Theorycraft - CI Occ Unique-free Freezing Pulse

With the oncoming SSF release I started thinking about a variety of builds that would be suitable for SSF, with some personal rules.
1. No (or as little as possible) Chaos (screw the poison meta).
2. Not based around totems/minions.
3. Not rng dependent (or as little as possible, this is PoE after all).

Rule (1) excluded OP chaos builds with millions DPS and (2) excluded golemancers and SRS / necros just because I'm not fond of overlord idea yet :D
(3) is most important in SSF in my opinion, so I didn't take ANY unique into account.

Note, I built this in Path of Building app and only then exported into poeplanner

Tree lv 90, 6/8 asc points.

Build idea
Not built around any unique Cold damage build, defense higher than offense.

Freezing Pulse was a pleasant surprise for me in one race, thought why not make a build around it?

Since in SSF you can't depend on your (or others') drops too much, I had to leave some space for jewels, they're cheaper to reforge than normal items, I left 6 sockets for customization, honeestly put whatever you find/reforge/works for you in there. It might be 6 sockets are too much, the passives could be alocated better, but 6 jewels times 25%~ inc dmg (if you're half lucky) is kind of sweet imo.


Stats for lv 90: 124 - 84 - 362 Str - Dex - Int

Defensive side of tree:
Holy Trinity (CI GH VP), 200% inc ES, 15% more ES, 15% cold res.

Offensive side of tree:
Inc damage: 56% spell, 169% cold, 141 % fire
9% inc cast speed
285% inc crit chance
209% multi (x3.09)

I only used general rare items for stat-guessing, stuff like 500-ish ES regalia, 300 ES shield, 250 ES helm, 100 ES on gloves and boots, Path of Building showed nearly 6.5k ES at 90, thats with low~average rolls.
Use any jewellery you want, diamond rings, opal rings, your choice, the aim of the build was free choice of items, not be tied to any particular drop.


In order of importance
Body: Freezing Pulse -> GMP -> Echo -> Cold to Fire -> Faster Casting -> Inc. Crit dmg

CWDT -> Imm. Call -> Vortex -> Inc. Duration
Orb of Storms -> Power c. on crit -> Inc. AoE -> Faster Casting
Ass. Mark -> Temp. Chains -> Inc. AoE -> Faster Casting

Lightning Warp / Flame Dash / Whirling Blades -> Faster Casting / Attacks -> Less Duration / Fortify
Blasphemy -> WM -> Enfeeble

I personally love Warp, use whichever skill you like.
Swap Enfeeble with AM if you want clearspeed, switch back before bosses and cast Temp. Chains to slow the down.

Cold to fire gives us burning DoT on top of freezing enemies, not only will they stay in place, they will be happy to burn on top of it. Add Temp. Chains into the mix, you'll have some slow-cooked abominations for dinner.

Vortex on CWDT gives Temp.Chains slow kind of effect without the need for Doedre's Damning or similar sorts of +1 curse, plus DoT.


Guess what? Completely optional
No-unique means I did not think about any unique flask for this build, just your regular utility flasks. Silver, Basalt (Granite for sub-65 lv), Quicksilver, Diamond (that crit chance) and Jade (or Quartz if I can get one) flasks are my favourites, craft Surgeon's and immunity to ailments, and you're good to go.

I know there are many more better builds, I wanted something unique and I've not seen anything similar yet (most likely due to this being a sub-par build because not meta :D) Please leave any ideas how to improve on this, I really want to try this on SSF, also I would love to reach 80 at least :D
Dernière édition par Sixense, le 13 févr. 2017 19:25:58
Dernier bump le 13 févr. 2017 19:24:54


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