you feel the need to. Ascendancy It goes without saying that Sunder can be played with other classes and because of that I'll list some other Ascendancies in addition to Gladiator that can all use the Tree, Gems and Gear in this Guide.
- Blood in the Eyes > Gratuitous Violence > Painforged > Versatile Combatant Slayer: - Endless Hunger > Brutal Fervour > Headsman > Bane of Legends Juggernaut: - Unflinching > Unrelenting > Unbreakable > Undeniable Pantheon
Major Gods
- Lunaris for mapping and Solaris for bosses but I can never bring myself to switch back and forth between the two. Minor Gods - Shakari is pretty good with all the Chaos damage that's going on this League. Bandits
Kill all
If you really want Res you can just pick up nodes like Diamond Skin, Cloth and Chain and Sentinel. Leveling: - Tree Progression Rather than going by character level my leveling trees will be centered around milestones on the tree as this makes more sense to me.
Tree 1
- After Art of the Gladiator > Resolute Technique. Tree 2 - Slaughter > Golem's Blood > Mana Leech Tree 3 - Thick Skin > Herbalism > Weapon Artistry > Aspect of the Panther Tree 4 - Constitution > Vitality Void > Heart of Oak From here on out pick up all the nodes until your tree looks like the level 80 variant further up in the 'Tree' section of this guide. You can obviously adjust it to your personal preference if you like. - Leveling Gear / Gear Progression Gearing this character is as easy as it gets. Don't shy away from using a couple Alts and Alchs to make some leveling gear, look at it as an investment.
- For the main-hand weapon (sunder only swings with the main-hand hence only that weapon matters for damage numbers) you can use the Rustic Sash recipe (sell 1 magic / rare Rustic Sash + 1 Blacksmith's Whetstone + the weapon base) to upgrade your weapon that way, also pick up rare axes that drop while leveling for potential upgrades. once you reach maps you should have an eye out for rare axes with decent DPS on poe.trade.
- Your off-hand can be The Princess if you have access to it. You could also use Aurumvorax for an easier time covering your resistances. - Use a 4-Link, get to the Blood Aqueduct in Act 9 and farm Humility cards for a Tabula Rasa - All you are looking for on your boots is movement speed, upgrade accordingly. If you happen to come across a pair of Wanderlust you can use those for a bit. - Get the Quicksilver Flasks from the Tidal Island Quest; try to have bleed removal before Belly of the Beast(the zone) in Act 4; both Granite and Stibnite Flasks really help in Act 5 and onward; if you wanna click chests also get freeze removal; keep your Life Flasks up to date while leveling try to cover your stat requirements as best as you can with the rest of your gear. I like to be as close to Res cap as possible at all times. Don't shy away from using a couple Alts and Alchs to make some leveling gear, see it as an investment. - Leveling Gems
- you get Cleave and Chance to Bleed from killing Hillock and Onslaught from Mercy Mission on Tidal Island (Act 1)
Cleave - Onslaught - Chance to Bleed - swap Cleave for Sunder after entering the Cavern of Wrath (Act 1) Sunder - Onslaught - Chance to Bleed - swap Chance to Bleed for Melee Phys after killing The Weaver (Act 2) Sunder - Onslaught - Melee Phys - put Chance to Bleed back in after acquiring a 4-Link (Act 3) Sunder - Onslaught - Melee Phys - Chance to Bleed - you can swap Onslaught for Faster Attacks after having picked up the Slaughter node on the tree or whenever you feel like it. Sunder - Faster Attacks - Melee Phys - Chance to Bleed Level the other gems for the 6-Link in free sockets / the secondary weapon slots until you get your Tabula Rasa (Act 9). - pick up Leap Slam after killing Brutus (Act 1) Leap Slam - add Faster Attacks after killing The Weaver (Act 2) Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - add Fortify after returning the 4 Golden Pages to Siosa if you have a 3-Link Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify - add Blood Magic when you can spare the 4-Link for it Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Blood Magic - Buy Immortal Call after the mission Breaking the Seal (Act 4) and Cast when Damage Taken during the Eternal Nightmare (Act 4) Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Keep these at level 1 for more frequent procs - Pick up Ancestral Protector for single target after entering the Submerged Passage (Act 1) and replace it with Ancestral Warchief after completing Sever the Right Hand (Act 3). - Replace Ancestral Warchief with Vaal Double Strike once you got it and use that for single target instead or use both if you have the sockets to spare - Link them with Support Gems if you can. - Pick up Herald of Ash and Blood Rage after Intruders in Black (Act 2). - Activate Herald of Ash and also try getting into the habit of using Blood Rage if you're not used to it. Dernière édition par WorstSmitesEU#1089, le 23 mai 2019 08:01:47 Dernier bump le 25 mars 2019 23:07:23
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Why are you taking the Thick Skin life nodes when Armour, Evasion, Life is open?
Dernière édition par CynthiaCrescent#4617, le 15 juil. 2017 07:53:01
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Well... you could give this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhdy-EVNBLI at least some credits.
Dosen't matter if you call it generic. Skill Tree, Explanation and so on looks like a big copy paste. |
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Out of curiousity why take whirling blades over leap slam? Being able to jump across gaps and such seems so much better to me.
Using LS atm in 2wk and im moving incredibly fast. Dernière édition par Graandor#5448, le 15 juil. 2017 13:55:00
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" Have to agree. WB and LS are both clunky but LS has more utility and feels better for me. Awesome build |
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" The tree and gear imo is pretty refined and there is really only so much you can do with RT Phys Sunder. I don't know when this guy(the D3 Alkaizer?) made his character but I've been using Sunder ever since EQ got gutted. I could however link this video as i don't currently have the means of making one myself and this is practically the same build, I'll ask him for permission. Dernière édition par WorstSmitesEU#1089, le 16 juil. 2017 05:26:08
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" I used LS in Breach on this character and before on my melees (back when 2H wasn't horrible) and I personally never liked it so I was actually trying to get away from it, but if you like LS better by all means use it. I will also add it as an option for the movement skill to the guide. |
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" You are correct in that the 'Armour, Evasion and Life' nodes are better than the life nodes around Thick Skin, keep in mind though that Unwavering Stance from Kaom's Roots negates the evasion portion making it worse than all the other life nodes except for the small ones around Thick Skin. Thanks for the heads up. |
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Hey, I'm doing a similar build to this on the 2week race. What would you change for berzerker? Do you think berzerker is worth it? I know you mention it in the main text.
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" I think Berzerker has potential but i haven't done enough testing to be certain about it, the left side of the tree should look pretty much the same on the right however I'm not sure, maybe pick up Vaal Pact, but then you'd have to gain frenzy charges some other way (the daresso sword off-hand maybe?). Also Berzerker doesn't synergize with block as well as Gladiator does. I wish i could give more solid advice but that's all I've got. |
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